
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Hello, it's me (UPDATED)

I’m going to be working diligently behind the scenes with a couple of web savvy folks to get the site streamlined and moved to a new host.

If anyone else has any experience with web design and would like to help streamline the code so that I’m not burning through bandwidth and resources, please let me know.

Meantime, enjoy the guest posters — and all the entries over at the Pub.

I’m hoping we can finally put this long national nightmare behind us and, come Monday or Tuesday, have protein wisdom re-emerge as a force to be reckoned with, bigger, faster, stronger — with fresher breath and a notable increase in sexual performance — just in time for the Halloween season (where both fresh breath and sexual vigor are essential. I mean, chicks in cat suits, am I right?)

From there, I’ve been invited to the Young America’s Foundation West Coast Leadership Conference, which takes place at the Reagan Ranch in Santa Barbara.

My first time in California, so I’m pretty excited. I’ll be liveblogging the event, and if I can, I’ll try to grab some video, and maybe even pin down Ashcroft about his fear of boobies and the dancing. Footloose references will abound.

And if that doesn’t work, I’m fully expecting to gorge on mini crabcakes.

Anyone from around that area who’s interested in putting together a meet-up somewhere in the environs, let me know. I’m always up for people buying me drinks.

Saturday the 10th of November would be best, I should think.

update: Re, YAF conference. Looks like Rusty and Ace will be there, as well.

I predict mayhem.

56 Replies to “Hello, it's me (UPDATED)”

  1. SGT Ted says:

    Heeyy, that the area my family lived for a while. My sis lives in Santa Barbara…I may have to scheme to get down there around that date…..

  2. Aldo says:


    PW already is a force of nature. I’m glad to hear that are are dedicated to making it stronger.

    (BTW – Santa Barbara isn’t really California. Try to carve out some down to get down here to the LA area.)

  3. mojo says:


    Well, there’s yer problemo, right there.

  4. Santa Barbara…damn…two hours north of Huntington Beach.

    I have to admit, pumping you full of microbrew and fine tequila and watching you monologue in faux villian style does have it’s appeal though.

    Droppin’ the f-bomb as a matter of art.

  5. Dave says:

    “I mean, chicks in cat suits, am I right?”

    I prefer the slutty vampiress look, but to each his own.

  6. TaiChiWawa says:

    November 10 = Marine Corps birthday. Semper fidelis to corps and country.

  7. Sticky B says:

    If you ever decide to attend the ‘Young America’s Foundation Middle of Fuckin’ Nowhere Leadership Conference’let me know. I live about 10 miles north of there. I can probably scratch up a few Bud Lights for us and a Falstaff for the ‘dillo.

  8. N. O'Brain says:

    By George I think I have it!

    What do the Paulbots remind you of?

    It just struck me: the “Cthulhu Cult” from “The Call of Cthulhu”

  9. wishbone says:


    Avoid the temptation after a couple of Harvey Wallbangers to chop wood sans shirt on the Reagan Ranch.

    Odds are they don’t like for people to imitate Dutch in that particular way.

    Feel free to annoy lefties at every turn, however, We must all uphold the Great Communicator’s legacy in appropriate and AMAZINGLY easy ways.

    P.S.: Cat suits…meh…a good set of devil horns are sufficient.

  10. LionDude says:

    Hearty congrats on the PW upgrade and the invite to the Reagan Ranch. You should meander up here to the Cal Berkeley area. You can practically smell the desire for “Revolucion”. Among a few other things. Perhaps Markos Moulitsas’s socks?

  11. LionDude says:

    P.S. Barbara Eden-esque “Genie” costumes. Schwing.

  12. Spiny Norman says:

    “I mean, chicks in cat suits, am I right?”

    Michelle Pfeiffer? Hell yeah! Woohoo!

  13. JD says:

    Congrats on the invite. First you blog the YAF. Next year you will be the keynote speaker. Then maybe the stuffed shirts will start to listen. Until then, I can no longer un-cross my fingers. I have been waiting soooo long for the dillo.

