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October 27, 2007

Yay! My Alma Mater Doesn't Suck [Dan Collins]

Today, Joe Malchow brings good news on two fronts. First, the Trustees have asked that the Association of Alumni suit brought against them for attempting to abrogate the College’s longstanding rules about election of board members be dropped, and promised that in return they will not undertake to stack the Board. This is a victory for the College, and for alumni rights generally. Second, he has this to say about

Number 6 On the Big Screen [Dan Collins]

This DVD has been reformatted to fit her jugs.

Geez, That Sucks [Dan Collins]

Ardolino goes to Iraq, does some excellent reporting, comes back to find that nobody’s reading his blog anymore. That’s gratitude for you.

The Big Picture(s): Stringers & Locals Update [Karl]

In “The Big Picture(s),” I wrote about the isolation of Western journalists in Iraq and the risks posed by remote journalism’s reliance on local stringers and fixers: Western journalists in Iraq are likely to not speak the language or know the culture in depth.  News consumers, however, have no idea how the establishment media vets the locals they entrust to translate or relay the events they ostensibly cover.  The risk

When Thought Crimes Become Speech Crimes [Dan Collins]

European Union mental hygienists making the world a better place:  As the British conservative philosopher and author Roger Scruton said in a speech in Antwerp last year, the charge of racism and xenophobia in the EU countries “has become the equivalent of a charge of heresy in medieval Europe, of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts, or of ‘deviationism” in the Stalinist state.” However, as Mr. Scruton pointed out, “we have a duty

At the Pub [Dan Collins]

Mom’s missives from Iraq.  Messyantic vocalizations.  Mo’ Fo.  Rage boy redux, and much, much more.

Marcus Luttrell, Author of "Lone Survivor" [Dan Collins]

Great piece on the author and Michael Murphy at the WSJ.  I haven’t read the book, because I’m a cheap bastard, and I’m waiting for it to come out in paperback, but if you’ve got the scratch, Liz Stephans recommends it.  Apparently she and Scott Baker were the second media outlet to interview him about the book.  As I’ve mentioned before, it’s pretty sad that Hollywood’s making movies about hanging

Fathers' Rights & Custody [Dan Collins]

If you are interested in the topic at all, listen to this interview with Dr. Stephen Baskerville.  It starts out rather slowly, but ends with a bang. The Good Doctor on feminism and the Duke non-rape fiasco. (h/t Nevadans for Equal Parenting)

Yesterday's TNR Non-News [Dan Collins]

JD took me to task for not commenting on it, but what is there to say?  “Foer” has already entered the lexicon as the noun derived from the internet verb, “to fo”.  So, stop tasing me, bro.

BBC Mirrors Academe [Dan Collins]

The BBC has frequently been accused of having a liberal bias.But now the corporation’s own staff appear to have confirmed this by revealing their political views on the networking website Facebook.A survey of BBC employees with profiles on the site showed that 11 times more of them class themselves as “liberal” than “conservative”. Beware the academy-MSM complex. Job opportunity in Cardiff: “Duties include performing to a web cam for clients