
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024



Scores dead, hundreds wounded. Probably just some jihadis upset over Kyoto stalemates and subprime lending.

Or Maybe Bhutto was caught reading “My Pet Goat” while the Towers fell.

So difficult to tell sometimes what sets these folks off.

Michelle Malkin has more.

88 Replies to “Blowback”

  1. Kirk says:

    Jihadis were so much easier to read when all they wanted to do was kill them a few Jews.

  2. SteveG says:

    Well, she is pretty uppity for a female…. so clearly a few bomb blasts are in order

  3. happyfeet says:

    Also it’s Thursday.

  4. MayBee says:

    Bless the poor victims, and God help Pakistan.
    Someone forgot to tell the bombers that if women ran nations, there wouldn’t be violence.

  5. Dan Collins says:

    Mostly electronic detonators.

  6. cynn says:

    “Well, she is pretty uppity for a female…. so clearly a few bomb blasts are in order”

    Oh, that is way too funny. While you guys are picking apart the lefty brain with your nutcrackers and shrimp forks, real people get blown up just trying to get a government. Where the hell is Condopoleezza Rice? Why not take that ill-advised ride with Bhutto? Too busy at the Famous Footwear blowout?

    No, all you got are halfassed asides. The terrorists are on cruise control. You lit this fuse; all you can do is contain the explosion.

  7. Jeff G. says:

    Drunk again, Cynn?

    Yes, WE “lit the fuse.” Those planes loaded with civilians flown into our buildings loaded with civilians? But a fleshwound.

    But you’re right. Condoleeza Rice should not buy shoes. Ever.


    Grow up. Or drink some coffee. Before you wind up face down on the sidewalk like an unfamous version of an unfamous Randi Rhodes.

  8. happyfeet says:

    I haven’t had anything to drink I swears.

  9. cynn says:

    Do you care to address any of my points / questions? Sure, I’m so drunk I’m miraculously in a gutter with wi/fi access.

    How ’bout those Pakis?

  10. RTO Trainer says:

    I guess you missed the points addressed:

    We didn’t light the fuse. That’s a direct counter to your bald assertion, so your turn. Perhaps some support for your position?

    Secretary Rice was in Israel, presumably doing something mroe like work than a shopping junket, so again, ball in your court.

    And aside from those two crustacean sized tidbits, you said nothing else resembling substance, so perhaps you’d like to try again?

  11. cynn says:

    By “lit the fuse” I am referring to the bungled adventure in Iraq, which left us exposed on numerous fronts.

    Terrorists love that shit, because it’s all about, well, exposure.

  12. RTO Trainer says:

    There’s no one reading this that missed your meaning Cynn. Now perhaps you’d like to support your still bald, however well understood, assertion

  13. where does Kashmir fit into this?

  14. Jeff G. says:

    I don’t think the men and women fighting in Iraq consider it “an adventure” — nor do I think the President or Congress, the majority of whose members initially supported the operation, think of it as some sort of glorified game of paintball.

    As to the bungling…well, we’ve been through this, haven’t we. Seems that al Qaeda in Iraq is having problems, and that much of its worldwide presence is drying up.

    No telling how many potential terrorists and jihadists have been killed, but I venture to say it’s a whole bunch. Is that a bungle?

    Or am I missing all the attacks on the US homeland? You seem to have swallowed the propaganda about the terrorists being hydraheaded super warriors. Turns out when they die, no new heads grow — and in fact, some heads decide to go back home and drink some sweet tea.

    Hell, even terrorist attacks in Israel seem to have dropped way off.

    Incidentally, seen that commercial where the Brit finds the internet in the middle of a swamp?

    Because I still go with your being drunk.

  15. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    “You lit this fuse;’

    Sorry cynn, but this is why you are not taken too seriously. Honest to God. “You lit this fuze”?

    “Do you care to address any of my points / questions” You had a point? Ok, if you say so.

    “By “lit the fuse” I am referring to the bungled adventure in Iraq, which left us exposed on numerous fronts”

    Yes, because these jihadist assholes never blew anyone up prior to the Iraq war. Is that root cause, too? Brilliant.

