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October 2024


Geez, That Sucks [Dan Collins]

Ardolino goes to Iraq, does some excellent reporting, comes back to find that nobody’s reading his blog anymore.

That’s gratitude for you.

40 Replies to “Geez, That Sucks [Dan Collins]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    You link it I read it. That’s the deal.

  2. Dan Collins says:

    Thanks. I read ALL your comments. That’s the deal.

  3. happyfeet says:

    Not to be churlish, but every time I wander off by myself I run smack dab into Peggy Noonan’s approvingly-quoted bosoms, and it’s all starting to take on these dark Oedipal overtones.

  4. Dan Collins says:

    Stiflingly cushy.

  5. Bill doesn’t like me as all of you well know. But I still admire him for doing this.

    He will get all his readers back. I was shocked at how fast my old readers found me. He just needs to let everyone know.

  6. Dan Collins says:

    Yeah, RWS–I’ve had my moments with Bill, too, but that’s good work he’s done there.

  7. MarkH says:

    “I was shocked at how fast my old readers found me.”

    I wasn’t an old reader (though I’m not surprised they’d be keeping an eye out for you RWS), but I’m glad you noted that “you’re baaack” above!

  8. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    – Bill needs to get caught up. Apparently while he was away doing good owrk in Iraq, Iraq has changed a wee bit. For more on this mysterious occurance, which seems to have totally escaped the lame-stream media like the fog in the Irish highlands, check any non-Progressive Liberal news outlet. If you can find one. They are few.

    – Of course with the potential coming of their worst nightmare, namely a possible looming improvement and stability in Iraq, the SicProggs(tm) will now be off to other “more important” opportunistic pastures, and I-raq will now be decalred a “non-issue”, other than Bush’s greed for Iraqi oil of course.

    – I think Feets has his finger on one possiible spin with the SoCal fires thing, and the breaking news that Bush hates trees, and bushes, and most of all, houses. More tea anyone?

  9. MarkH says:

    “I think Feets has his finger on one possiible spin with the SoCal fires thing, and the breaking news that Bush hates trees, and bushes, and most of all, houses.”

    Aw c’mon BigBang, don’t you remember the 2004 debate when Kerry accused Bush of owning a lumber company? (I forget which delusional page Kerry was trying to quote from, or why owning a lumber company deserved ridicule) Bush replied, with a quizzical look, “Wanna buy some wood?”

    It’s obvious it was true, Bush must own trees outside the fire zones and will now up the price of lumber for CA and laugh all the way to the bank — or so it will be told from the fevered swamps of the “progressives.”

  10. happyfeet says:

    I bet Bush owns the trees in Canada. I know it.

    It’s all coming together.

  11. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    – All of which brings to mind the lingering question about Bush’s comment that night. Namely, was he actually casting doubt on the voracity, (rigidity), of sKerrys package? Because, let me tell you, being married to the Ketchup slut has to be Uber-demanding, male performance wise. Something like hammering Janet Reno while gypsy midget whores dance and play the tuba for you.

  12. happyfeet says:

    Kerry’s voracious package are not words you send happyfeet to bed with.

  13. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    – ‘K feets. Maybe you should just try some warm milk, and think about Sally Fields gorgious osteopathic problems instead. Don’t forget the little black party dress.

  14. happyfeet says:

    That works. She reminds me of that nice cookie lady.

  15. SarahW says:

    The Bill is Back!?

    Where’s my email.

  16. He got 10k hits this week. What was his traffic like before he left? Shit, I wish I could get 10k hits a week. But them I’m shitty and Bill’s not.


  17. Kevin says:

    He’s kind of rude to his commenters :(. Well, he was to me at least.

  18. McGehee says:

    He’s kind of rude to everybody. Either it’s his shtick (which, why is he waving it around at everybody?) or he’s a poster boy for Tourette’s, or something.

    Maybe he was traumatized by watching too many Sunday-morning talking-heads shows featuring James Carville. That would turn Mr. Rogers into Don Rickles, I’d think.

  19. happyfeet says:

    Mean people suck.

  20. 1. I don’t maintain a daily blog and haven’t been posting regularly since I got back.

    2. The traffic comes when I put up a piece and get it linked.

    3. The average blog reader has much less interest in Iraq than whatever the latest, meaningless political slapfight is. Look at Yon or Roggio’s numbers. I don’t think they crack 6-7k per day. Many of Hot Air’s Iraq posts get under 10 comments. And when folks comment, most immediately comment about Nancy Pelosi or George Bush, rather than the immediate subject matter.

    He’s kind of rude to everybody. Either it’s his shtick (which, why is he waving it around at everybody?) or he’s a poster boy for Tourette’s, or something.

    I haven’t been commented in some time, especially given how unbound the medium is by the basic human decency or manners we afford people in real life. Instead, I’ve been working and making trips to Iraq, to meet fantastic people and report on the war.

    Thank you for the feedback, though, McGehee.

  21. Bill needs to get caught up. Apparently while he was away doing good owrk in Iraq, Iraq has changed a wee bit.

    I’m not quite sure what that means.

