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October 13, 2007

Bigger Than Ezra [Dan Collins]

Heh. I’d like to challenge Ezra — not to a debate in which there could be no winner — but to a Charity Boxing Match. That’s right — man-against-man (though Ezra usually prefers to pick fights with women) in a ring with gloves. You can even wear headgear if your mother insists. Hell, I don’t think they should have to put up all the scratch. I think it should be

The Trouble with SciAm [Dan Collins]

The Trouble with Men Deadbeat granddads, life-shortening sons and genetically bullying brothers—these are just a few effects revealed in biologist Virpi Lummaa’s studies of how evolutionary forces shape later generations A selection: Sons are tough on their mothers. Whether it is heavier birth weights, amplified testosterone levels or simple, hair-raising high jinks, boys seem to take an extra toll on the women who gave birth to them. And by poring

Hateful Hater Hatred [Dan Collins]

Posted in Redstate: Promoted from diaries by Mark I. We are less than one week from the scheduled Congressional vote to override President Bush’s veto of the massive 121% expansion in SCHIP spending, and we want to provide you with a key figure on what will happen in five years in terms of spending, according to the Democrats’ bill. Under their plan for SCHIP, spending will drop from $13.9 billion

Sanchez Rips War Press Redundant New Asshole* [Dan Collins]

From Power Line: If the Bush administration gets attacked, the press will report it. But what if someone attacks the press? If the attack goes unreported, did it ever really happen? Today General Ricardo Sanchez gave a speech to the Military Reporters and Editors’ annual conference, in which he criticized just about everyone associated with our effort in Iraq. The Washington Post’s headline was typical: “Former Iraq Commander Faults Bush.”

Liberation Theology Comes to Detroit [Dan Collins]

Good Catholics support government-run health care, or at least the expansion of SCHIP, say some activists in Detroit—and it sure sounds like the archdiocese office is egging them on: Some Catholics in Metro Detroit are organizing a media and Internet blitz against three local members of Congress, saying the representatives’ stand against a Democratic proposal to finance the State Children’s Health Insurance Program — known as MIChild in Michigan —

So, "To Recap" [Dan Collins]

The Washington Times provides a concise synopsis of The Great Frosted Flake-Out. Credit where due: Why Andrew still matters. Another Irish-American puts a foot into Ezra. Is Fenianism anti-Semitism? A Ric Lockean thought experiment: Hypothetical situation, guys. You do know what that means, I take it. Suppose Republicans had decided to use the Frosts as an example. The grandfather has a little money. Picture young Graeme, surrounded by Republican leaders