  16. cynn says:

    Kashmir was a cool Led Zeppelin song. Is that relevant to the fact that upward of 100 people just died in Pakistan, a place where we might have some small influene?

    Or is the War on Terror such an industrial force that nothing attracts its attention.

  17. happyfeet says:

    Last month, Bhutto told CNN she realized she was a target. Islamic militants, she said, “don’t believe in women governing nations, so they will try to plot against me, but these are risks that must be taken. I’m prepared to take them.”

    That’s pretty straightforward, but..

    Richard Haass, president of the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations, said the attack emphasized that “one of the fundamental realities of Pakistan today is that the government is not in total control of the country.”

    So it’s a clear choice between Bhutto’s vision of democracy and Richard Haass’s dream of a Pakistan under “total control.” Which one do you think the terrorists will draw more inspiration from?

  18. cynn says:

    OK, I got it. You are so focused on discrediting me that you all offer nothing at all about this nasty and possibly foreboding attack on an aspirational democracy. You have nothing relevant to say about the enormous (and a bit dangerous) sacrifice Bhutto has made.

    Too bad I’m not a child, or this would be de rigeur.

  19. happyfeet says:

    sorry – here is the link

  20. Mastiff says:

    Cynn, do you have the faintest idea what Kashimir is? In real life, I mean?

    Or what relevance it has to Islamic terror groups?

    Because what I see is someone totally ignorant of anything worth knowing about Pakistan, except that there’s this cool chick named Bhutto who almost got killed, and wow, doesn’t that just suck for the Chimpler!!!11!!lol

  21. cynn says:

    Mastiff: I’ll admit my ignorance, and learn. So I take it you approve of the terrorist attack today?

  22. RTO Trainer says:

    What’s not a “force” is the depth of your historical perspective. Maggie brought up the province of Kashmir, which is the real estate that Pakistan and India have been squabbling over since 1947. That considerably predates the GWOT and even the establishment of Israel (and represents yet another prime example of a botched UN job).

    In addition, how do you answer these?

    October 23, 1983 — Truck bombs on U.S. and French compounds in Beirut, Lebanon. Two hundred and forty one U.S. citizens dead;

    November 15, 1983 — US Naval officer, CAPT George Tsantes, shot;

    March 16, 1984 — CIA station chief in Beirut, Lebanon, William Buckley, kidnapped, tortured and then executed by his captors;

    April 12, 1984 — Eighteen US servicemen killed and eighty three people injured in bomb attack;

    September 20, 1984 — Suicide bomb attack on US Embassy in East Beirut kills twenty three people, 8 of them US citizens;

    December 4, 1984 — Kuwaiti airliner hijacked to Tehran. Two U.S. citizens killed;

    February 7, 1985 — UDrug Enforcement Administration agent Enrique Camarena Salazar and his pilot were kidnapped, tortured, and executed;

    June 6, 1985 — Red Army Faction bomb explodes at Frankfurt Airport, Germany, killing three US citizens;

    June 14, 1985 — A Trans-World Airlines flight was hijacked and one U.S. hostage, a U.S. Navy sailor, was murdered and body dumped on teh tarmac;

    August 8, 1985 — Three US servicemen are killed in a bomb and gun attack on Rhine-Main airbase, Germany;

    October 7 1985 — Four Palestinian Liberation Front terrorists seize the Italian cruise liner, Achille Lauro. One US passenger, Leon Klinghofer, was murdered;

    March 30, 1986 — A bomb detonated as TWA Flight 840 approached Athens Airport, killing four U.S. citizens;

    April 2, 1986 — Two US citizens are killed by the explosion of a bomb aboard a TWA Boeing 727 bound from Rome to Athens;

    April 5, 1986 — Two US soldiers are killed and seventy nine U.S. servicemen are wounded in Libyan bomb attack on a night club in West Berlin, Germany;

    April 14, 1987 — US Navy club in Naples, Italy, bombed killing five;

    November 14, 1987 — Seven people are killed and 37 injured by the explosion of a booby-trapped chocolate box in a wing of the American University in Beirut;

    December 26, 1987 — Bombing of a Barcelona bar frequented by U.S. servicemen, resulting in the death of one U.S. citizen;

    April 14, 1988 — A car bomb outside a USO Club in Naples, Italy, kills one U.S. sailor.

