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October 2024


Our Bodies, Ourselves [Dan Collins]

Keep your . . . mandala

Off my amygdala!

No Blood, For Oil! (Duh.)

F*ckhead Chic

Attacked, RoPped with Iron Bars

Republicans in the Shape of a Governor?

20 Replies to “Our Bodies, Ourselves [Dan Collins]”

  1. alppuccino says:

    Maybe the Dems aren’t spreading enough melted Velveeta over their message. It always worked for broccoli.

  2. Alec Leamas says:

    Isn’t “the party of compassion,” you know, essentially grasping for the emotional handle at all times?

    I’ll admit – some of my politics are motivated by emotion . . . for example, my emotion not to be roasted alive in a high-rise inferno by practitioners of the ROPE.

  3. psychologizer says:

    The self-image behind the strategy is false, but the fact that the strategy works — which it does, and always will, whether you say “amygdala” or “abracadabra” before you do it — only reinforces that image. Which is the point anyway, because the strategy is an example of itself.

    That’s the mark of quality crazy.

  4. BJTexs says:

    The whole brain chemistry thing is just ludicrous. Also, that guy hasn’t been spending any time at Koskidz, Huffpo or DU if he thinks there’s not enough emotion in progressive talking points. that’s without getting to Stark, et al.

    The dog tags thing just makes me sick to my stomach. Feel free to leap and shout your disdain for the military but leave what real soldiers wear out of it.

    Friggin’ maroons…

  5. Jim in KC says:

    My dog tags in Desert Storm listed my religion as “Druid, Revised.” Not sure what sort of burial that would have gotten me had I been KIA.

    The rest was correct, of course, but to an atheist like me the “Religion” space just seemed to cry out for at least a smidgen of creativity.

  6. alppuccino says:

    I see what you’re saying BJ, but maybe it’s an opportunity:

    What if you could get your own bejeweled set of dog tags with your own personal message? Speaking of Imagine, imagine coming up to one of these simps with their “Peace” dog tags on and saying, “Hey, you’ve got the new dog tags! Cool! Let me see. Peace. Nice. I’ve got ’em too.”

    And then she says “Fabulous, let me see them”, so she grabs your dog tags and turns them over to read “SUCK MY BALLS”.

    that’s a moment.

  7. Dan Collins says:

    I’m not sure about the burial ceremony, Jim, but it’s considered an offering when your friends get drunk & pee on your grave.

  8. BJTexs says:

    Dan, isn’t there something to do with sheep testicles? Dropped froma height of 10 feet? Or halved and placed over the eyes….

    I’ll have to check Wiki.


    Yea, I suppose but the whole concept leaves me cold. My sense of humor tends to abandon me when casual message use of military stuff is put forth.

    It’s the warmongerer in me.

  9. JD says:

    My mind is kind of spinning. The Left thinks that there is not enough emotion in their positions, and just adding more emotion will help them out? Good Allah, emotional is ALL they have. I want to nominate this clown to run the Dems presidential campaign.

  10. alppuccino says:

    Understood BJ. I should not have made sport of the whole thing. I’ll just continue to yell “Suck my balls!” when appropriate.

  11. Jim in KC says:

    As long as they’ve been drinking beforehand, I’m cool with that…

  12. Paul Zrimsek says:

    We all have some particularly cherished illusion about ourselves. At least I’m not making any career-influencing decisions which depend on my actually being a good man to have at your side in a bar fight.

    More hot amygdala action here.

  13. McGehee says:

    All together now.



    BECAUSE OF TEH AMYGDALA!!!!1!!!!one!!!!!!!eleven!!

  14. dicentra says:

    I read a book called Learned Optimism in which (among other things) they analyzed presidential campaign messages for optimism or pessimism. The thing that worked every time? The guy who won had the more optimistic message.

    So if you go into it saying, “Gloom, doom, the world is ending, the world has a fever, and it needs more cowbell!” you lose.

    If you say, “Hey, the future is bright, and I’m gonna lead you there,” you win.

  15. Alec Leamas says:

    “My mind is kind of spinning. The Left thinks that there is not enough emotion in their positions, and just adding more emotion will help them out? Good Allah, emotional is ALL they have. I want to nominate this clown to run the Dems presidential campaign.”

    Well, I think that their point is that they launder their emotional policy positions through Universities, which collect data and interpret it to mean (surprise!) that the commies were correct all along.

    See, for example, Global Warming. Thrity plus years ago we were told we all had to conserve resources and energy and inhibit growth in preparation for the “population bomb” on the horizon, which never came. That strategy having failed utterly, we now must all conserve resources and energy and inhibit growth to reverse “Global Warming.” Hmmmm . . . same solution in search of different problems.

    Here’s some emo-crazy masqurading as “rational,” in which Marcotte states that it is a legitimate choice for 14 year old girls to bear children (of course, implicitly we ought to pay them to do so):

  16. JD says:

    I have never thought that running on a platform of “we are losing a war we are actually winning” and “the economy is teh suxXor even though it is strong” would prove to be effective. The Dems pulled it off by running conservative-lites around the country, but I really doubt that overt pessimism and negativity will work in the general elections.

  17. JD says:

    Solutions looking for problems. Funny, not so much, how these solutions always revolve around taking more of my money.

  18. Alec Leamas says:

    “Solutions looking for problems. Funny, not so much, how these solutions always revolve around taking more of my money.”

    Yes, nuance. The solution – to every problem – is always taxes and regualtion. Nuance is libtard speak for “creative ways to blame you for the problem, so that we can sell punishing you with taxes to everybody else.”

    See the above link – the problem seems to be that our teenaged broodmares are woefully underfunded.

  19. ugh, it reminds me of watching another House hearing last night. Waxman and a few other critters kept asking Sec. Rice why some of her people weren’t coming to talk to them. And Rice kept telling them that she’s told everyone they’re free to speak to the committee, but a lot of it needs to be in closed session for security reasons. at one point Waxman was all, “well, I just don’t believe all this stuff has to be secret.” I guess that’s why he isn’t the one making the decisions about those kinds of things. what a bunch of jerks. either they want the info or they don’t. it seems they don’t until it can all be on camera. Lately I’ve been pondering if c-span was such a great idea.

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