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October 2024


Blackface Hamsher [Dan Collins]

keeps on digging and digging in a piece advocating “taking Rush out”. Really, it’s a bit like Gleen pretending integrity.

The funniest part is that she’s entitled the article, in which she channels Digby, “Is That A Fat Lady I Hear Singing?” I guess “singing” is a subjective evaluation.

Unrelated (mostly): Iran ‘arming Taliban with roadside bombs’

Not as though they’re land mines, or anything.

32 Replies to “Blackface Hamsher [Dan Collins]”

  1. Slartibartfast says:

    Sounds more like gargling with peanut butter, to me. No accounting for taste, I suppose.

  2. Slartibartfast says:

    Meanwhile, geniuses everywhere, untie!

    I think this “beyond parody” theme is behaving a bit more like a dare than a straighforward point of discussion.

  3. wishbone says:

    Hmmm…anyone want to tell the (m)asses that Olbermann is on the AFN News Channel every day?


  4. maggie katzen says:

    aw, my office won’t let me go there. RTO was particularly annoyed with Clark, since he was in the military and should understand how AFN works.

  5. daleyrocks says:

    Big boned is what I was thinking.

  6. Semanticleo says:

    Anonymous Liberal has a take on this with Ledeen as the background noise;

    Michael Ledeen had this to say this morning over at the National Review:

    “It’s interesting that the Dems’ attack against Rush is taking place at the same time Clarence Thomas’s riveting autobiography hits the bookshelves, because both illustrate one of the central features of contemporary politics: the Left’s loss of intellectual coherence and confidence, and its consequent turn to the vilification of individuals. . . .

    The Left hates Rush, above all—as in the case of Thomas—because of the quality of his mind and the effectiveness of his work. They know he is uniquely effective in undermining their political movement, and they desperately want him off the air. This desperation drove them to seize on a very flimsy reed with which to attack him—for it is he they are attacking, not his ideas—and they now must struggle to use that reed to stay afloat. This is what happens when a once-dominant ideology falls apart. The Left cannot explain the world, its models and its rhetoric are antiquated, and they lose most of the important debates, above all in national elections. So, in order to gain and retain political power, they must attempt to destroy the conservative icons. Yesterday, Clarence Thomas, today Rush Limbaugh. It’s an ugly spectacle.

    It really is true that a significant percentage of conservatives have managed to construct for themselves an alternate universe in which up is down, left is right, and political reality is completely inverted. I don’t know any other way of explaining how someone can argue, without feeling completely embarrassed, that the Left hates Rush Limbaugh for the “quality of his mind” or that the “vilification of individuals” by the Left has become “one of the central features of contemporary politics.”

    Did Ledeen sleep through the Clinton era? How about the 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006 elections? Has he ever watched conservative pundits on TV, listened to them on the radio, or read any of their books? Has he ever even listened to Rush Limbaugh?

    The truth is, and I really don’t see how anyone can dispute this, the defining feature of the Republican approach to politics over the last two decades (at least) has been the vilification of individuals. This is the core strategy behind every Republican presidential campaign in modern times. They try to villify, mock, and caricature the Democratic nominee and then turn the election into a referendum on the perceived character of the candidates. Any Republican strategist will readily admit this.

  7. Slartibartfast says:

    The truth is, and I really don’t see how anyone can dispute this, the defining feature of the Republican approach to American politics over the last two decades and a quarter centuries (at least) has been the vilification of individuals.

    There. Fixed it for ya.

  8. wishbone says:

    “They try to villify, mock, and caricature the Democratic nominee and then turn the election into a referendum on the perceived character of the candidates.”

    1972: George McGovern
    1976 and 1980: Jimmah
    1984: Fritz
    1988: Snoopy
    1992 and 1996: Bubba
    2000: Gore
    2004: Lurch

    It, of course, has NOTHING to do with the leadership qualities of the nominees.

    “It really is true that a significant percentage of conservatives have managed to construct for themselves an alternate universe in which up is down, left is right, and political reality is completely inverted.”

    Project much?

  9. Slartibartfast says:

    …but it does seem like almost yesterday that Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton faced each other over pistols, because of a bit of personal vilification.

    Or that Jefferson was engaging in a little personal vilification against George Washington, using a journalist as front.

    There are other examples, but which to choose next, from so many?

  10. JD says:

    I always get ready for a chuckle when Miss Cleo comes round. It never disappoints.

  11. JD says:

    I prefer Cleo’s one liners though. I am more about immediate gratification, and hate wading through multiple paragraphs just for the pay-off, when the ending is as predictable as a Cubs post season bid.

  12. mishu says:

    when the ending is as predictable as a Cubs post season bid.