    June 28, 1989 — US Naval Attache, CAPT William Nordeen, in Athens is killed.

    August 8, 1988 — Pakistan president Zia Al Haq and US ambassador are killed, along with thirty seven other people, when a bomb explodes on a C-130 Hercules aircraft just after take off;

    December 21, 1988 — Pan Am Boeing 747 blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland, by a bomb believed to have been placed on the aircraft at Frankfurt Airport, Germany. All 259 people (189 US citizens) on the aircraft were killed by the blast;

    February 26. 1993 — World Trade Center in New York, USA, badly damaged by a massive bomb. The car bomb was planted in an underground garage and left six people dead and more than one thousand people injured.

    July 19, 1994 — A commuter plane exploded in flight over the Santa Rita Mountains. Among the 21 victims were three US citizens.

    January 15, 1995 — A US tourist was killed and her husband was seriously wounded when their sightseeing convoy was attacked;

    March 8, 1995 — Two unidentified gunmen armed with AK-47 assault rifles opened fire on a US Consulate van in Karachi, killing two US diplomats and wounding a third;

    November 13, 1995 — A car bomb explosion in the parking lot of the Office of the Program Manager/Saudi Arabian National Guard (OPM/SANG) in Riyadh, killed seven persons and wounded 42 others;

    January 31, 1996 — An explosives-laden truck driven into the Central Bank in the heart of downtown Colombo, killing 90 civilians and injuring more than 1,400 others. Among the wounded were two US citizens;

    February 26, 1996 — A suicide bomber blew up a bus, killing 26 persons, including three US citizens, and injuring some 80 persons;

    March 4, 1996 — A suicide bomber detonated an explosive device outside the Dizengoff Center, Tel Aviv’s largest shopping mall, killing 20 persons and injuring 75 others, including two US citizens;

    June 25, 1996 — A fuel truck carrying a bomb exploded outside the US military’s Khobar Towers housing facility in Dhahran, killing 19 US military personnel and wounding 515 persons, including 240 US personnel;

    December 11, 1996 — A US geologist at a methane gas exploration site in La Guajira Department was kidnapped. The geologist was killed, and his body was retrieved by Colombian authorities in February 1997;

    September 4, 1997 — Three suicide bombers detonated bombs in the Ben Yehuda shopping mall in Jerusalem, killing eight persons, including the bombers, and wounding nearly 200 others. A dual US-Israeli citizen was among the dead, and seven US citizens were wounded;

    November 12, 1997 — Two unidentified gunmen shot to death four US auditors from Union Texas Petroleum and their Pakistani driver after they drove away from the Sheraton Hotel in Karachi;

    August 7, 1998 — A bomb exploded at the rear entrance of the US Embassy in Nairobi, killing 12 US citizens, 32 Foreign Service Nationals (FSNs), and 247 Kenyan citizens. Approximately 5,000 Kenyans, six US citizens, and 13 FSNs were injured;

    August 7, 1998 — Almost simultaneously, a bomb detonated outside the US Embassy in Dar es Salaam, killing seven FSNs and three Tanzanian citizens, and injuring one US citizen and 76 Tanzanians;

    February 25, 1999 — Three US citizens kidnapped. The victims worked for the Hawaii-based Pacific Cultural Conservancy International. On 4 March the bodies of the three victims were found in Venezuela;

    March 1, 1999 — 150 armed Hutu rebels attacked three tourist camps, killed four Ugandans, and abducted three US citizens, six Britons, three New Zealanders, two Danish citizens, one Australian, and one Canadian national. On 2 March, US Embassy officials reported the Hutu rebels killed two US citizens, four Britons, and two New Zealanders;

    September 6, 2000 — Thousands of armed militiamen and their supporters rampaged through a U.N. office in West Timor, killing at least three workers – including one from Puerto Rico – and burning their bodies;

    October 12, 2000 — In Aden, a small dingy carrying explosives rammed the US destroyer, USS Cole, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39 others.;.

