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October 2007

When Thought Crimes Become Speech Crimes [Dan Collins]

European Union mental hygienists making the world a better place:  As the British conservative philosopher and author Roger Scruton said in a speech in Antwerp last year, the charge of racism and xenophobia in the EU countries “has become the equivalent of a charge of heresy in medieval Europe, of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts, or of ‘deviationism” in the Stalinist state.” However, as Mr. Scruton pointed out, “we have a duty

At the Pub [Dan Collins]

Mom’s missives from Iraq.  Messyantic vocalizations.  Mo’ Fo.  Rage boy redux, and much, much more.

Marcus Luttrell, Author of "Lone Survivor" [Dan Collins]

Great piece on the author and Michael Murphy at the WSJ.  I haven’t read the book, because I’m a cheap bastard, and I’m waiting for it to come out in paperback, but if you’ve got the scratch, Liz Stephans recommends it.  Apparently she and Scott Baker were the second media outlet to interview him about the book.  As I’ve mentioned before, it’s pretty sad that Hollywood’s making movies about hanging

Fathers' Rights & Custody [Dan Collins]

If you are interested in the topic at all, listen to this interview with Dr. Stephen Baskerville.  It starts out rather slowly, but ends with a bang. The Good Doctor on feminism and the Duke non-rape fiasco. (h/t Nevadans for Equal Parenting)

Yesterday's TNR Non-News [Dan Collins]

JD took me to task for not commenting on it, but what is there to say?  “Foer” has already entered the lexicon as the noun derived from the internet verb, “to fo”.  So, stop tasing me, bro.

BBC Mirrors Academe [Dan Collins]

The BBC has frequently been accused of having a liberal bias.But now the corporation’s own staff appear to have confirmed this by revealing their political views on the networking website Facebook.A survey of BBC employees with profiles on the site showed that 11 times more of them class themselves as “liberal” than “conservative”. Beware the academy-MSM complex. Job opportunity in Cardiff: “Duties include performing to a web cam for clients

Private Beauchamp's Baghdad [Dan Collins]

A report in the WaPo today paints a bleak picture of the part of Baghdad to which Beauchamp and his unit are deployed (I know because it mentions Lt. Col. Glaze, his CO).  I would think that if Beauchamp had stuck to reporting, he would have had material enough, given this article. John Cole commenter weighs in: Like the piece says, Iraq isn’t worth one more dead soldier. As a matter

The Lovely Liz Stephans [Dan Collins]

shows some clavicle. Dude jumps off of bridge at ~16:25. Why Bryan and Allah aren’t all over this, I don’t know. She’s remarkably sane for someone who vlogs on the intarwebs, in my view. Did I mention she’s mesmerizingly hot? Earlier, PW had been linked in relation to the Genarlow Wilson story at memeorandum. No more. Oooh. Now we’re listed under the Atlanta Constitution article, to which we’re not linked.

For Darleen [Dan Collins]

Portland’s school-based health centers have not been reporting all illegal sexual activity involving minors as required by law, but they will from now on, city officials said Thursday. Too much, too little, too late. Jellyfish cover. Oh, f*ckin’ goody. Right Place, Wrong Time Jawa deprives freedom fighters of desperately needed funds The banality of bigotry

For Happyfeet [Dan Collins]

Prison for man who urinated on dying woman, yelled ‘this is YouTube material’ Can’t fault his assessment, though. Maybe he could serve society as a TV producer or something. Not even if he were on fire. Meanwhile, across the pond: The political beliefs of Argentine presidential front-runner Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner were forged in the country’s turbulent 1970s when she was a leftist activist and law student. Clueless Asshat Screws