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October 2024


Racist Anti-Immigrant Propaganda [Dan Collins]

I question the timing:

The AIDS virus invaded the United States in about 1969 from Haiti, carried most likely by a single infected immigrant who set the stage for it to sweep the world in a tragic epidemic, scientists said on Monday.

Michael Worobey, a University of Arizona evolutionary biologist, said the 1969 U.S. entry date is earlier than some experts had believed.

The timeline laid out in the study led by Worobey indicates that HIV infections were occurring in the United States for roughly 12 years before AIDS was first recognized by scientists as a disease in 1981. Many people had died by that point.

Too old to breast feed.

24 Replies to “Racist Anti-Immigrant Propaganda [Dan Collins]”

  1. rickinstl says:

    I thought they had Patient Zero pegged as a gay Dutch flight attendant circa 1979. The story at the time was that he spent a lot of time in bathhouses, knew he was terminally ill, and still kept on having promiscuous, anonymous sex. Not that it makes any difference at this point. AIDS turned into such a cluster, such a complete comedy of errors, egos, bullshit politics and grievance group emotion that nobody really cares by now. I’ll attempt to illustrate. If we discovered a document which proved beyond a doubt that the virus was cooked up in East German biowar labs and released in the US in hopes of defeating us in the cold war, would it make any difference at all to the politicians and other assorted parasites who have used the pity factor and poli-correctness to bludgeon anyone who doesn’t agree with them into silence? Who wants to bet that they wouldn’t be blaming the CIA and Reagan within a week? Now I just pulled that example out of my ass, but I believe that the reaction from the left would hold true in almost any scenario.

  2. McGehee says:

    I thought they had Patient Zero pegged as a gay Dutch flight attendant circa 1979.

    I remember it as a French-Canadian flight attendant named Gaetan Degas.

    And the fact I remember that degree of detail from one magazine article more than 20 years ago, scares the hell out of me.

  3. JD says:

    Goddam French-Candaians !

  4. happyfeet says:

    I don’t think alcohol passes through breast milk or maybe I’m just naive like that.

  5. happyfeet says:

    In fact it couldn’t possibly cause that’s just too cool.

  6. AlexC says:

    @2…. I had it to Gaetan “D”… weird.

  7. Serr8d says:

    By the time you are no longer feeling “tipsy” it is okay to feed your baby. Alcohol does not go into your milk and stay there. It goes in and comes out. If you feel ok, then most of the alcohol is out of your milk. If you have any doubt, pump and dump one time and that should be fine.”

    Pump and dump. Britney’s lover’s ?

  8. happyfeet says:

    Oh. Verily it is an age of wonders.

  9. Dan Collins says:

    Yeah. I’m not allowed to be a milk donor.

  10. SteveG says:

    did someone really just say “pulled that example out of my ass” on an AIDS thread?
    Good lord. Who knew that was a Haitian in there?

  11. JD says:

    SteveG – Pulling out is not the bad thing. It is the whole putting it in part that really screws the pooch.

  12. SteveG says:

    Now we are onto the pooch?
    Does no one have any shame?

  13. psychologizer says:

    It goes in and comes out.

    That’s good science…in Haiti.

  14. That was very disturbing Dan.

  15. Bill 'Haiti' Clinton says:

    I did not have sex with that ape,that monkey.

  16. rickinstl says:

    “Who knew that was a Haitian in there?”

    Well, he could have been French-Canadian. I’m no good with accents.

  17. andy says:

    “The AIDS virus invaded the United States in about 1969 from Haiti, carried most likely by a single infected immigrant ”

    And then he married tom tancredo’s daughter. Now it all makes sense.

  18. McGehee says:

    It is the whole putting it in part

    And we thought gerbils were bad enough.

  19. Techie says:

    …You lost me…..

  20. I thought they’d traced it to a gay airline pilot, or did he get it from this mystery Haitian?

  21. McGehee says:

    He was a Haitian without no discretion.

    </obscure and very bad Yosemite Sam reference>

  22. happyfeet says:

    This story was on the NPR this morning on the Day to Day thinger which is even more Marxist than the flagship thinger and the lesbian interview lady said that she thought it needed to be clarified that AIDS had come to the US from Haiti and not the other way around cause wasn’t there a thriving sex tourism trade to Haiti among American gay men in the 70s?

    Where the hell did that come from I wondered. It’s not in the MSNBC article. I just can’t imagine any large amount of 70s gay guys thinking you know what I need? I need me some authentic Haitian bootay. Maybe it’s true but I googled and it seems she is mostly confusing gay people with pedophiles. Silly lesbian.

    But anyway the point is I found this cool article from Canada about female sex tourism.

    On the screen and DVD, two movies dealt with the subject: Vers le sud, a French film based on stories by Quebec author Dany Laferriere, starring Charlotte Rampling as a British sex-seeker in late-1970s Haiti; and Rent-a-Rasta, a 45-minute U.S. documentary about women who flock to Jamaica in search of the “big bamboo” and the young Rastafarians who cater to them.

    It goes on and on with stuff like that. Who knew?

  23. JD says:

    “the big bamboo”

    Great phrase

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