  13. mishu says:

    Now Jane thinks she’s some mafia Don. She better be careful at the toll booth on the causeway because what comes around, goes around or vice versa.

  14. B Moe says:

    “The fact that the Democrats aren’t going after Rush hammer and tongs is largely due to their failure to see themselves as an opposition party involved in an ideological war.”

    The Hamster is nothing if not profoundly idiotic.

    Neal Boortz had an interesting observation about this: a congressman can’t be sued for libel or slander for statements made on the floor of Congress. Where have all the Democrat statements been made thus far?

  15. Pablo says:

    The truth is, and I really don’t see how anyone can dispute this, the defining feature of the Republican approach to politics over the last two decades (at least) has been the vilification of individuals.

    Uh, hello! Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzalez and most recently, Petraeus. Any of these names ring a bell?

    Projection becomes you, my dear.

    As for Hamsher:

    The fact that the Democrats aren’t going after Rush hammer and tongs is largely due to their failure to see themselves as an opposition party involved in an ideological war.

    Thanks for clarifying that. It’s been obvious for a long time, but it helps for you to come right out and say that you’re a divider, not a uniter.

  16. wishbone says:

    “Where have all the Democrat statements been made thus far?”

    Just outside the atmosphere of Pluto from what I make of them.

  17. wishbone says:

    The planet, not the dog.

  18. daleyrocks says:

    Greenwald will probably deny the evidence of Iranian weapons in Afghanistan just as he does in Iraq.

  19. Great Banana says:

    The truth is, and I really don’t see how anyone can dispute this, the defining feature of the Republican approach to politics over the last two decades (at least) has been the vilification of individuals. This is the core strategy behind every Republican presidential campaign in modern times. They try to villify, mock, and caricature the Democratic nominee and then turn the election into a referendum on the perceived character of the candidates. Any Republican strategist will readily admit this.

    That is pretty funny. The sad thing is, you probably believe it. When was the last time that the left actually argued over any policy with rational argument and facts instead of simply calling their opponents a) racist; b) stupid; c) greedy; d) sexist; or e) evil? That is all the left ever does. The left never argues with logic and facts or with intellectual coherence and honesty. Instead, it is always name calling and emotional appeals. then, they cry when the left points out their actual votes or policies.

    As if pointing out the fact that Hillary has already called for what would be practically doubling spending ($5,000 a child? universal health coverage and a million other entitlement pander programs) and increasing everyone’s taxes is somehow not kosher.

    the left calls patreaus a lier, then calls Limbaugh unpatriotic. But, challenge a lefty with any argument and they cry that you are “vilifying” them.

  20. daleyrocks says:

    GB – Actually the left has redefined the term smear into accurately reusing someone’s own words in argument against them. The right considers it a smear when the words are taken or used inaccurately. Go figure.

  21. mishu says:

    When was the last time that the left actually argued over any policy with rational argument and facts instead of simply calling their opponents a) racist; b) stupid; c) greedy; d) sexist; or e) evil?

    You forgot liar.

  22. Slartibartfast says:

    Ah, cleo’s lack of quoting/formatting makes it look as if cleo herself was author of those statements. The real author, and hence the root of all of this stupidity, is Anonymous Liberal.

    Not that cleo has magically been transformed into a rocket scientist as a result, mind you.

  23. physics geek says:

    It’s time to take him out.

    I think that Janey has been doing the Hamster Hamsher Dance a little too often and her brain has come unglued from its already loose moorings.

  24. Sean M. says:


  25. Andrew says:

    So we are dealt with a situation in which political operatives, to disincline someone from supporting the opposing party’s candidates, attack the perceived character of that candidate?

    I’m shocked. Shocked I say. Good thing Democrats never do that.

  26. Jeffersonian says:

    Can someone help me out here? Who was it that turned a Supreme Court nominee’s name into a verb synonymous with with public vilification?

  27. Kevin says:

    I didn’t know Hamsher was fat.

  28. Bill Maron says:

    Either the link is not working or Hamster Jane got tired of everyone pointing out she’s not a Corleone and took it down.

  29. Additional Blond Agent says:

    Well, links usually work better with just one http tag in them, rather than two (hint, hint, Dan)…

  30. great mencken's ghost! says:

    The Left does not TURN to villification. It STARTS there. Go read Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. It’s right there; don’t campaign on issues, campaign on demons. Your enemy must be a monster.

  31. Merovign says:

    Re: AL/Clot’s position,

    A thief believes that everyone steals.

  32. […] really not important here. The important thing is that Jame Hamsher of Liardogfake has now ORDERED THE MURDER of the conservative talk show host! They’re coming to silence him and they don’t care […]

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