    That’s 573 US lives lost. The next incident on this list would be the September 11, 2001 attacks. Terrorists hijack four US commercial airliners taking off from various locations in the US in a coordinated suicide attack.

    Another 18 months would elapse before the invasion of Iraq. So I await your detailed explanation how all of this violence directed at the US is the result of the invasion that so significantly postdates them all.

  23. cynn says:

    RTO — I applaud your encyclopedic knowledge of whatever it is you guys are peddling as the litany of outrages. I don’t dispute it. My god, it is tiring, and almost hypnotic. I merely wanted to point out the singular lack of outrage over a country in which religiuos violence might be countered, over a country where such violence is the currency.

  24. Jeff G. says:

    Too bad I’m not a child, or this would be de rigeur.

    If you weren’t a child, you wouldn’t be acting like one.

    But here, let us assuage your emotions: we’re against terrorist attacks like today’s. But most of us don’t think it the result of some “adventure” dreamed up by a pretender to the throne trying to avenge daddy and score some war booty for his Halliburton buddies.

  25. Jeff G. says:

    See RTO? All those deaths? Just you “peddling” a “litany of outrages.”

    Hell, they aren’t even SHARED outrages, given that it’s just “you guys” who are “peddling” them. To cynn, the barely rate anything other than a perfunctory acknowledgment as dry hypnotic data.

    No use crying over spilled Americans. Where is your outrage over the attacks on Bhutto? A BROWN WOMAN OF COLOR! (Not that you don’t feel outraged, mind; just, well — cynn wants to see some emoting!).


    Sickens me.

  26. RTO Trainer says:

    It’s all about Cynn’s approved and selected outrage. The fact that she *thinks* she knows what’s at the base of her chosen attack-to-be-cared-about-more-than-you-do is just the unperceived (by her) irony.

    I doubt that Cynn, who seems to be best representative of those people who regularly respond to the surveys on the historical and geographic knowledge of the average American, even knows who Benazir Bhutto is, why she’s special, and why, in several ways, she’s really not.

  27. cynn says:

    So you are all in the same boat as Bhutto — personally. I understand the incidents RTO was outlining, sorry if I seemed flippant. But the larger issue is get off your lazy complacent butts and agitate for those who actually have a chance of making a difference.

    Jeff likes to disparage me, and if it makes him feel all Teutonic, let ‘er rip, I say.

  28. MayBee says:

    cynn- I am unsure what your 8:50 means.
    Here is the encyclopedia Britannica’s entry on Bhutto.

    Her father, a former leader of Pakistan, was executed. She spent time under house arrest. Her two brothers died young under suspicious circumstances, and if you google around you will see she is suspected in the death of one of them. She was run out of Pakistan due to corruption that had led to a coup.
    We didn’t light this fire anymore than we lit the fire that made the Sikhs kill Indira Ghandi.
    Are you concerned that people aren’t outraged that she almost died? Of course I’m saddened. I was more frightened when there were attempts on Musharraf’life. Outrage, however, has long been exhausted.

  29. MayBee says:

    But the larger issue is get off your lazy complacent butts and agitate for those who actually have a chance of making a difference.

    Who? Musharraf? Imran Khan?

  30. happyfeet says:

    Any emoting would be far in excess of what one could reasonably expect from the average Pakistani, who is brown and indifferent to hopes of democracy cause democracy is indifferent to brown people I think is the logic. CNN International explains more better than I can:

    For many people, her return is of little consequence.

    “They’re all thieves, so it doesn’t matter who comes into power, because whoever comes to power, they will be thieves. They’re all thieves,” said one Karachi resident.

    The working class public, who represent a large population of the political moderates who Bhutto is attempting to reach out to, are tired of instability that has historically been an inextricable part of the political process in Pakistan.

    Members of the public make it clear that people just want to work and live safe lives. One man said that, political or military, the best kind of government for the economy and the people is a stable one.

