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October 18, 2007


Scores dead, hundreds wounded. Probably just some jihadis upset over Kyoto stalemates and subprime lending. Or Maybe Bhutto was caught reading “My Pet Goat” while the Towers fell. So difficult to tell sometimes what sets these folks off. **** Michelle Malkin has more.

"Neal Boortz and Susan Estrich Debate Randi Rhodes Incident" (UPDATED)

Video here, courtesy STACLU. Incidentally, Steve Green and I talked about this very thing on next week’s Pajamas Media XM radio show (not sure when it airs, to be honest). From what I can gather, Rhodes was mugged by 14 Ketel-One Bloody Marys — which, given that she might have been enjoying those libations in the evening — makes her mugging completely antithetical to conservatism. I mean, what Buckleyite would

When Mediocrity Attacks!

In response to my post “Al Qaeda reported crippled in Iraq,” La Rana, in a post entitled “Dumb people La Rana reads for some reason,” attempts a brisk fisking [portions of my original post I’ll place in italics]: Jeff Goldstein is smart enough to identify some of the arguments that obliterate the rationale for the War On Terror, but not smart enough to do anything but wriggle around and throw

Handicapping Identity Politics

If you happen to be a Democrat politico, it’s like a grievance group steel cage match! Early returns have the “gendereds” leading the “of colors” by a widening margin. I suspect this has something to do with the essentialism of sex trumping the construct of race — though I suspect Dr Watson, were he queried, might try to poke such supposition with a set of rudimentary utensils and a makeshift

Nanny statism writ small (UPDATED)

Well, it’s finally happened. My first run in with our HOA. And the The Covenant. Seems the outside of my back fence (a 6-foot wood plank job), which borders a dead end street and is contiguous to an open brush field, has become the breeding ground for some broadleaf and tumble weed. I’ve sprayed the area and pulled the weeds twice this summer — it’s a considerable stretch, but nothing