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October 1, 2007

Hey, Faggot Stupid [Dan Collins; Updated x3]

The largest right-wing bloggers, such as Michelle Malkin and Charles Johnson, devote themselves on a virtually daily basis to condemning Muslims and mocking Islam. During the “Mohammed cartoon” controversy, they repeatedly published the blasphemous cartoons. Malkin has a blogger on her Hot Air blog who derisively blogs under the name “Allah”. Were fatwas issued against them? Are they living in seclusion, under 24-hour guard from the Grave Islamic Menace that

Dear Proggs: Please Give Generously [Dan Collins]

Halp us Jon Cary! Won’t you join Sally’s Truthers and halp?

A Conundrum for Professor Ric [Dan Collins]

Mirengoff at Power Line: California law (Proposition 209) prohibits the use of race as a factor in, among other things, admission to public universities. If this article in the New York Times Magazine by David Leonhardt is accurate, UCLA is violating California law. It’s doing so by preferring African-American applicants under the guise of preferring low income students. We know that these preferences are racially based because, according to Leonhardt,

Tom Harkin Update [Dan Collins]

Tom Harkin, who himself has issues regarding his representation of his “Vietnam-era” service–which helped sink his candidacy against Clinton way back when–is exercised about Rush Limbaugh’s “phony soldier” reference, covered by Darleen this weekend here. Senator Harkin’s tenure in Iowa has been marked by one major issue: the ethanol boondoggle. Thanks to Harkin’s porkbarrelling on behalf of Monsanto, Conoco and Archer-Daniels, among others, consumers in the larger Midwestern markets have

A Hypothetical [Dan Collins]

Imagine that next summer we were able to have either one or several Protein Wisdom get-togethers. If there were one in the East, I’d be willing to have it here in Vermont, if that were suitable. If there were one for flyover, and one for West coast, where ought such locations be? How many of us would be willing to pay transportation and expenses for Jeff and, possibly, family? No

Back in Vermont [Dan Collins]

Flew into Philly and then Chicago without a hitch, but my brother Matt and I got our signals crossed, so I ended up sleeping on a vent in the bus terminal at O’Hare till the morning when he came to pick me up.  Fortunately, I and the brothers were able to swap appreciations of Tupac and contemplate the mystery of the female mind, so the time passed relatively quickly.  Got