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October 2007

The Conservatism=Psychological Defect Meme [Dan Collins]

Has burbled up to the Krug, who dumbs it down even from Perrin: What’s happening, presumably, is that modern movement conservatism attracts a certain personality type. If you identify with the downtrodden, even a little, you don’t belong. If you think ridicule is an appropriate response to other peoples’ woes, you fit right in. Bwahahahaha!  Gosh, it must be really hard to be so stupid. Taranto: Conscience of a Former

Another 'Nother of the Kind of Revelation [Dan Collins]

the Hillary camp fears: Media Matters claims it is not, as the National Review noted, “an avowedly political institution,” but a nonpartisan, progressive nonprofit that is unaffiliated with any political party or candidate. Hah! But, after doing a bit of research, Let Freedom Ring reported that Media Matters is the Clinton War Room on steroids! LFR reported this after looking at the long list of Clinton lackeys that make up

Word to the Wise [Dan Collins]

From drink-soaked Trotskyite popinjay: So a warning to Muslims who choose to criticize their religion or even extremist segments of it. Don’t expect to get away with the sort of thing white liberals get away with saying about Catholicism or the Church of England, because they won’t like you causing trouble. Don’t expect solidarity or support, you will be seen as the authors of your own misfortune. Most of all,

Congrats, Rockies!

The NL West was the best division in the National League this year, and it’s two top teams, the Diamondbacks and the Rockies — with the two best records in the NL — will now face off in the NLCS. In a short series, having Brandon Webb is a huge plus for the D-Backs. Having 8 days off in between starts, however, is not the optimal situation for a sinker

Priest Collects Recollections of 'Holocaust' in Ukraine [Dan Collins]

I think it’s good that they’re still looking into this issue; wouldn’t want the existence of such a thing to ossify into a consensus, like global warming or some Shi’a interpretation of the Koran, right Ahmadinejad? Because that would just be crazy.

Another of the Kind of Revelation [Dan Collins]

the Hillary camp fears: The company run by one of Hillary Clinton’s top campaign officials has been providing public-relations services for Blackwater – the security firm, accused of killing 17 Iraqi civilians, that has come under fire from Congress. Burson-Marsteller, run by Clinton pollster Mark Penn, has been representing the troubled security firm in the lead-up to congressional testimony this week in which top company officials defended their policies and

US Researcher: It's Alive! Bwahahaha! [Dan Collins]

Guardian enthuses, might be solution to global warming!!! GM foods, though . . . BAD.

Other Integrity Boy [Dan Collins]

Yesterday, I highlighted a beautifully even-handed NYT op-ed that argues that due to his feelings regarding the “high-tech lynching” attempted on him, Clarence Thomas ought to recuse himself from a variety of cases.  Today, the NY Post applies the same argument to Chris Matthews, political starfucker.

Integrity Boy [Dan Collins]

by which I mean TRex of FDL, has cross-posted a piece at AlterNet and sent out little emails to his cohort, urging them to rebuff the absurd implication that people who differ with them politically over “equal protection” for homosexuals–by which I think he can only mean illegalizing any resistance to “gay marriage”–may not be rankly hypocritical gay-bashers.   Once again, Jeff is mentioned by name, but not me, and in the

Flu update, and some thoughts on a gay person of non-color

Still down with the flu, guys. But I’m hoping a few more days of rest will do the trick. And by “a few more days of rest,” I mean weed. Conservatives and their “code words,” eh? Anyway, just now got to looking at Greenwald’s response to Dan’s faggot post, which I note mentions me (and my Pajamas Media affiliation) by name. Dan, on the other hand, is not mentioned by