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October 5, 2007

Flu update, and some thoughts on a gay person of non-color

Still down with the flu, guys. But I’m hoping a few more days of rest will do the trick. And by “a few more days of rest,” I mean weed. Conservatives and their “code words,” eh? Anyway, just now got to looking at Greenwald’s response to Dan’s faggot post, which I note mentions me (and my Pajamas Media affiliation) by name. Dan, on the other hand, is not mentioned by

Friday Mini-Mad Lib [Dan Collins]

It’s a funny thing, but people always ask me, “[your name], how did you ever become so [adjective]?” And I always say, “[insert your bullshit here].” UPDATE: Wonderful stuff, guys. I laughed my ass off. Thanks.

Take My Word for It [Dan Collins]

It’s blasphemous! A new Danish documentary on the dreaded cartoons of blasphemy reveals that the clerics most responsible for inciting the Islamic world into a frenzy of violence, including Muslim Brotherhood Sheik Yussuf Al-Qaradawi, never even saw the cartoons. Apparently, they’re from the Greenwald School of interpretation. Egad. More blasphemy!

Sigh Hersh [Dan Collins]

So, who wantsta bomb Iran?  When I asked Hersh who wants to bomb Iran, he said, “Ironically there is a lot of pressure coming from Democrats. Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Edwards have all said we cannot have a nuclear-armed Iran. Clearly the pressure from Democrats is a reflection of – we might as well say it – Israeli and Jewish input.” He added the obvious: “a lot of money comes

It's teh Ghey, Stupid [Dan Collins]

Andrew Sullivan notes the decline in young Americans who identify themselves as Christians, and the concomitant rise in hostility toward Christians.  I believe he’s correct to say that part of the reason is that people are unhappy with the intolerance various denominations show towards gays and lesbians, but not as convinced by the centrality that Andrew affords to that.  It seems to me, in connection with what we have learned

Jeff's Lactating [Dan Collins]

his flu, so I don’t know whether he’ll be posting or not.  Seems he’s relapsed a bit.  Anyone who wants to contribute may consider the weekend officially begun, for purposes of posting, and, as far as I’m concerned, drinking.

Even-Handed NYT Op-Ed [Dan Collins]

Justice Clarence Thomas’s new autobiography dredges up his 16-year-old battle with Anita Hill and fulminates against liberal groups, Democratic senators and others who opposed his nomination. The clash with Ms. Hill has grabbed most of the headlines. But his fulminations deserve more attention. The rage he harbors raises questions about whether he can sit as an impartial judge in many of the cases the Supreme Court hears.When Supreme Court justices

An Answer to Dr. Caric [Dan Collins]

To the question he posed here.  Taranto: In the coverage of and commentary about Justice Clarence Thomas’s new memoir, “My Grandfather’s Son” (buy it from the OpinionJournal bookstore), a predictable theme has emerged: that Justice Thomas is a “bitter” and “angry” man, who really has no reason to feel that way. After all, as a USA Today editorial sneers, “Are we meant to feel sympathy for the plight of a

Back On Line [Dan Collins]

My favorite moron pundit. Good news: Only one in 6 or 7 Americans an abject jackass.  So, please keep in mind that we attract a very special kind of troll here. Candidate contemplates symbolic removal of cufflinks Bob Owens still waiting for TNR retraction, getting too old for this shit

Larry Craig Reiterates Claim He's "Not Gay" [Dan Collins]

After judge rejects plea withdrawal attempt. My question: does this open him up to hate crime charges? Patterico? Power Line guys? Treacher? It’s not as bad, because he’s not a hypocrite. Dispatched: The Grand Rapids city manager has fired four male police officers at the center of a departmental sex scandal. Kurt Kimball earlier accepted the resignations of another male officer, a male dispatcher and a female dispatcher accused of