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October 2007

They Hate Andrew Lloyd Webber [Dan Collins]

The CIA has warned its counterparts in Europe of the possibility of terror attacks in several countries, with Paris’ sewage system among the suggested targets, a French official said Thursday.

Tinkerty-Tonk Sickened by My Pettiness, Nastiness [Dan Collins]

And she meant it to sting: I no longer spend hours clicking back and forth between combatants like these guys, trying to figure out who said what to whom first in the never-ending left/right blogosphere game of one upmanship. In the past, I’d spent whole days reading everybody’s posts on the latest fray–partly because if you fall into one of these things in medias res it’s really hard to figure

Oh. And just in case people think I'm not still paying at least partial attention…

…this entire dustup over the use of “faggot” does nothing much more than vindicate every argument I’ve ever made on this site about how language functions — and about the dangers of allowing for the appropriation of hermeneutics by consensus-driven communities under no compulsion to appeal to anything other than their own interpretations as a way towards determining “meaning.” Not only is the maneuver on offer all over the leftwing

Right On Cue [Dan Collins]

PajamasXpress blogger Flemming Rose* learned yesterday that he was the target of a planned terrorist attack. The editor who published the controversial Mohammed cartoons writes that he is determined not to let the revelation change his life. Shorter Greenwald (I learned this from Belle Waring): he asked for it. ‘Course, it’s not like Olbermann receiving white powder in a letter.  That’s just out of bounds, and not a joking matter. 

Flu update, day 3

My son woke up at 6:15 this morning screaming. He had a nightmare about dragons, from what I could gather — one that may have been fueled by a 104.5 degree temperature. I fed him his kiddie Motrin and dabbed his cheeks and arms with a warm compress, then rubbed his shoulders and told him stories (about Puff, a magic dragon who daddy really, really loved back in college) until

Blackface Hamsher [Dan Collins]

keeps on digging and digging in a piece advocating “taking Rush out”. Really, it’s a bit like Gleen pretending integrity. The funniest part is that she’s entitled the article, in which she channels Digby, “Is That A Fat Lady I Hear Singing?” I guess “singing” is a subjective evaluation. Unrelated (mostly): Iran ‘arming Taliban with roadside bombs’ Not as though they’re land mines, or anything.

Faggate Reaches the HuffPo [Dan Collins]

Dennis Perrin thinks he’s got a handle on this. Faggot. It’s the new blasphemy. Faggot killing? Notsomuch.

Church of the Jolly Fat Man (pbuh) [Karl]

The Chicago Tribune reports on the Pagan-Wiccan enclave in Oak Lawn, IL: Residents and school officials in Oak Lawn said they want to unite their community after a tense three-week debate divided some Christians and Muslims. Late Tuesday night, at the end of a nearly five-hour meeting in a packed room, the Ridgeland School District 122 board voted to keep its Christmas and Halloween parties and to add a Ramadan celebration

Awkward moments in animism, 3

“Don’t look at me like that, balled up wad of toilet paper. I’m just a man. And a man has needs.”

James Wolcott Has a Dream Fantasy [Dan Collins]

At least it’s a collective one. James Wolcott is best signed by one of those special synechdoches, in which a hole represents a whole.  You cannot expect James Wolcott to go to Gleen’s blog and find out why he’s a faggot stupid.  Oh, no.   The important thing is that we continue to try to spin some strange psychodynamic theory to explain why some people don’t agree with us, or our