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October 15, 2007

World Series Bound!

21 wins in 22 games. 7-0 in the playoffs. The Colorado Rockies — that’s right, the Colorado Rockies — are going to the World Series. Not having any Champagne on hand, I just poured a mixture of baking soda and vinegar over my head, and thanked all my fans for their support. Life is best when lived vicariously through the accomplishments of others, don’t you think? Anyway, congrats to the

"Truth about Bush's SCHIP veto doesn't match harsh rhetoric"

From the Baltimore Sun, of all places — a paper that I suspect just made Keith Olbermann’s list of “Worst Newspapers In the World” — here’s Grace-Marie Turner, founder and president of the Galen Institute, a free-market-oriented health policy research organization that I suspect just made the list of Keith Olbermann’s “Worst Free-Market-Oriented Health Policy Research Organization in the World”: Is President Bush a liar who hates children? That’s what

Searching for Alex Jimenez

From the NY Post: U.S. intelligence officials got mired for nearly 10 hours seeking approval to use wiretaps against al Qaeda terrorists suspected of kidnapping Queens soldier Alex Jimenez in Iraq earlier this year, The Post has learned. This week, Congress plans to vote on a bill that leaves in place the legal hurdles in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act — problems that were highlighted during the May search for

Grey Lady Robs Jawa Info to Blow Ongoing Investigation of Online Jihadi [Dan Collins]

Disgusting.  How to make your bones at the NYT, I guess. Abu teh Ghreyb.  Speaking of TNR, they’re lost in this masquerade. Per Think, Proggtards! a round-up of real reasons that, according to the email they’ve got, Michelle Malkin quit the O’Reilly Factor.  The trooth . . . it’s OUT THERE. Inside the mind of a Slodeydope.  You have to admire their . . . splodiness.

I Killed Her and Ripped the Baby (Untimely) from Her Womb [Dan Collins]

Because my stepfather was a bastard. George Will (via Instapundit): In 1997, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) adopted a surreptitious political agenda in the form of a new code of ethics, enjoining social workers to advocate for social justice “from local to global levels.” A widely used textbook — “Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skill” — declares that promoting “social and economic justice” is especially imperative as