    CNN is for sure against taking that ill-advised ride with Bhutto cause democracy is teh silly.

    Karachi residents and members of the media said the show of public support for Bhutto had more to do with the fact that Pakistani’s love a good party and shouldn’t necessarily be seen as an indicator of Bhutto’s popularity. One city resident said that the only good thing about her return was an extra day off work since businesses around the city were closed amid security concerns.

    Teh anonymous brown people have spoken and I can’t argue but I still think that democracy would have been cool but oh well I guess.

  31. cynn says:

    Again, here’s my freely proffered ignoramity: I only know Bhutto left the country under accusation of miscondict, was absolved; absolution under question.

    If Tom Delay came marching down my street, promising to end my suffering, on some days I might fall in behind him.

  32. MayBee says:

    Not to mention that “Paki” is generally considered an offensive term.

  33. RTO Trainer says:

    Cynn, the ideology that includes, “Let’s only do what seems easy” is repugnant. It’s the heart of true decadence.

    The only really worthwhile stuff to fight for is the stuff that just might be impossible. As a member of the Army, I’d be offended to be asked to try less.

    And while we’re approaching something substantive, for a change, even if it is just you dancing to avoid your original statements, and given your, as yet untapped, expertise on the India-Pakistan conflict, why don’t you lay out for us the easy road for peace in the region that former PM Bhutto will magically conjure up for us all?

    Maybe answer the grand question as to why she didn’t do this when she was the PM?

    And just maybe the biggest outrage in this evnet is not the attempt itself, but that in the attempt to take out just one person, the terrorists who you’be cheerleading for if the target were different, they casually snuffed over 125 bystanders. Go look into the list I posted earlier and see how many more than just the US deaths I tabulated there were, how many of them were “just bystanders.” Your outrage ignores them, doesn’t it? But that’s okay because you care more than I do.

    You call it Imperialism. I call it defending the bystanders.

    The whole conversation’s just rich comming form someone who regularly defends these tactics and now uses crocodile tears to justify leaving the innocent to their fates.

    BTW; No one has to disparage a caricature.

  34. JD says:

    Well said, RTO, well said indeed.

  35. happyfeet says:

    The Teutonic Jew pounces upon
    the phlegmatic Anglo-Saxon;
    this last one, the pseudo-Teuton,
    falls into the freezing waters of the Thames,
    famous for the nymphs
    that of yore sang on its banks.*

  36. dicentra says:

    “Well, she is pretty uppity for a female…. so clearly a few bomb blasts are in order”

    Cynn, honey, this is what’s known as extra-dry, arid, sere, dark, phantasmagoric, understated, British-esque, whistling-past-the-graveyard humor. By its faux-flipness, it conveys exactly the opposite in meaning and intensity.

    Oh, that is way too funny…. all you got are half-assed asides… get off your lazy complacent butts and agitate for those who actually have a chance of making a difference.

    And here’s the difference between the Left and the Right, cynn. We tend to respond to outrages by taking or recommending actual action, not by holding candle-light vigils or writing emo-screeds in blog comments. The only “agitation” that’s going to help Pakistan is the kind of agitation that’s being going on in Iraq and Afghanistan lo these last few years.

    We either sign up or we hammer the Congress to make sure they do right by the troops, or we send care packages or defend them against slander whenever necessary.

    I’m not sure what kind of response you would have found acceptable. If you want weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, go hang over at DU or dKos.

  37. cynn says:

    Well I’ll just let this go, RTO. We’re speaking past each other. I happen to be familiar with most if not all of the horrific inicidents you cite, because I have relatives in the forces, and they love to remind me. Skip it, and best to you and all you care about.

  38. happyfeet says:

    The terrorists are on cruise control.

  39. RTO Trainer says:

    Your relatives regularly trash your arguments and you still hang out here?


  40. cynn says:

    Hey, that’s my line!

  41. RTO Trainer says:

    Feets, yer alright.

    And you didn’t lose your cool like I did.

  42. cynn says:

    RTO — They don’t trash my arguments. They shun me. I never even get to ask questions. Wah.