  14. dicentra says:

    Hey, Ace has the same gig. You two should be able to register something on the Richter scale after you’ve been thoroughly, uh, refreshed.

  15. Lou says:

    Joe’s cafe on State st in Santa Barbara has the stongest drinks know to man. Also Ace was looking for a place to go as well.

  16. Farmer Joe says:

    I’m more about slutty pirate wench costumes, but to each his own.

  17. Jeff G. says:

    I just can’t wait to see all the frickin’ vampires.

    Or am I thinking of a different place?

  18. mishu says:

    “…when Protein Wisdom disappeared, I was so upset that one night, after a few cocktails and 3-4 months without Jeff and company, I actually used Yahoo’s people search and called every Jeff Goldstein in Colorado. I never found the right one, btw…”
    John Cole,

    Yikes. What happened then? Another restraining order?

  19. Melkor says:

    How about Megyn Kelly just reading the freaking phone book. Fox News indeed.

    Medved is interviewing a Paulbot right now and a caller asked the guy these 2 questions:

    Q1: Was 9/11 an inside job?
    A1: The evidences seems to say so.

    Q2: Was it right to invade Nazi Germany in WW2?
    A2: Maybe, but Pearl Harbor was an inside job.

    Ron Paul. The candy bar with the extra nuts.

  20. mishu says:

    No, that’s Santa Carla. At least according to IMDB.

  21. mojo says:

    I suggest the Santa Clara/Silly Valley as a location. Not only is it absolutely packed with fine drinking establishments (Prince of Wales Pub, anyone?), but the huge mass of high-tech cash in the area has an almost black hole-like gravitational attraction for “HOT chicks”…

  22. BJTexs says:

    Ron Paul. The candy bar with the extra nuts.

    Which, of course, makes him extra chewy as well. Paul is the Republican Kucinich. Their role is to provide comic relief for the sane and the grownup.

    I expect they’ll both be doing balloon animals by convention time.

  23. Moron Pundit says:

    Moron Pundit is Jealous!

  24. psychologizer says:

    I’ve been invited to the Young America’s Foundation West Coast Leadership Conference, which takes place at the Reagan Ranch in Santa Barbara.

    Oh yeah…well…I was just in the middle of a Manly Task, and I got so…manly!….that I accidentally covered my…bicycles…in plaster dust…so I’ll be spending my weekend disassembling, lubricating and reassembling!…bicycles…with wrenches and shit!…muscles!…so…who’s the big man now…huh…eh, Mister…Ranchy?

  25. JD says:

    Drats. A couple of weeks later and I could join y’all. Being the designated driver for this group would be an absolute laugh riot. haHA

  26. Dan Collins says:

    I like mayhem. Don’t forget to contact Wuzzie.

  27. JD says:

    psycholgizer – I will gladly trade you. I have 2200 sf of hardwood flooring to lay in my basement.

  28. Dan Collins says:

    That’s a big basement, JD.

  29. JD says:

    Dan – Plenty of room for all of you degenerates when we all try to get together this summer.

    What ever happened to Pellegri?

  30. Dan Collins says:

    That’s a good question. Don’t know.

  31. happyfeet says:

    *That’s* what her name was. I’ve been trying to think. She is missed.

  32. JD says:

    Yeah, I miss her … and the whole arms crossed ‘neath a bountiful bosom.

  33. happyfeet says:

    I think she was sort of in my hood if I remember right, like at Stanford or UCLA or something.

  34. SteveG says:

    Those splinters are kinda awkward to explain down at the ER…


    I live in SB.

    Shoot me an email and tell me the dates and I’ll try to set you up.
    Is the event at their center on State Street?
    Or at the ranch?
    (Or both of course)
    I can help you find a good place to stay close to the downtown location…. a friend of mine owns a hotel down there. Or let you know if the location you’ve chosen is a good one.