  22. happyfeet says:

    how unbound the medium is by the basic human decency or manners we afford people in real life.

    This is because you are blogging about Iraq, which is controversial. You should try a more tangential approach – maybe just doing a post on bunnies in Mesopotamia (neat trick I learned from the New York Times) and I think you’ll find people have a much more genteel tone. Especially if you have pictures.

  23. SondraK says:

    I don’t give a rat’s ass what he’s doing unless it’s apologizing for being a prick just for the sake of being one.

    Obviously he’s a big turn off.

  24. happyfeet says:

    I took about 20 minutes to try and find somewhere where he was disregarding or whatever and I didn’t find anything. I found some pictures though. He has kind eyes I thought. But also he wears sunglasses a lot.

  25. If anyone has some questions about Iraq, such as a clarification to what Big Bang thinks I miss with my coverage, let me know. Otherwise, regards.

  26. happyfeet says:

    I think BB might just be noting your cautious optimism, but what I think myself is that it wouldn’t bother me at all if you only looked st positive things over there and conveyed your stories with unrelenting optimism. You’ll have noticed that people that do the opposite don’t find themselves discredited in the slightest. There’s a reason cheerleaders are popular you know.

  27. happyfeet says:

    GO FREEDOM!!! YAY!!!

    See? You’re so loving me right now I can tell.

  28. Dan Collins says:

    That was awkward.

  29. I think BB might just be noting your cautious optimism

    I saw a startlingly positive change the second trip. But I also saw enough negative things, in addition to realizing how much is dependent on the questionable ability to seal the borders, to add a qualifier. al Qaeda is on the ropes; that doesn’t mean Iraq’s neighbors aren’t furiously looking for a new proxy or way to transit jihadis from Pakistan to Iraq.

  30. happyfeet says:

    What would be cool is if there were an international organization that managed peacekeeping forces that they could deploy to help with the borders.

    But I think it’s a mixed bag insofar as it’s not necessarily a bad thing for it to become deeply impressed on the average Iraqi that these neighbor people are not your friends.

    But the phenomenon of Iraqis repudiating Al Qaeda? That can’t be anything less than HUGE with respect to the broader struggle, and gives great cause for optimism that there are brighter days ahead in the Middle East and beyond.

    My question for you based on your experience is this… With respect to our soldiers, contractors, etc., do you get a sense that many of them are building relationships – friendships – with Iraqis that will outlast their tours? I think that’s an important story, even if I can’t say exactly why.

  31. My question for you based on your experience is this… With respect to our soldiers, contractors, etc., do you get a sense that many of them are building relationships – friendships – with Iraqis that will outlast their tours?

    some, undoubtedly. There is both cynicism and idealism, both people just using each other and legitimate friendships. It all depends on the person. Some of the Iraqi cops are shifty bastards their American counterparts don’t trust, whereas others (like the police chief) are genuinely respected and liked. It’s both. I can’t say that most Americans will have long lasting friendships with the Iraqis the they work with, but friendships have developed.

    overall, I’d say the overall trend is this: the more locals have exposure to Americans, the more they like them. And it’s often a hoot watching the interaction of young Marines goofing off with Iraqis.

    But the phenomenon of Iraqis repudiating Al Qaeda? That can’t be anything less than HUGE with respect to the broader struggle, and gives great cause for optimism that there are brighter days ahead in the Middle East and beyond.

    Undoubtedly, it is. AQI is working itself into regional discreditation.

  32. was referring to cops in Fallujah, btw.

  33. happyfeet says:

    Ok. And you know what? Now I have a better appreciation for the whole “telling it like it is” thing, so scratch that cheerleading nonsense.

    This guy that’s named Major John that hangs out here has this deal with me and a couple people here that when he gets in-country he’s going to let us know about what we can send that the Iraqis he is encountering might get a kick out of. That seems kind of more important now that it’s clear that genuine comity is not as easy to come by there as maybe I had hoped.

  34. Dan Collins says:

    There’s an excellent question, Bill. How do we get the most bang for our buck investing in the cause of Iraq?

  35. happyfeet says:

    The genesis of that deal with Major John by the way was this great story he has about how the Afghanis were so delighted by … Crystal Light. I just mostly want delight and Iraq to be in the same sentence more.

  36. McGehee says:

    Thank you for the feedback, though, McGehee.

    I live to serve. ;-)

  37. happyfeet –

    I just saw this comment from a former marine advisor to the Iraqi Police under one of my posts on the Fallujah PD over at Long War Journal:

    “I’m so proud of my guys IPs [Iraqi Police] I could just cry. Next time you get back please tell everyone I said hello and let them know I’m thinking about them.”

    As I said, it all depends.

  38. spongeworthy says:

    Bill’s about half my size and has balls bigger than my head. I can put up with his shit because he might just come up here and jerk me a new puckerhole should I object. Besides, it’s not like he just dishes it out. He can also get really pissed about taking it, so he’s got that going for him.

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