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October 31, 2007

What a Shame! [Dan Collins]

Lawsuit May Bankrupt Phelps’ “Church” They seemed like such nice young fascists. Careful with the Chinesium Tablet reduces risk of racism “Humor is difficult in cross cultural situations,” he said. “It’s hard to know what’s going to be funny or when to use humor. Some people have suggested that you just avoid it all together; don’t be funny, don’t try to make jokes. We basically reject that and offer some

RIP, Washoe [Dan Collins]

Washoe, a female chimpanzee believed to be the first non-human to acquire human language, has died of natural causes at the research institute where she was kept. Washoe, who first learned a bit of American Sign Language in a research project in Nevada, had been living on Central Washington University’s Ellensburg campus since 1980. She had a vocabulary of about 250 words. She died Tuesday night, according to Roger and

Defender of the Faggot Race [Dan Collins]

Mark Gisleson at Norwegianity: When someone exposes you as a racist hater, the obvious response is to call the blogger who exposed you a racist. Obvious, that is, if you’re a demagogic creep trying to perpetuate racist/homophobic bullshit. More demagoguery on display: Dennis Perrin, who posted an irresponsible, libelous accusation at Huffington Post that an LGF reader threatened to “track down his IP address and kill him,” has posted a

Halloween Fright Thread [Dan Collins]

Whether Dr. Helen intentionally unlocked this Pandora’s Box for Halloween is an open question, but she wonders, “Should Men Get Married?”  So far, it appears that the answer is, “No.  Only women should get married.” Here’s your chance, both men and women, to vent about your most disastrous “love” relationships.