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October 2024


Google & MoveOn [Dan Collins]

Here’s an excerpt, but read the whole thing:

Documents obtained by The Examiner show, however, that’s complaint to Google was part of a broader effort by the advocacy group to silence its critics through threats and intimidation and had nothing to do with preventing fraud. filed its trademark complaint with Google on Sept.19 in the midst of the bitter public debate generated by the Petraeus ad. On the same day,’s Carrie Olson sent a “cease and desist” letter to demanding that the online merchandiser stop selling T-shirts designed by “Waitress Polly,” a blogger from a military family who created the T-shirts to protest the “General Betray Us” ad.

None of the complaints filed by with Google or asserted that a “third party” was making fraudulent use of’s name to collect financial contributions.

As a matter of fact, if one goes to Google to attempt an image search for “General Betray Us”, here is what one gets.

Earlier, images of the notorious MoveOn ad had been available on Yahoo’s image search, but they’ve been suppressed there, too.

Here’s MSN image search (via Zuula), which demonstrates what one would expect to see.

(h/t Reynolds)

20 Replies to “Google & MoveOn [Dan Collins]”

  1. RiverC says:

    Bizarre. I always thought Google leaned left. Maybe they’re just a heavy-handed corporate Goliath?

  2. Dan Collins says:

    That’s exactly WHY they’ve buried them, RiverC.

  3. RiverC says:

    Hmm.. they’re just going to make them more nuts. That’s… disturbing.

  4. T-web says:

    I’m starting to think that the way to stop such blatant abuse of the legal system is to punish the lawyers who file the claims. Essentially, it’s AQ’s law-fare strategy writ-small.

    Perhaps a points system like we have for drivers licenses should be put in place. If a lawyer can’t distinguish between an obvious case of fair use vs. copyright infringement (such as this), or badly misinterprets simple legal terms to the benefit of his client, than he’s either incompetent or dishonest, and points should be deducted from his license to practice law. A weekend-long continuing ed. course could earn a couple of points back, but, ultimately, serial abusers should have their license suspended.

    I know it’ll never happen, though, since lawyers (in the form of legislators, state bars and judges) would be responsible for establishing and enforcing the system. A guy can dream, though.

  5. Drumwaster says:

    OT: I found a possible replacement, should the ‘dillo fail to perform…

  6. JimK says:

    Must be the water in CA. It rots their brains.

  7. Dishman says:

    I find it deeply disturbing that Google would black-hole anything, yet it appears that that’s what they’ve done. I went through 903 images… and couldn’t find it.

  8. Mikey NTH says:

    MoveOn is suppressing free speech only because they have been forced to by the evil rethuglican noise machine!

    This is all Bush’ fault!

  9. happyfeet says:

    It’s not really shocking that Google would act like a company run by a Russian oligarch.

  10. alppuccino says:

    It’s a nice precedent for me to finally get those pictures of me giving Hillary the “hairy brain” when she came through Central Ohio off the internet.

    Now please, nobody run off and google “alppuccino gives hill the hairy brain”

    You pull your bag out one time and it haunts you forever.

  11. psychologizer says:

    I always thought Google leaned left. Maybe they’re just a heavy-handed corporate Goliath?

    These two things are the same thing.

    A lot of confusion evaporates when you regard what people say as a part of what they’re doing, rather than information about why they’re doing it. (People don’t realize why they do things, usually, and when they do, they lie about it; Freud wasn’t wrong about that.) Judged by its real-world sources and effects, anti-corporate rhetoric is a corporatist strategy.

    Where Soros and Google have fucked up is in highlighting an absurdity inherent in it. But notice that it doesn’t matter. The most acquisitive and centrally positioned would-be monopoly in history and a preposterous real-life Bond villian are seamlessly absorbed into the lefty pantheon, and the right is resistant to crticising them meaningfully, for fear of sounding like Marxists (though that might be the best language for the job).

    Dumping the pretense that “the market” is making these monsters would be a good start. Dust off the Hayek.

  12. cranky-d says:

    Dust off the Hayek.

    What does she have to do with it?

    Google’s corporate motto is, supposedly, “Don’t be evil.” One wonders what that statement means after having gone through their filters. I think being the largest information sorter obligates you to being as even-handed as possible; what good is information if you cannot access it?

    Google has already demonstrated their bad faith on more than one occasion. I expect this trend to continue.

  13. JD says:

    Does this mean that is no longer proud of their absolute smear job of General Petraeus? Or is it that Google is just helping them clean up after themselves?

    If TNR successfully scrubs their site of Beauchamp, which it appears that they have, when can we expect their full retraction and apology, or, will they stand behind their own fact checking? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  14. McGehee says:

    Google’s corporate motto is, supposedly, “Don’t be evil.”

    Actually, it’s another case of Google Redaction. The complete motto is, “Don’t be described as evil by people who use that word as a political label rather than a description of morality.”

  15. McGehee says:

    It works best if you translate “evil” as “not politically correct.”

  16. dicentra says:

    What psychologizer said. Leftists have aligned themselves with a particular posture, not with a principle that you apply across the board. They complain about corporate tyranny because it interferes with their goal of socialist government tyranny. In other words, they cheer for their team (socialists) to beat the rival team (capitalists) rather than denouncing the whole foul game of power abuse.

  17. Rick Ballard says:

    Socialists aligned with oligarchs? Hmmm. Didn’t an Italian fellow give that a spin in the ’30’s? Or was that his German neighbor?

    The progressive mind is a small still pool, never ruffled by even the lightest breeze of thought.

  18. mishu says: doesn’t turn up anything.

  19. happyfeet says:

    Google News plays sick Pravda games too. Mostly I’ve noticed this with economic news.

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