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October 2024


US Researcher: It's Alive! Bwahahaha! [Dan Collins]

Guardian enthuses, might be solution to global warming!!!

GM foods, though . . . BAD.

21 Replies to “US Researcher: It's Alive! Bwahahaha! [Dan Collins]”

  1. Spiny Norman says:

    The Grauniad, irony-impaired as usual.

  2. happyfeet says:

    delicious sligs not yet but soon

  3. Merovign says:

    Bacteria could be created, he speculates, that could help mop up excessive carbon dioxide

    We already have things that do this… they’re called plants.

    “Ah, Smithers, re-inventing the wheel again, I see!”

    Apart from the pedestrian leftist politics, this is an important invention. Kind of amazing that it was done by a dunce, but there you go. I expect in 10-20 years we’ll be able to do things like correct genetic defects in simple organisms, followed by ourselves.

    Bad things and good things will follow, as always.

    Hopefully we’ll end up reaching out for the stars and not huddling around a solar-powered heater during the next ice age, as the enviromorons would have it.

  4. BJTexs says:

    Apparently there is a new rule when is comes to scientific break throughs, major or minor. They must not be given wide MSM spread unless there is some application, no matter how tenuous or speculative, towards reducing the apostate CO2 from Holy Gaia.

    Let’s just start calling them “Forcing Fatwas.” LALALALALALALA!

  5. Bill D. Cat says:

    ” ….. based on the bacterium mycoplasma genitalium ….”

    I dunno , something sounds dirty here .

  6. Moron Pundit says:

    This is excellent progress. One more step in the long journey to grow the Bears a quarterback.

  7. Kresh says:

    -“We are not afraid to take on things that are important just because they stimulate thinking,” he said. “We are dealing in big ideas. We are trying to create a new value system for life. When dealing at this scale, you can’t expect everybody to be happy.”-

    I’d rater they were cautious, as opposed to naking people happy. Script kiddies are bad enough with the “DIY Virus” kits. Imagine what a 3rd world dictator, (such as, um, I’m drawing a blank here, something about killing the joos or destroying Israel or something similar) would pay to get his hands on a “DIY Biological Weapon” kit.

    Big ideas and new value systems indeed. Nuclear weaponry has nothing on this genie, especially the “New Value System for Life.” Who want to place bets that humanity isn’t very high on the cost/ benefit ratio list these guys are gonna cook up?

  8. Kresh says:

    ..making people happy…

    My apologies.

  9. JayC says:

    If you really want to piss off your atheist friends, tell them that this disproves evolution.

    It’s fun!

  10. wishbone says:

    I was going to make a lame Shannon Elizabeth joke.

    And then I saw Moron Pundit’s post above and decided that it really would be criminally lame in comparison.

  11. layerguy says:

    “The DNA sequence is based on the bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium …”

    Make no mistake about it. The era of the little dicked guy is about to be forever part of history’s dustbin.

    This will be put into pill form, and I have already copyrighted the name: Mygenitaliumbigga. It will be marketed in little blue pills alongside Viagra under the name: BIGGA BABY!

  12. Moron Pundit says:

    Wishbone, I just wish that joke made me laugh. I have a strong suspicion I’ll be writing a lot of cuss words at Brett Favre on Sunday… and Dan will probably be mocking me in style.

  13. McGehee says:

    I wonder if that’s how this guy (allegedly NSFW) did it?

  14. mojo says:

    Greg Bear: “Blood Music”

  15. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Mycoplasma genitalium was first isolated from men with non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) more than 20 years ago. Use of polymerase chain reaction technology has shown it to be a cause of acute NGU and probably chronic NGU, almost independently of Chlamydia trachomatis, but there is no substantial evidence that it causes acute or chronic prostatitis. In women, M. genitalium is not associated with bacterial vaginosis, but it is strongly associated with cervicitis and endometritis and serologically with salpingitis and tubal factor infertility. Further studies may show M. genitalium to be associated, perhaps causally, with epididymoorchitis, neonatal disease and reactive arthritis. Furthermore, its potential for enhancing HIV transmission needs to be explored. M. genitalium is susceptible to various broad-spectrum antibiotics, but M. genitalium-associated diseases are probably best treated with azithromycin.

  16. Bill D. Cat says:


    I’m a little lax on my latin these days ….. the above refers to the ability to pull one’s scrotum over Mikey Moore’s head , no ?

  17. Good God.

    The first man-made life form is… dick cheese?!?


  18. Rob B says:

    Great, we’re going to engineer a bacteria to eat carbon monoxide. That’s a great idea. I mean it’s not like bacteria every mutate or anything…

    It’s like some people just have never seen “28 days later” or” Dawn of the Dead”

  19. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – Leave it to the government, and they’ll have the little buggers consuming 1000 times their body weight in oxygen every 10 minutes, and we’ll all be dead from suffocation inside of a week.

  20. The Lost Dog (El Pero Perdido) says:

    Yeah. But will this make me bigger? Like “Bob”?

  21. The Lost Dog (El Pero Perdido) says:

    I promise I’m going to bed after this but –

    “non-gonococcal urethritis”

    Isn’t that the goop that makes you ITCH(amidst other fun stuff)?

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