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October 10, 2007

Flinging Their What? [Dan Collins]

Rick Moran at American Thinker gets the SCHIP expansion debate right, but reveals a silly typo on Michelle Malkin’s part. McQ at Q&O gets it right, too. Fausta summarizes what a lot of the commenters here were saying yesterday: Let’s make clear that every issue – be it on entitlements or whatever else – that is debated “for the children” should be debated fully and clearly. The moment anyone presents

Still a bit under the weather, but I'm feeling much better, thanks

Hopefully I can begin regular posting again tomorrow — though I’ll try to throw up some short, fluffy posts in the meantime. Like, for instance, this one — in which I ask your opinion on martial arts. I’ve been thinking about taking up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Aikido with my wife and son — an extension of my p90X training, the first cycle of which I’m about to complete (and

Expanding the Program [Dan Collins]

The Baltimore Sun publishes some hard numbers: The Frosts say the description of their family’s circumstances now circulating is misleading. Halsey, they say, is a self-employed woodworker – he has no employees – while Bonnie works part time for a medical publishing firm. Together, they say, they earn between $45,000 and $50,000 a year. That would make the Frosts eligible for Maryland’s Children’s Health Program, which is open to families

Hot Foreign Affairs Officer [Dan Collins]

makes terrorism, non-proliferation assignment in Saudi curiously bland. Hot but curiously bland Foreign Affairs Officer Tara Foley h/t Randy Rager at Cold Fury Also, racist comment spam Libtard stupidity op: “Yeah, like Laura Bush gives a rat’s ass about foreign people of color.”

I Know I'm Hard-Hearted [Dan Collins]

but I ain’t slaughtering the fatted crow, yet.  The NYT covers the Frostfuffle today, and Malkin’s in the article.  Here’s a telling bit: In a telephone interview, the Frosts said they had recently been rejected by three private insurance companies because of pre-existing medical conditions. “We stood up in the first place because S-chip really helped our family and we wanted to help other families,” Mrs. Frost said. Well, yeah. 

Emit Your Vibes [Dan Collins]

“Day by Day” cartoonist Chris Muir could use your well-wishes and prayers.