  35. happyfeet says:

    I think I said Stanford when I meant Pepperdine.

  36. Here are a couple of ideas on limiting bandwidth usage.

    How about setting up your server to compress responses? (E.g., or I don’t know what server technology you’re using, but I’ll bet there’s an option to compress.

    Use as few images as possible. In fact, maybe have a “light” site that’s all text.

    Set HTTP caching on responses (

  37. happyfeet says:

    The blog for iran image you host hasn’t really served a purpose for awhile cause there’s never any content there. But mostly I like pictures. I look at them a lot.

  38. McGehee says:

    It just struck me: the “Cthulhu Cult” from “The Call of Cthulhu”

    Ai! Ai! Ron Paul f’taghn!

  39. McGehee says:

    I just can’t wait to see all the frickin’ vampires.

    Or am I thinking of a different place?

    A little farther south. All the vampires walking through the valley tend to move west down Ventura Boulevard.

  40. ccs says:

    I have 2200 sf of hardwood flooring to lay in my basement.

    Might be more fun with Mrs. JD.

  41. Dan Collins says:

    Here are a couple of ideas on limiting bandwidth usage.

    Shoot Collins.

  42. mojo says:

    Nah. Just break a couple of fingers.

  43. JD says:

    Dan – Are we still going to try to get everyone together this summer?

  44. JD says:

    Dan – My offer remains. I got clearance from the tower. Everyone is welcome in my abode.

  45. I know perl, can I help?

  46. Dan Collins says:

    Yeah, Tom. Tell perl she’s missed.

  47. JD says:

    Frankie Foer and the fucks at TNR make that lying crapweasels, timmah and the Caric, look positively honest.

    When theirs finally comes, I hope it comes in the form of a sandpaper covered dildo, all covered with an assortment of rusty fish hooks.

  48. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    JD, I’m there. Anything you need me to bring? Chips? Dips? Strippers? Pictionary?

  49. JD says:

    Obstreperous Infidel – maybe a thesaurus. I am pretty dumb, and trying to follow a conversation with you folks will require an effort on my part.

    Did I mention that Frankie Foer and TNR are lying fucking fuckers that fuck fucking goats?

  50. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Shit, JD, I’d need a thesaurus, dictionary and Nortons Anthology of English Literature. Most of these fucks are over my head. I get the gist of it, though, so I’m cool. And I generally agree with everything that Jeff says, which for me is kind of weird as I usually am not that agreeable. I never knew that I was a classical liberal until I found Protein Wisdom. So, between that and the drunken/drugged up armadillo, I found a home on the interwebs. It’s kind of cool in that vein.

  51. JD says:

    I have never even heard of Norton’s, so you are one step ahead of the game as compared to me.

    I feel much the same way about this place. People that tend to think the same. We may bicker about individual issues, like whether or not Bellicheck has been running up the score (sorry folks), but in the end, we all know that the people we are discussing things with are generally good people, with some actual foundation behind their ideas, as opposed to the other side of the aisle that just feeeeeeels like they are right.

    We will have a great weekend here, and I am looking forward to having as many people as possible destroy my home.

  52. Rusty says:

    Not me Rusty, but the real Rusty who’s chock full of real conservative goodness AND has buns of steel! Ya know. Just in case you were wonderin’.

    For some reason, every time I’m in California, I always think; “I wonder what this place was like 30 years ago.”

  53. JD says:

    Hippies, free love, and drugs, Rusty. Not a whole hell of a lot different today.

  54. CraigC says:

    Goddammit, McGehee, if I hadn’t spent all evening watching TiVo’d shows, you wouldn’t have beaten me to that gag.

    I’d almost consider heading down that way just to see what cosmic forces might be unleashed by the confluence of Goldstein and Ace, but I’ll be in Philly on the 10th for a not-so-great reason, unfortunately.

  55. McGehee says:

    Funny thing about being pop-culturally literate — you don’t get much chance to show it off if you’re too busy keeping up on it.

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