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October 2024


Full of Sound and Fury [Dan Collins]

The back and forth on the Petraeus advertisement and, now, over Mr. Limbaugh’s remarks, illustrates how both parties are turning miscues into fodder in the run up to the 2008 elections, particularly in the absence of serious legislative accomplishment when it comes to the war.

27 Replies to “Full of Sound and Fury [Dan Collins]”

  1. McGehee says:

    Of course, anyone who expected serious legislative accomplishment — when it comes to the war or anything else — in a Democrat-controlled Congress…

    Well, let’s just say they’re using an anvil for a hat rack.

  2. BJTexs says:

    The vision of Harry Reid, he of the “We’ve Lost!” and “The Surge has Failed!” memes manufacturing outrage over the non issue of Limbaugh’s remark and rallying “support for our troops” glows with atomic strength irony.

    Quite frankly, it also pisses me off to the extreme. I hereby demote “this land is not my land” Reid into the moldy dungeon with jon cary that contains politicians I utterly despise.

    Arrogant. Clueless. Self Absorbed. Despicable.

  3. Mikey NTH says:

    Gotta coal-up that Right Wing Noise-Machine! The elections are upon us (in a year) Huzzah!

    (Think of a calliope – only bigger – with more horns, bells, whistles, toggles, and switches, than a same person can contemplate; and when played it drowns out all other discourse!)

  4. JD says:

    Why is it that the media only sees fit to note that the Republicans attack their opponents? Do they not notice the constant barrage from the Left, or have they just gotten used to it, so it no longer seems like an attack?

    A compliant media, and no shame, allows Sen. Reid to pull stunts like this with impunity.

    I liked the letter from Clear Channel in response to Reid.

  5. daleyrocks says:

    It only serves to confirm the existence of the liberal media through the anatomy of the Rush smear and the O’Reilly smear. Watching both spread through the MSM showed which entities were willing to pull a Media Matters generated propaganda piece off the wires without independent verification, NTTAWWT, unless you want to avoid looking like an idiot. Interbreeding of European royalty spread hemophilia, inbreeding of of liberal media spreads a coordinated and error filled message.

    Cue up the wurlitzer.

  6. paul zummo says:

    Come on, we all know it’s only right-wingers that attack, and never the left. Leftists are only interested in calm, rational debate over the issues that matter. When I go to the Barnes and Noble or Borders, or any bookstore in DC for that matter, I don’t see table upon table filled with books decrying the pure evil of the Bush administration. The rare anti-Bush book that I stumble upon is of course absent any vitriol, and is a becaon of logic and reason. And there aren’t any left-wing blog containing streams of anti-Bush vile, or least certainly nones that are read by millions of people.

    Nope, it’s only the right that has some sort of noise machine. It’s all goodness and lollipops on the left.

  7. BJTexs says:

    Paul Zummo:

    It’s all goodness and lollipops on the left.

    You forgot Big Head puppets and menthol bongs.

  8. JD says:

    And kitties, kites, and free healthcare for all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. PCachu says:

    Also, rainbows and unicorns. And puppies. And kite-flying Iraqi children.

    And cake. No pie.

  10. Spiny Norman says:

    No pie? Those Stalinists!

  11. N. O'Brain says:

    That was no miscue on Limbaugh’s part, that was an unashamed, full frontal attack with the reactionary left lying through their stinking, rotten snaggle teeth.

  12. happyfeet says:

    NPR is among those that haven’t covered it yet. It’s not as important as when Bush said OPEC instead of APEC I guess. It’s a news judgment thing.

  13. MayBee says:

    What was the right’s desired serious legislative accomplishment when it comes to the war? I would think no so-called “accomplishment” is exactly what most war supporters want, and it is the left that wants to use the legislature to end the war.

  14. Spiny Norman says:

    NPR is among those that haven’t covered it yet. It’s not as important as when Bush said OPEC instead of APEC I guess. It’s a news judgment thing.

    I think NPR just broke the “Mandela’s dead” gaffe…

  15. tanstaafl says:

    Turning “miscues into fodder” is a depressing phenomenon for the future of intelligent life on the planet.

