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October 2024


Other Integrity Boy [Dan Collins]

Yesterday, I highlighted a beautifully even-handed NYT op-ed that argues that due to his feelings regarding the “high-tech lynching” attempted on him, Clarence Thomas ought to recuse himself from a variety of cases.  Today, the NY Post applies the same argument to Chris Matthews, political starfucker.

28 Replies to “Other Integrity Boy [Dan Collins]”

  1. wishbone says:

    There’s an extra “http” in the Post link, Dan.

  2. Dan Collins says:

    Thanks, wishbone.

  3. guinsPen says:

    Chris Matthews

    Too screamy.

    And another thing; say it don’t spray it, Mr. Spittlefleck.

  4. McGehee says:

    Mr. Spittlefleck.

    If we make him say that backwards, will it send him back to the 5th dimension?

  5. Semanticleo says:

    “Of the vice president, Matthews said, “God help us if we had Cheney during the Cuban missile crisis. We’d all be under a parking lot.””

    Matthews suddenly discovered his viewership’s rising BushBile and regenerated his virginity, proving that even a blind cock crows at the crack of dawn from time to time.

  6. Mikey NTH says:

    Dummie Funnies had a transcript of an interview of Chris Matthews by Jon Stewart regarding Matthews new book.

    Stewart eviscerated him.

  7. Spiny Norman says:

    Got any more unfounded slander to recite as fact, cleo?

  8. BJTexs says:

    “Of the vice president, Matthews said, “God help us if we had Cheney during the Cuban missile crisis. We’d all be under a parking lot.”

    But would he have boinked Marilyn Monroe? You know, under the parking lot?

    Stop looking at me like that!

  9. Spiny Norman says:


    Can someone explain to bme what it is about Dick Cheney that makes the Dems and sundry leftists piss their pants? Did he plant the voices in their heads?

  10. Spiny Norman says:


    Weird, “b” is not next to the “m” on my keyboard…

  11. BJTexs says:


    When he looks at them he sees into their shrunken, nannystate souls and IT BURNS, OH GAIA, IT BURNS LIKE FIRE!!!!!!

    Well that and the whole crooked smile thing.

  12. Merovign says:

    Yes, because the NYT has such a stellar reputation for even-handedness that they can presume to judge others on the subject.

    For people like Cleo: That was irony.

  13. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – Spiney – They’re afraid of his gun.

  14. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – As far as screw-loose Mathews, his wife is a staunch Conservative, and you know what that means. So like Clinton, he has to “unzip” and dump his Lefturd load when and where he can.

  15. Spiny Norman says:


    When he looks at them he sees into their shrunken, nannystate souls and IT BURNS, OH GAIA, IT BURNS LIKE FIRE!!!!!!

    THEY’RE MELTING!!! Oh, the humanity!

    Big Bang,

    – Spiney – They’re afraid of his gun.

    Oh yeah, I forgot about that…

  16. Mike C. says:

    SN, conservatives, by definition, are stupid, mentally ill, or evil (or some combination thereof). Bush, of course, is stupid. Cheney is not stupid, witness his evisceration of Edwards in the ’04 Veep debate. Neither is he mentally ill. Therefore, he must be evil.

  17. malaclpse the tertiary says:

    I hadn’t seen that John Stewart interview of Matthews. Wow! All along I’d counted Stewart as a rather superficial personality, but I gotta say he impressed me there.

  18. SweepTheLeg says:

    New suit for your appearance on Jon Stewarts “The Daily Show” to pimp your new book- $1200

    John Edwards’s hairstylist- $400

    Teeth whitening- $1200

    Copy of your new book- $9.95

    Getting you ass handed to you and having a fellow Ideologue call your new book a “recipe for sadness”…Priceless.

  19. narciso says:

    The truth is probably the reverse; having betrayed the goal of Cuban liberation he had pledged in 1960
    at the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy’s near
    beer of Operation Mongoose, encouraged
    the Soviets to follow with their promise of putting intermediate range preceded by 100,000 troops and their compliment of supplies. Had Cheney been
    there, first of all; Kruschev wouldn’t have been encouraged to make a move on Berlin, and hence we could haveactually
    checkmated Soviet forces and not yielded to blackmail about missiles in Turkey.

  20. Kresh says:

    I would suggest that Matthews switch to moderating for the democrats, but the FCC has an absolute limit as to how much fellatio is allowed on camera.

    So, we’re talking 20-30 seconds of airtime for Matthews, tops. He might not even get past the introduction of the candidates, especially if he introduces Hillary first.

  21. Kresh, it already happened and you can see some highlights/compare and contrast here

  22. oops, I thought that was the dem debate. sowwy. it’s saturday.

  23. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    Mathews: “….This is the worst interview I’ve ever had…”

    Translation: “….Hey, wtf is this…..I was supposed to come on here and trade quips wuth you Jon, slipping in every possible Lefturd talking point possible….you know….the usual screed script… you’re killing me here….”

  24. Enoch_Root says:

    wow – my instincts tell me maybe Jon is about to pull a Dennis Miller

  25. happyfeet says:

    Doubtful. Comedy Central won’t be along for that ride, least ways.

  26. Mikey NTH says:

    This part killed me:

    Jon Stewart: What campaigns are, are photo opportunities that are staged. And there’s nothing in this book about ‘Be Good. Be Competent.’

    Chris Matthews: That’s the Bible. It’s been written.

    Jon Stewart: This book has been written, too! It was called “The Prince.”

  27. narciso says:

    Crikey, my hometown fishwrap sports a half baked screed on Blackwater; as subtle as Naomi Wolf’s HuffPo entry, by the man who used to be funny; Carl Hiassen. Takes up all the talking points, Prince’s wife a Devos
    who happens to be a Pioneer; How Blackwater
    is evil, no WMD, Iraq wasn’t involved in 9/11 yada yada. This is followed but a Bush needs to repudiate his leagacy in Iraq piece by former? Clinton & Arafat apologist Trudy Rubin arguing that Syria & Jordan need
    foreign aid to deal with the disaster that their active support of sanctuaries for jihadists and Baathist led to; their large Iraqi exile influx. Haven’t we learned that countries like that don’t care about their own people, or guest unless they’re Hamas, Hezbollah. She also takes up an argument that Bono made, that’ we’re losing because Hamas is building schools; there called ma=drassas my dear. The cherry on top was the unedited transcript of Mr. Birthmark himself Gorbachev; visiting the ‘hatchery
    of vile running dog ruling classes RansoM
    Everglades arguing that ‘leadership should be earned’ This time saving apparatchnik has the gall to say that. And he flubbed a question about current conditions under Putin, saying Democracy took a century under Russia (Communism was part of the democratic transition??)and that the conduct of the
    security services has been overemphasized.

  28. Drumwaster says:

    Mikey NTH: You could see that Matthews had no idea what the hell Stewart was talking about, either. I would imagine that half his audience was just reacting to an obvious zinger.

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