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October 2024


Handicapping Identity Politics

If you happen to be a Democrat politico, it’s like a grievance group steel cage match!

Early returns have the “gendereds” leading the “of colors” by a widening margin.

I suspect this has something to do with the essentialism of sex trumping the construct of race — though I suspect Dr Watson, were he queried, might try to poke such supposition with a set of rudimentary utensils and a makeshift spear…


(h/t Robert D)

16 Replies to “Handicapping Identity Politics”

  1. Steve B says:

    And I’m SOOOO loving that photo they chose of Mz. Clinton. BWAHAHA! She looks like Madeleine Albright.

  2. Alice H says:

    Dare I say it? It’s cause black women know black men ain’t good for NUTHIN.

  3. psychologizer says:

    We’re still pretending Obama is black?

    Hilarious. Because only a one-drop RACIST! could possibly believe it.

    By “cultural” standards, he’s whiter than Hillary’s upper inner thighs.

    But wait. Could that be why the polls say…

    Naw. Nuh-uh. Nope. Couldn’t be.

  4. km says:

    My guess is that black women are trending to Hillary because of their intimate familiarity with black men.

  5. JD says:

    Personally, I love it when interest groups collide. Notice how the black vote is so vital to the Dems, but they are content to ignore the blacks when it comes to school choice, same sex marriage, and a host of issues, because they feel comfortable with the control of their vote.

  6. McGehee says:

    Hillary’s upper inner thighs.

    For using those four words in that order, you will be hearing from the HOA.

  7. wishbone says:

    Annoying CNN note:

    Is anyone in this neck of the galaxy making more money by being a master of the obvious that Bill Schneider?

  8. JD says:

    Hillary’s upper inner thighs

    psychologizer should be banned, banned I tell you, for the mental image that devilish phrase produced. I will be seeing cottage cheese, varicose veins, and unkept Euro bush for the rest of the day. The teeming demon dwarf clowns could not knock that image out of my head.

    Damn you to San Fran, psychologizer.

  9. steveaz says:

    Is there really an HOA at Jeff’s place?

    It’s usually pretty “free-form” around here. Whatever. Just as long as there’s not a dress code, too.

  10. JD says:

    steveaz – The HOA of which he speaks is quite real, which makes it all the worse.

  11. bob says:

    My first h/t … sweeet!

  12. McGehee says:

    For the purposes of my earlier comment, HOA stands for Horrifying Objects Authority. The senatorial body parts in question obviously qualify, and the HOA will be wanting to know why they were invoked without a permit.

  13. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Personally, I love it when interest groups collide.

    Yes. My favorite was the incident where a bunch of sea lions were wiping out an endangered subspecies of salmon. The government wanted to thin the (decidedly non-endangered) sea lion herd a bit so the fish would have a chance.

    Guess which animals won the PR battle?

    That’s right. The hippie groups weighed in on the side of the cuddly-furry-liquid-brown-eyed mammals over the fish. Classists (in the Linnean sense).

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