  43. happyfeet says:

    Thank you, sir. It’s your line cynn, and not a bad one when it’s left to stand on its own.

  44. RTO Trainer says:

    Perhaps asking questions, rather than making pronouncements would help.

  45. Feets, yer alright.

    And you didn’t lose your cool like I did.

    i’m guessing it’s the bunnies. I’d suggest getting bunnies, but they’re probably too possum sized, and we know what the Roxie does to possums.

  46. MayBee says:

    Oh, come on. Cynn is nice to RTO and everything is just over? Doesn’t it bother anyone that we’ve been getting lectured all this time by someone who doesn’t even know about Kashmir?

  47. RTO Trainer says:

    What are you gonna do, MayBee? She doesn’t even see that the similarity in the messages she gets here and from her own family members might be a clue.

    And she’s not been nice to anyone. She got her arguments trashed and withdrew over the horizon.

  48. happyfeet says:

    These are even smaller – some weird mini-bunny that this guy that lives next to this guy that a guy I know knows raises. Unbelievably anime-like cute but delicate. I got the bunnies cause there used to be three of them and the guy I know who knows the guy that lives next to the guy that raises the bunnies said he never ever wanted to hold a lifeless little mini-bunny in his hands ever ever again.

  49. SteveG says:


    I admit I was mocking.

    I think groups of people who set off car bombs and suicide vests over a woman (gasp) who may not agree with their agenda (gasp)
    deserve mocking.
    I could care less if they are killed… after all a suicide bomber wants to die anyway, and who says I have to let him/her fulfill their dream.
    Suicide bombers don’t need understanding… they need to die quickly.
    Car bombers need to die before they can kill others.

    I have zero respect for idiots that conspire to blow up a bomb in a marketplace, or a cafe. For example it would be ridiculous for me to go into the sidewalk farmers market and blow the place up because I hate Bush. I should be killed before I have the chance and people like me who would do such a f***** up thing should be mocked, ridiculed, shunned and turned into the police.

    Holy crap.
    Who kills a couple heundred innocent people because Bhutto shows up?

    I’m not a big fan of Barack Obama, but when he visited my town,I did not feel compelled to try to incinerate his motorcade and the hell with innocent bystanders…
    Why did Bhutto have to say that Islam forbids the intentional killing of women who want to lead via random bomb blast? Wouldn’t that be a given?
    Can I raise an eyebrow at least?

  50. you are a saint happyfeet.

  51. MayBee says:

    he never ever wanted to hold a lifeless little mini-bunny in his hands ever ever again.

    I had a similar thing with baby guinea pigs.

  52. happyfeet says:

    definitely not a saint, but all these people on my street that keep these huge dogs in their apartments, definitely not saints either

  53. happyfeet says:

    BBC, btw, was the first I’d heard that there were kids among those killed in Pakistan. NPR didn’t mention kids.

  54. Sean M. says:

    Kashmir was a cool Led Zeppelin song. Is that relevant to the fact that upward of 100 people just died in Pakistan, a place where we might have some small influen[c]e?

    I don’t know about the rest of you, but I can’t wait for cynn’s input on the next thread that deals with illegal immigration.

  55. Dan Collins says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think cynn’s point is that a post shouldn’t have the words “blow” and “goat” in it.

  56. alppuccino says:

    “When the Levee Breaks” is an absolute Zeppelin jam!

    …..sorry NOLA.

  57. qrstuv says:

    Cynn: “You are so focused on discrediting me that you all offer nothing at all about this nasty and possibly foreboding attack on an aspirational democracy.”

    Cynn, you absolute twit…

    The very reason that we are interested in this AQ attack is precisely because it is, as you point out, a “nasty and possibly foreboding attack on an aspirational democracy.”

    That is also exactly the reason that we support the troops in Iraq: they are helping the millions of Iraqi voters to defend their country and their freedoms from the same a**holes who just tried to kill Bhutto.

    AQ’s reason for existence is to destroy democracy everywhere.

    It’s the democracy, stupid.

