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October 26, 2007

The Lovely Liz Stephans [Dan Collins]

shows some clavicle. Dude jumps off of bridge at ~16:25. Why Bryan and Allah aren’t all over this, I don’t know. She’s remarkably sane for someone who vlogs on the intarwebs, in my view. Did I mention she’s mesmerizingly hot? Earlier, PW had been linked in relation to the Genarlow Wilson story at memeorandum. No more. Oooh. Now we’re listed under the Atlanta Constitution article, to which we’re not linked.

For Darleen [Dan Collins]

Portland’s school-based health centers have not been reporting all illegal sexual activity involving minors as required by law, but they will from now on, city officials said Thursday. Too much, too little, too late. Jellyfish cover. Oh, f*ckin’ goody. Right Place, Wrong Time Jawa deprives freedom fighters of desperately needed funds The banality of bigotry

For Happyfeet [Dan Collins]

Prison for man who urinated on dying woman, yelled ‘this is YouTube material’ Can’t fault his assessment, though. Maybe he could serve society as a TV producer or something. Not even if he were on fire. Meanwhile, across the pond: The political beliefs of Argentine presidential front-runner Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner were forged in the country’s turbulent 1970s when she was a leftist activist and law student. Clueless Asshat Screws

Shaftner [Dan Collins]

The original Capt. Kirk is disheartened he won’t get to boldly go anywhere with his old pal Spock in the new “Star Trek” movie. While Leonard Nimoy is reprising his role as the pointy-eared Vulcan in next year’s science-fiction flick, William Shatner is not on board as Kirk. “I [ . . . ]couldn’t believe it. I’m [ . . . ] not in[. . . ] the movie at

Hello, it's me (UPDATED)

I’m going to be working diligently behind the scenes with a couple of web savvy folks to get the site streamlined and moved to a new host. If anyone else has any experience with web design and would like to help streamline the code so that I’m not burning through bandwidth and resources, please let me know. Meantime, enjoy the guest posters — and all the entries over at the

Friday Handicapping the Blogosphere [Dan Collins; UPDATED]

Now that Genarlow Wilson has been freed by the Georgia Supreme Court, look for some of the same people who criticized Darleen for making a big deal about birth control being dispensed to 11 year olds to be absolutely outraged–even though he’s black. (BTW, Darleen’s human fetus baby shield cartoon is up at Malkin’s) UPDATE: From Jack and Jill Politics: Translation for Black People: “All y’all negros and negro lovers

Our Bodies, Ourselves [Dan Collins]

Keep your . . . mandala Off my amygdala! No Blood, For Oil! (Duh.) F*ckhead Chic Attacked, RoPped with Iron Bars Republicans in the Shape of a Governor?

Oooooh. Shiny. [Dan Collins]

Christopher Hayes at The Nation unveils The New Right-Wing Smear Machine.  And about time, too, since the old one was held together with spit and baling wire, and was pretty grimy.  It seems he’s incensed about the propagation of some false memes that continue to circulate long after they’ve been debunked. This appears to be a right-wing phenomenon, although I seem to remember . . . I just love that