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October 2024


A Very Strange Pick-Up Spot, IMO [Dan Collins]

In the closet?  That’s just weird.

On Bloomberg Television today, right-wing pundit Robert Novak revealed that “sources in the Senate” have told him that Senate conservatives had prior knowledge about Sen. Larry Craig’s (R-ID) “problem” but intentionally kept it “in the closet”:

I have talked to several of my sources in the Senate, and this came as a surprise to me…They knew about it. They knew that he had this problem, and it was in the closet. And it was not just a homosexual relationship. It was this weird conduct. They didn’t do anything about it.

Rob Crawford and Fat Man make the point in comments that they would have been accused of homophobia had they outed him.  Gosh, are they cynical!

22 Replies to “A Very Strange Pick-Up Spot, IMO [Dan Collins]”

  1. Rob Crawford says:

    What should they have done? What could they have done without being accused of “homophobia”?

  2. Fat Man says:

    If Senate Republicans “outed” Sen. Craig, would that be evidence of their homophobia?

  3. happyfeet says:

    If I had Novak’s sources, I would know many things. Secret things. Secret things about what people knew. Things that had already been reported online by Democratic activists quite awhile ago.

    If I had Novak’s sources.

  4. Jeffersonian says:

    I bet this involves Richard Armitage, a bottle of olive oil and a summer sausage.

  5. commander0 says:


  6. Jeffersonian says:

    Get Craig on video and I’ll bet it’d be like Napoleon Dynamite if it’d been directed by Rocco Siffridi.

  7. geoffb says:

    Seems a bit early for the “Mark Foley Moment” of the Senate. But, since Novak is involved, I expect a special prosecutor will be appointed before the election for some yet to be determined “crime”.

  8. SarahW says:

    Well, I’ll play straight man. What ARE you supposed to do when one of your peers in the Senate is rumored to have problems with vice?

  9. Buzz says:

    In the Foley scandal, House leaders had an obligation to take action (exactly what action is debateable) because it invloved house interns. What if it Senate leaders knew that Craig was into “cruising” bathrooms, as was alleged on dem blogs last year? It’s sleazy and disgusting but not illegal, aside from the pretty weak “indecent exposure” angle. What exactly were they supposed to do about it?

  10. happyfeet says:

    Definitely they should have been washing up right away after shaking hands with him.

  11. happyfeet says:

    Because of the germs.

  12. oh come on! says:

    “Well, I’ll play straight man”

    You picked the right thread for it.

  13. tanstaafl says:

    Geez, Larry, quit already.

    Y’all force me to keep linking my favorite story of Larry’s…lifestyle.

    (the word homophobia=”fear of man”=totally dumb, suggest you dump it from vocabulary)

  14. tanstaafl says:

    Psssst, you want want to see some modern day street life in an American city ?

    Makes Larry’s “wide stance” seem like child’s play.

    The term “gay sex” will never be the same again, especially if you link to “explicit photos”

  15. Jeffersonian says:

    Ah yes, the Laud Humphreys dissertation…thanks to my alma mater. We had that on our local fishwrap’s front page a few weeks ago, after Larry Craig’s situation came to light. It reads like a script for the good Senator’s randy restroom antics.

  16. The Lost Dog (El Pero Perdido) says:

    “Well, I’ll play straight man. What ARE you supposed to do when one of your peers in the Senate is rumored to have problems with vice?”

    How about saying “Cut the crap, asshole. You’re a fucking Senator”?

  17. McGehee says:

    You’re a fucking Senator

    I suspect that’s the problem.

  18. Chuck E. Jesus says:

    Re: the Zombietime story, I think everyone’s getting a little bent out of shape over that for no good reason.

    If two grown men can’t stand half naked on a street corner in broad daylight and fellate each other in front of a bunch of toddlers, THEN THE TERRORISTS HAVE ALREADY WON!!!11!!!1!

  19. Cave Bear says:

    So sayeth “da Buzz”:

    “In the Foley scandal, House leaders had an obligation to take action (exactly what action is debateable) because it invloved house interns.”

    Actually, the House leadership DID “do something” about it. They told Foley to “cool it”. And in reality, that’s all they could have or should have done, because as it turns out, Foley was not doing anything legally actionable.

    Not that LSM was going to shout this from the rooftops, but not long ago Florida law enforcement (and I think the FBI as well, but not sure) announced that they had completed investigating Foley and his activities and found that he had not done anything illegal.

    And I think Lost Dog has the best answer on what the Senate should have told Craig.

  20. thor says:

    Man, you exit Barney Frank’s office with your pants unwittingly unzipped humming a George Michael song and then, after pleading guilty to a public display of lewdness, every fag-cackling hen on the Hill always knew you were a fag. Talk about predetermined guilt. You’d think the politico swarm would stick to speaking of the police officer on routine bathroom fag watch that caught the honorable Sen. Craig clicking his heels while cockslapping the stall divider and leave the minutia of past innuendos of faggishness for watercooler gossip.

    What if Larry raises his pinky finger when handling his coffee mug, it means nothin’. He’s a Republican who may or may not have tendencies, but he’s not a fag until a grainy gay porno vid featuring his gorged loins turns up on Youtube. Short of that, Craig owns his own name and should be free to define whatever man-love self-narrative he’s most comfortable with, meaning he’s not officially a full-bore fag until he publicly recognizes himself as such. And anyone who insinuates otherwise does not truly respect fags nor fagdom nor cross-gendered, trangendered, nor the sexually mutated, nor proclivities of privacy as it pertains to biologically degenerative sexual affections and acts thereof too often deemed queer by the vast majority of coupling, breeding-type heterosexuals, a.k.a repulithugs, or thor-types.

  21. Sigivald says:

    It seems quite likely, knowing the Senate, that Novak’s sources are perfectly correct and honest about this.

    But these days, I’m inclined to automatically discount anything related to politics, presented on the authority of anonymous sources.

  22. buzz says:

    “Cut the crap, asshole. You’re a fucking Senator”?
    Clearly, that has worked in the past.

    Obviously what they should have done is what they always do. Federalize the problem. The Larry Craig bill should have been sent to the president to sign. Assigning the FBI to police all public transportation restrooms. Create a new federal court to handle the accused. Create a new cabinet post, Secretary of Facilities. Mandatory sentencing. No tolerance urination. The every other urinal rule federally enforced!

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