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October 3, 2007

Faggate Reaches the HuffPo [Dan Collins]

Dennis Perrin thinks he’s got a handle on this. Faggot. It’s the new blasphemy. Faggot killing? Notsomuch.

Church of the Jolly Fat Man (pbuh) [Karl]

The Chicago Tribune reports on the Pagan-Wiccan enclave in Oak Lawn, IL: Residents and school officials in Oak Lawn said they want to unite their community after a tense three-week debate divided some Christians and Muslims. Late Tuesday night, at the end of a nearly five-hour meeting in a packed room, the Ridgeland School District 122 board voted to keep its Christmas and Halloween parties and to add a Ramadan celebration

Awkward moments in animism, 3

“Don’t look at me like that, balled up wad of toilet paper. I’m just a man. And a man has needs.”

James Wolcott Has a Dream Fantasy [Dan Collins]

At least it’s a collective one. James Wolcott is best signed by one of those special synechdoches, in which a hole represents a whole.  You cannot expect James Wolcott to go to Gleen’s blog and find out why he’s a faggot stupid.  Oh, no.   The important thing is that we continue to try to spin some strange psychodynamic theory to explain why some people don’t agree with us, or our

Flu update, still done in the form of a forties telegram — and, Jeff Gets Letters! (UPDATED, and UPDATED AGAIN!)

Stop, please. Stop. Seriously. Stop. **** In other news… Nothing is better when you’re at home sick taking care of little boy than receiving encouraging email from well wishers. Take, for instance, this one, from “Toulouse Latrec” (, subject line, “Paging Mr Piddle Pants”: Hey Jeffy, I need your help, when you get a chance to break away from being a racist, sexist, homophobe, of course. I’m sure that’s an

Progressives Dealt Bitter Defeat [Dan Collins]

in Iraq: The question of what to do in Iraq today must be separated from the decision to topple Saddam Hussein four and a half years ago. That decision is a matter for historians. By any normal ethical standard, the coalition’s current project in Iraq is a just one. Britain, America and Iraq’s other allies are there as the guests of an elected government given a huge mandate by Iraqi

Obama Done Stole My Ideas! [Dan Collins]

“If you need any more proof that John Edwards is shaping the race for the Democratic nomination, you don’t need to look any further than Senator Obama, who has followed Edwards’s lead on healthcare, poverty and, today, eliminating nuclear weapons,” Murray said in an e-mail to The Hill. “Next thing you know, he’ll be rooting for the Tar Heels.” I think they ought to search Obama’s campaign offices!  Possession of

Full of Sound and Fury [Dan Collins]

The back and forth on the Petraeus advertisement and, now, over Mr. Limbaugh’s remarks, illustrates how both parties are turning miscues into fodder in the run up to the 2008 elections, particularly in the absence of serious legislative accomplishment when it comes to the war.

Why Did I Type Faggot?

It’s almost as much a drag to have to explain a gnomic conceit as it is a joke, but Jeff and SEK were there.  I placed it under ineffective erasure because the simple fact that referencing it as verboten highlights it, as is evident from the comments.  As I mentioned, my issue isn’t with Gleen’s homosexuality, but his integrity and intelligence.  Once he acknowledged the hailing, “he,” as a constructed