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October 29, 2007

Racist Anti-Immigrant Propaganda [Dan Collins]

I question the timing: The AIDS virus invaded the United States in about 1969 from Haiti, carried most likely by a single infected immigrant who set the stage for it to sweep the world in a tragic epidemic, scientists said on Monday. Michael Worobey, a University of Arizona evolutionary biologist, said the 1969 U.S. entry date is earlier than some experts had believed. The timeline laid out in the study

Packers vs Broncos [Dan Collins]

Brett Favre Living Legend pre-game stuff out of the way. Packers with no rushing vs Broncos with no rushing defense on Monday Night. Packers aren’t good enough to be 5-1, but here they are. Broncos probably shouldn’t be 3-3, but they are. I’ve had 3 beers so far, so I’m ready. Broncos lose fumble on Packers 1 yard line. Packers drive goes 98 yards, stalls on 1, settle for field

The World's Worst Plastic Surgery

Courtesy of Maxim. While there are some obvious targets on the list (Joan Rivers, Burt Reynolds, eg), some less obvious celebrities come in for close scrutiny. For instance, Jenna Jameson and Don Johnson. And here’s how they describe Carrot Top: Oh, Carrot Top. That crazy hair and ass-ugly face didn´t seem to make you hate yourself enough? You had to go and transform yourself to look like the ugliest woman

Words that just sound funny, #411: "junket"

eg. “Is that your junket?” “Yes, that junket belongs to me. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t let you touch it if you ask nicely.”


From the Daily Mail (UK), “Record numbers go abroad for health treatment with 70,000 escaping NHS”: Record numbers of Britons are travelling abroad for medical treatment to escape the NHS – with 70,000 patients expected to fly out this year. And by the end of the decade 200,000 “health tourists” will fly as far as Malaysa and South Africa for major surgery to avoid long waiting lists and the rising

"Is ElBaradei a liar or 'uninformed'?"

I can’t be certain, but I get the sense this may be a rhetorical question. All’s I know is, I make a point never to trust anyone associated with the UN — unless he happens to have a scotch-swigging super mustache that, if you can believe the rumors, once pleasured three Swedish flight attendants at once while simultaneously finishing off the draft of a speech and playing Texas Hold ‘Em

More on the reverse inverse sockpuppeting propasockistsophistry

Oh what a tangled web and all that. I have nothing more to say on this matter, really, but I will offer one parting shot: is there anybody anywhere who has achieved more undeserved notoriety than Greenwald (myself excluded)? I think it has something to do with that nasally, pompous hangdog thing he’s got going. Just impossible to look away. Like visual crack for freakophiles. And then of course, there’s


Colonel Steve Boylan to Glenn Greenwald(s): “You are either too lazy to do the research on the topics to gain the facts, or you are providing purposeful misinformation — much like a propagandist. . . . Well, sure. But he’ll always have Mona, hanging on his every word as if it were carved into a stone tablet and dropped from a mountain top like one of God’s own celestial Pringles