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October 25, 2007

Site back up, at least temporarily

But it may not last. So smoke ’em while you got ’em.

My first brief conversation with Larry Walker (via astral projection, which took me to South Beach, where I also stopped for a nice cuban sandwich)

Me: “So. Catch the game last night?” Larry Walker: “Yeah. Unfortunately.” Me: “Fugly, it was. But I’m hoping we can bounce back tonight against Schilling.” Larry Walker: “Sure, maybe. But do you mind if I ask you a question? Who are you — and what are you doing in my bedroom?” Me: “Oh, that. Well, I’m a longtime Rockies fan, first off. But to be honest, when I dropped by

You see, in the academy, it's is all about encouraging free speech

— That is, when that “free speech” comes from a sawed-off Messianic Iranian mouthpiece for theocratic despots, the kind of terror-sponsoring reactionaries whose attitude toward women and gays is, to be kind, rather parochial. Whereas HATE SPEECH…well, that’s a different story entirely. And it must be stopped, even if doing so means shouting down the speaker so that he is ultimately unable to make his argument. Remember: nothing shows how

TNRgate Update [Karl]

As the misconduct of The New Republic’s editors gets coverage from the Washington Post, editor Franklin Foer tries out for Dancing with the Stars: While Beauchamp “didn’t stand by his stories in that conversation, he didn’t recant his stories,” Foer said in an interview. “He obviously was under considerable duress during that conversation, with his commanding officer in the room with him.” While the discussion “was extremely frustrating and engendered

Google & MoveOn [Dan Collins]

Here’s an excerpt, but read the whole thing: Documents obtained by The Examiner show, however, that’s complaint to Google was part of a broader effort by the advocacy group to silence its critics through threats and intimidation and had nothing to do with preventing fraud. filed its trademark complaint with Google on Sept.19 in the midst of the bitter public debate generated by the Petraeus ad. On the