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October 17, 2007

BREAKING: Pelosi working on Bush Impeachment? (UPDATED)

Via Richard M, who attended a meeting of anti-war activists in Los Angeles on Sunday: Congresswoman Diane Watson (D-Culver City) spoke in front of an audience of some 150 activists from various LA antiwar organizations at an Iraq Town Hall meeting in Los Angeles on Sunday, October 14th hosted by California Assembly Majority leader Karen Bass and the ’47th Assembly District People’s Council’ at Hamilton High School. The audience responded

"GOP targeting Clinton on phone-call snooping"

Greenwaldian outrage sure to follow. From The Hill: Republicans plan to seize on an allegation from the 1992 presidential campaign to tarnish Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) on the red-hot issue of government surveillance. Government surveillance will be at the forefront of the political debate this fall as congressional Democrats and President Bush square off over legislation allowing electronic spying on U.S. soil without a warrant. Well, I continue to

An excerpt from an extremely brief Sherlock Holmes mystery (previously unpublished)

Holmes: “And because it appears the murder was committed by someone whose belief in the powers of his own intelligence exceeds that of it’s material heft, I’m forced to conclude –” Dr. Watson: ” — Wait, allow me. A negro did it. Am I right…?”* ~ finis ~

Of Arms (and legs and ankles and cleavage, etc) and the Man

Perhaps had Larry Summers chosen to wax poetic about his own socially constructed carnal victimization — a product of the hipster’s backlash against Eisenhower’s America, the longterm fallout of such liberation being that poor, confused Boomers have been reduced to oglers whose pleat-hidden chubbies mirror both their shame and their longing, a conflict of social enlightenment manifest in the ostensible intellectual desire to de-objectify women pitted against carefully constructed capitalist

This SCHIP has sailed

If you thought we “conservatives” were bad, wait’ll you get a load of the libertarian complaints with respect to the SCHIP program. Here, for instance, is Jacob Sullum, writing in Reason: As “a conservative who wants to help restore the limited federal government envisioned in the Constitution,” Rep. Roscoe Bartlett said, he could not in good conscience vote to override President Bush’s veto of a bill boosting federal spending on

Real Time Opportunity [Dan Collins]

to observe how the left wing of the intartubes treats kiddies whose parents back views they don’t like:  Sarah Maria Santorum’s tears inspire song This is the story of a defeated senator, his crying daughter, a Nashville songwriter and Martina McBride, the country music star. It begins in Pittsburgh on election night 2006. Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), losing to Democrat Robert P. Casey Jr. by a wide margin, gathered his