  58. qrstuv says:

    And Cynn,

    I am agitating for those would make a difference, namely our troops. They ARE making a difference, as much as you would deny it.

  59. N. O'Brain says:

    “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I can’t wait for cynn’s input on the next thread that deals with illegal immigration.”

    That’d be “Stairway to Heaven”

    [lights Bic in the back of the Tower Theater]

  60. N. O'Brain says:

    We’re off the Washington, DC today, got a date with a crowd of rowdy Scots for a wedding.

    The reception is at Fort Myer, which should tell you something.

  61. N. O'Brain says:

    Oh, and Jeff, I got a bottle of the pure: Glenmorangie Cellar 13.

  62. Aldo says:

    Back in May of 2003 we were discussing the Bali bombings on an internet forum, and like Cynn in this thread, the progs were explaining the attacks as “blowback” for Iraq. I happened to read this news story in the Los Angeles Times (5/12/03):

    Amrozi and two other Bali bomb suspects were quoted by the Times of London this week as saying that they had no remorse for the bombing and that they expected to be executed by firing squad.

    Amrozi’s brother Ali Imron, one of the alleged conspirators, told the newspaper that they attacked the Sari Club — the nightclub where most of the victims died — because it was an immoral place.

    “In short, it was a place of sin, so it deserved to be demolished,” the Sunday article quoted him as saying.

    The men said their goal was to kill Americans, but they apparently could not tell Americans from Australians. The dead included 89 Australians and seven Americans.

    “Australians, Americans, whatever — they are all white people,” Ali Imron told the newspaper.

  63. BJTexs says:


    When you make provocative statements you need to be prepared to be challenged. That’s just the way it works.

    However, if you come back, here’s a little Paki history quiz for you with some background. When Bhutto’s father was prime minister he was (and is) widely acknowledged to be one of the most personally corrupt and incompetent heads of government in recorded history. He reigned over the almost complete collapse of the Paki economy and enriched himself and his family in the process. Up until now, the public debate in our media has bulls eyed Musharref as trying to protect his grip. True enough but what has been given short notice is daughter Bhutto’s historical connection with her father’s corruption. It’s a pick your poison kind of thing. The good news is that both are committed (in some manner, shape or form) to defeating radical Islamists. Her return may bolster some deep feelings about democracy in Pakistan but there are others who remember that democracy failed them and their country when her father was democratically in charge.

    Now, on to the quiz portion of our little tome. During the 70’s when Bhutto was fattening his bank accounts and virtually bankrupting the country, Pakistan’s public education system collapsed nationwide. Schools closed and students had no where to go to get an education. While the system was ever so slowly being built back up what educational institution filled the role, especially for poor children and expanded geometrically to meet the need?

    The answer: Saudi Funded Wahabbi Madrassas!

    This was the only road to education for many poor Pakistani children, not to mention the fact that poor families could bounce a few mouths that needed feeding as the schools were live in, all expenses paid. Thus 2 whole generations have been indoctrinated into ultra conservative originalist Islam, where science and math are almost unheard of, replaced by rote memorization of the quran and fierce preaching of the abomination of apostates, Jews and Crusaders. Thus radical Islam had its growing field which is why there are so many Pakistani’s (and other Muslims from other countries, eventually) involved in jihadist activities.

    Where did I get this information.? Not from a conservative think tank or even from Bernard Lewis or Robert Spencer. It’s from the book “The Age of Sacred Terror,” written by two guys from Clinton’s National Security Council.

    So, before you throw around catchy, meaningless phrases like “lit the fuse” I would suggest that you log onto Amazon and order the book. Fear not, there is plenty of apologizing for Clinton and terrorism that your fragile progressive sensibilities won’t be harmed.

  64. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    – I for one, am not going to pile on cynn. Its been a really really tough week for the Left (shhhhhh, don’t mention the letter). Besides, Feets is on a roll with the bunnies thing, so I’m not going to do the accursed “Shah/Cahtah” thing, and mess up all that good “providing the trigger” stuff, because like, you know, all those “Brown people NOT Anericans” that have died by the hand of the courageous freedom fighters of the Uber-righteous religion of peace were just, Allah be praised, necessary for the cause.