    As I’ve said elsewhere, this crapola is another shot across the bow in the inability of the Left to compete in the marketplace of ideas. Talk of resurrecting the Fairness Doctrine was another.

    (translation: “If we can’t shut ’em up, we’ll shut ’em down”)

    Now General Wesley Clark has weighed in on the horror of Limbaugh’s (completely) taken out of context remark. I always thought W. Clark was borderline nuts. I guess HairReid is also.

    The Carl Hulse “piece” in the nytimes is beneath contempt.

  16. Karl says:

    And as this is PW, I would note that the attack on Limbaugh is another example of the Left attempting to shift the determination of meaning to the listener.

    If Jeff were not ill, he would be able to put that into academese for us, but you know what I mean.

    And yes, that last was intentional.

  17. tanstaafl says:

    “…attempting to shift the determination of meaning to the listener”

    Kind of like…”it’s not what you said (your meaning and intent) but what I said you said (the meaning and intent I choose to try to put onto your words, in furtherance of my agenda)”

  18. dicentra says:

    I’ll give you your right-wing hater right here. Medved defends slavery and makes Olbermann’s Worst Person in the World list.

    Prager was so hopping mad he was trying to talk Medved into suing for libel. Medved, however, knows that it doesn’t rise to that level, but still…

  19. dicentra says:

    Do they not notice the constant barrage from the Left…?

    The barrage from the Left originates from behind them, heading outbound. The barrage from the Right is inbound. The inbound missiles are always scarier than the ones that are going away from you.

    Something about the difference between “smearing” and “speaking truth to power.”

  20. Cave Bear says:

    And the kicker with Limbaugh is that there were two “phony soldiers” outed for writing or otherwise making “fake but accurate” (in the fantasy-based community at least) claims about the troops committing “atrocities” in Iraq. One was that Macbeth (sp?) character, the other was, as is well-known around here, Mr. Beauchamp.

    So the truth is that Limbaugh was dead on in using the term “phony soldiers” (plural) in the context of that conversation, not that “Media Matters” or the rest of the barking moonbats will ever own up to it…

  21. psychologizer says:

    That’s the first thing Medved’s ever written that isn’t shockingly retarded.

  22. Major John says:

    “The inbound missiles are always scarier than the ones that are going away from you.”

    Yeah, that is a sound I shan’t ever forget.

    Don’t forget Micah Wright…the Ranger Killer of Panama. Or this slob

    But remember, Harry Reid lurves me!1!11!

  23. McGehee says:

    Less widely known, I gather, was this guy.

  24. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – Betray-us = phoney soldiers is the Lefts latest desperate attemp to proffer equivalency, embarassed to the rafters over the Patraeus ad, and hoping to push it off the radar screen.

    – Leaving aside the feckless effort to outright distort any phrase they can recast, you have a Senator calling for the suppression of the free speech rights of a radio talk-show host, over a phrase that doesn’t even mean what they say it does. Is it even possible for Reid to look anymore anti-American and useless. Again, you see the mask of faux Democratic values sliiping form the soft-Marxist faces of the far Left. All of this while, as the article points out, NO meaningful legislation gets any import, not just the war, but everything else.

    – Well the war agenda fell on its ass for the Dembulbs, and this is falling on its ass just as fast. The more of this they try, the more they shine the spotlight on the real politik that the Left is willing to engage in.

    – Reid stood there and “praised” the voices that have bravely come forth and condemned this “evil” war. The next problem the Dems will have to deal with is even more national exposure of the antics of Beauchamp, et. al.

    – Rush thrown off his radio show. Not going to happen. Reid dumped from Congress like the super partisan Left-wing pandering hack he is. Very possible.

  25. JD says:

    I am just waiting on the Dems to vote to defund the war.

  26. geoffb says:

    This quote is from the Limbaugh program today.

    “I’ll tell you what’s happening here. Bill Bennett put this well to me in an e-mail today. He said, “We’ve reached a new day when anything said, no matter how violently torn from context, is presented however one wishes and accepted as fact by the interpreter. It is the death of meaning.” ”

    Jeff G. even when you are ill you are having an effect out there. Get well soon. I expect their will be many more weeks like this to come before the 2008 elections.

  27. Derek says:

    I disagree
    Can you give more info?

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