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October 2007

Great Googly-Moogly [Dan Collins]

More Google malfeasance? I received this comment from William, a loyal CTB reader, referring to Daveed Gartenstein-Ross’ post on Palestinian extremists’ use of Google Earth to help determine their targets for rocket strikes: I was just reading about the use of Google Earth by the Palestians and others regarding the use of this program to determine targets in Israel, and the feeble excuse that Google gave, on Counterterrosism blog. I

Wild Hogs [Dan Collins]

Brendan and his pals rented it today. I can see how those involved thought it might appeal, but it was mediocre and dumb. Speaking of dumb, they won’t let these people have pot, but oxycontin’s okay?

3rd Annual Queen Preservation Night [Dan Collins]

In case you’re not from Knoxville, Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet emails to show you what you missed. I can tell you that the annual weekend-before-Halloween celebration was pretty wild here in Vermont, though.

Things Royals Oughtn't Do [Dan Collins]

The case is the first in modern times that a member of the royal family has been targeted in an alleged blackmail plot. In 1891 the future Edward VII discussed with his solicitor paying off two prostitutes he had visited in return for letters he had written to them. Details emerged only in 2002 when the letters were sold for £8,220 at Bonhams, the auctioneers. All right. So some “Royal”

Separated at Birth [Dan Collins]

identical twins both turn out Jewish. (h/t Hot Air) Paula Bernstein, left, and her twin Elyse Schein

Peter Jackson Is Wrong [Dan Collins]

Yesterday in the comments to a post on Ardolino, Peter Jackson opined that his website sucks. I didn’t recall that, so I went over there and spent some time there this morning, and can unequivocally state that Peter’s just wrong about his website. I also checked out the trailers to the Coen Brothers’ new movie, No Country for Old Men, based on the Cormac McCarthy novel and in theaters November

Yay! My Alma Mater Doesn't Suck [Dan Collins]

Today, Joe Malchow brings good news on two fronts. First, the Trustees have asked that the Association of Alumni suit brought against them for attempting to abrogate the College’s longstanding rules about election of board members be dropped, and promised that in return they will not undertake to stack the Board. This is a victory for the College, and for alumni rights generally. Second, he has this to say about

Number 6 On the Big Screen [Dan Collins]

This DVD has been reformatted to fit her jugs.

Geez, That Sucks [Dan Collins]

Ardolino goes to Iraq, does some excellent reporting, comes back to find that nobody’s reading his blog anymore. That’s gratitude for you.

The Big Picture(s): Stringers & Locals Update [Karl]

In “The Big Picture(s),” I wrote about the isolation of Western journalists in Iraq and the risks posed by remote journalism’s reliance on local stringers and fixers: Western journalists in Iraq are likely to not speak the language or know the culture in depth.  News consumers, however, have no idea how the establishment media vets the locals they entrust to translate or relay the events they ostensibly cover.  The risk