
Jeff's Wish List

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October 22, 2007

Halloween Playlist

Anybody else like to spend the week before Halloween watching horror flicks? In addition to Halloween (the original, not the remake), Dawn of the Dead, and The Exorcist — which I watch every year — here’s what I have lined up for this season of the witch (*never seen): Bug — from William Friedkin* 28 Days Later* Hostel II* The Believers* Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Philip Kaufman version) The

Up is down, black is white…

…critical thinking is elevating fear of giving offense over willingness to speak frankly about the nature of the enemy you face. Oh. And Stiller is Meara. But then, you already knew that. (h/t CJ Burch; via LGF)

Rox-Sox World Series Trash Talk Thread

Not so much an “open” thread as it a thread dedicated to taking pot shots at the Kid Rocks while simultaneously extolling the virtue of having a team in a market where you can spend $50 million just for the rights to speak to a Japanese star — then spend an additional $55 million to sign him. So that he can win 15 games. And post an ERA around 4.

I Love Huckabees II

Chuck Norris to star in sequel.

Why Can't Roy Read? [Dan Collins]

Roy at Alicublog has this to say about PW: As Jeff Goldstein is apparently deep into one of those frequent cataleptic trances from which he only emerges to cadge spare change, the Protein Wisdom second stringers try their hand at semioticking. Dan Collins: Frank Rich: Suicide Is Not Painless Well, at least the Times are speaking to something they know. Of course, such a thing could never have happened [Vince