    – Still, it would be nice if the Left at least gave a flying funk about them, but I guess you only make your bones as a good cult member by saving all your rath and outrage for the oil hungry American infidels. All those hundreds of thousand “Others” that have died for no apparent reason will just have to do without.

    – Its times like this that we should all remember the strirring words of that great peacemaker, Neville Chamberlain, “Peace in our time”. After all, look how well that worked out.

  65. cjd says:

    A good post, BJ, but you can forget it for now. Cynn’s nursing a hangover, but I’m sure she’ll be back with more selective outrage and hand-wringing. Whatever, cynn’s alright for the most part, but I’m w/Big Bang on this one. Whenever she has one of her outrage spasms I resist the urge to pile on, knowing it will probably pass eventually.

  66. BJTexs says:

    Well, it really has nothing to do with cynn.

    I just like me the piling on! It goes great with roasted brown person and a side of fricassied penguin.

  67. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    – “….So this baby seal walks into a club….”

    (yeh I know its old, but I think it still catches the spirit of the fake but accurate Leftward “outrage”…..)

  68. alppuccino says:

    “I just like me the piling on! It goes great with roasted brown person and a side of fricassied penguin.”

    Don’t forget the al dente Penn pasta.

  69. BJTexs says:

    With a mixed salad of rainforest greens.

  70. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    “…Paging Mr Regis….Mr Regis please pick up the nearest courtesy phone… Your wife has parked the van in the express elevator…………again…”

  71. TomB says:

    You call it Imperialism. I call it defending the bystanders.

    Outstanding, RTO. I’m stealing that.

  72. klrtz1 says:

    Are you sure that was cynn? It sounded exactly like semanticlown. Check the IP.

  73. McGehee says:

    I’m starting to think “cynn” is a handle shared by a diverse group of individuals with a wide range of IQ scores.

  74. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    – All lower than their ages…..

  75. SDN says:

    OK, Cynn, here’s my proposal:

    1. Tell the Democrat Congress to get the fuck out of the way when the NSA wants to intercept their communications.

    2. Encourage the use of whatever interrogation tactics are needed to convince the scum responsible to tell us who ordered this attack, and when the next one is going to happen.

    3. Write a letter to the Copperheads in Congress encouraging them to advocate sending the next batch of Iranian Quds force officers back to Tehran from 20,000 feet sans parachute.

  76. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    – Well RTO, it looks like you can add yet another “peaceful religious event” to the Jihadist E-ticket fun-death rides agenda. Here. (not here, back at the other here.)

  77. RTO Trainer says:

    Well, looky what Cynn’s SW Asia Savior has to day to Voice of America today:

    Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto says she had prior warning of an assassination plot against her, but insisted on carrying through with her homecoming on Thursday.

    So does this make her look knowing, informed and courageous? Or does it make her look callous, unfeeling and possessing poor judgment?

  78. RTO Trainer says:

    BB, did you know I keep a database? Yes, this one will go on the books. Thanks for the pointer.

  79. MayBee says:

    RTO- Do you know about The Burnhams and their group?

  80. RTO Trainer says:

    Yes. I have not yet read her book, but it’s one on my list.

  81. cynn says:

    I am so defeated.

  82. happyfeet says:

    It’s a new day, cynn.

  83. Pablo says:

    Blank slate, people! Enjoy it!

  84. happyfeet says:

    The tabula, it is raza. And so can you!

  85. cynn says:

    SDN: Let’s just blow the whole fucking world up. Nobody to answer to; maybe life would reconstitute itself.

  86. maor says:

    “I merely wanted to point out the singular lack of outrage over a country in which religiuos violence might be countered”

    I wasn’t outraged when a terrorist killed an old lady next to my house.
    I wasn’t outrgaed when terrorists shot up my brother’s school.
    I’m not going to get outraged about this.
    It is self-evident that these terrorists are scum. I am all in favor of imprisoning or killing them. But what the heck does outrage accomplish?

    And how does one “counter” religious violence in a foreign country without military force?

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