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October 7, 2007

Cut! It's a Take! [Dan Collins]

Rick Moran at The American Thinker: For indeed, most have given up trying to alter the narrative, soon to be immortalized in film as the portrayal of an evil administration, hell bent on going to war, which tried to stifle and smear the heroic Mr. and Mrs. Wilson to hide their nefarious plans. The narrative is tailor made for Hollywood. The truth, as Mr. Novak points out in this article

Infiltration [Dan Collins]

One last thing before the Packers-Bears game. On the way home from work I was listening to NPR’s discussion of why Petraeus would point out that Iran’s senior diplomat to Iraq is a member of Quds. It seems that increasingly Shia militia in Southern Iraq are turning on their Iranian collaborators. Obviously, Iranian agents have had success in infiltrating Iraqi security forces. What’s perhaps less well appreciated is that those

Marshall Josh Rises to the Bait [Dan Collins]

Beauchamp Update 08.10.07 — 3:29PM By Josh Marshall If you’ve been following the Scott Thomas Beauchamp Affair, I strongly recommend reading the latest update from The New Republic. The short version is that the Army’s investigation of the case appears to be confined to a) releasing no information about their investigation or details of its findings, b) leaking alleged details to the Weekly Standard, which no one will confirm on

A Very Strange Pick-Up Spot, IMO [Dan Collins]

In the closet?  That’s just weird. On Bloomberg Television today, right-wing pundit Robert Novak revealed that “sources in the Senate” have told him that Senate conservatives had prior knowledge about Sen. Larry Craig’s (R-ID) “problem” but intentionally kept it “in the closet”: I have talked to several of my sources in the Senate, and this came as a surprise to me…They knew about it. They knew that he had this

And Now You Know . . . [Dan Collins]

the rest of the story! Little Graham Graeme Frost of Baltimore addressed the nation this week as the Democratic spokesperson, pleading against President Bush’s promise to veto legislation that would expand S-CHIP health coverage for children.  It has been a long road for Graham Graeme, aged 12, who was seriously injured in a traffic accident while on his bike.  According to his mom, it would cost the family about $1200 per month

Intarwebs Never Forget [Dan Collins]

Rick Herrick at the TPM Cafe (not to be confused with Ric Caric): We love the troops… until they start saying things we don’t like. Summary: the Army claims Beauchamp’s article was false and he’s admitted that to them. But the Army won’t provide any proof that his article was false and the Army won’t provide Beauchamp: he’s been held incommunicado since the Army’s “investigation” began. What is really going on

Very Special Dispensations [Dan Collins]

David Thompson, quoting the Times of London: Some Muslim medical students are refusing to attend lectures or answer exam questions on alcohol-related or sexually transmitted diseases because they claim it offends their religious beliefs. Some trainee doctors say learning to treat the diseases conflicts with their faith, which states that Muslims should not drink alcohol and rejects sexual promiscuity. A small number of Muslim medical students have even refused to

First Conservative Frog of Color [Dan Collins]

to break into cartoons in the US, Uppity Hooper: Nobody Knows the Lynchings He’s Seen (title of Frank Rich article criticizing Clarence Thomas’s book, which would be racist, if spoken by a white Republican)

The Conservatism=Psychological Defect Meme [Dan Collins]

Has burbled up to the Krug, who dumbs it down even from Perrin: What’s happening, presumably, is that modern movement conservatism attracts a certain personality type. If you identify with the downtrodden, even a little, you don’t belong. If you think ridicule is an appropriate response to other peoples’ woes, you fit right in. Bwahahahaha!  Gosh, it must be really hard to be so stupid. Taranto: Conscience of a Former

Another 'Nother of the Kind of Revelation [Dan Collins]

the Hillary camp fears: Media Matters claims it is not, as the National Review noted, “an avowedly political institution,” but a nonpartisan, progressive nonprofit that is unaffiliated with any political party or candidate. Hah! But, after doing a bit of research, Let Freedom Ring reported that Media Matters is the Clinton War Room on steroids! LFR reported this after looking at the long list of Clinton lackeys that make up