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October 2007

Searching for Alex Jimenez

From the NY Post: U.S. intelligence officials got mired for nearly 10 hours seeking approval to use wiretaps against al Qaeda terrorists suspected of kidnapping Queens soldier Alex Jimenez in Iraq earlier this year, The Post has learned. This week, Congress plans to vote on a bill that leaves in place the legal hurdles in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act — problems that were highlighted during the May search for

Grey Lady Robs Jawa Info to Blow Ongoing Investigation of Online Jihadi [Dan Collins]

Disgusting.  How to make your bones at the NYT, I guess. Abu teh Ghreyb.  Speaking of TNR, they’re lost in this masquerade. Per Think, Proggtards! a round-up of real reasons that, according to the email they’ve got, Michelle Malkin quit the O’Reilly Factor.  The trooth . . . it’s OUT THERE. Inside the mind of a Slodeydope.  You have to admire their . . . splodiness.

I Killed Her and Ripped the Baby (Untimely) from Her Womb [Dan Collins]

Because my stepfather was a bastard. George Will (via Instapundit): In 1997, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) adopted a surreptitious political agenda in the form of a new code of ethics, enjoining social workers to advocate for social justice “from local to global levels.” A widely used textbook — “Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skill” — declares that promoting “social and economic justice” is especially imperative as

Sunday Thought Experiment [Dan Collins]

Hypothetical superhero, Cultural Diversity Man. Powers. Enemies. Theme song. Quips. Need full profile. Thanks. Over.

When Good Things Happen To Bad People [Dan Collins]

Ordinarily, the Arab states in the region are quick to condemn any warlike act by Israel, even measures as defensive as building a barrier against terrorists. Although many Arab states are unhappy these days with Syria’s budding alliance with Iran, Israel is still, to one degree or another, the enemy, and Syria is, at worst, a wayward brother. So why were the Arab states suddenly mum about this invasion of

All the News That Fits, We'll Print [Dan Collins]

Yesterday, we noted that the remembrance Lt. Michael Murphy’s valor and sacrifice was not deemed newsworthy by the NYT, just as none of the major papers seemed to find fit to emphasize Sanchez’s harsh criticism of the press coverage of the war. Today, Frank Rich takes us to task for not getting more riled about a NYT piece on Justice Department documents regarding interrogation, while implying that the Bush Administration

Condolences to Chris Muir & Family

h/t McGehee Into every life–even a neo-con’s–a little rain must fall. Believe It Or Not! “It’s `cause I’m black,” he told reporters. “Tennessee is the most prejudiced state in the country.” Sister Toldjah, who is not a Johnny-Come-Lately to the situation, unlike myself, has more on Cathy (Muir) Forsythe.

Bigger Than Ezra [Dan Collins]

Heh. I’d like to challenge Ezra — not to a debate in which there could be no winner — but to a Charity Boxing Match. That’s right — man-against-man (though Ezra usually prefers to pick fights with women) in a ring with gloves. You can even wear headgear if your mother insists. Hell, I don’t think they should have to put up all the scratch. I think it should be

The Trouble with SciAm [Dan Collins]

The Trouble with Men Deadbeat granddads, life-shortening sons and genetically bullying brothers—these are just a few effects revealed in biologist Virpi Lummaa’s studies of how evolutionary forces shape later generations A selection: Sons are tough on their mothers. Whether it is heavier birth weights, amplified testosterone levels or simple, hair-raising high jinks, boys seem to take an extra toll on the women who gave birth to them. And by poring

Hateful Hater Hatred [Dan Collins]

Posted in Redstate: Promoted from diaries by Mark I. We are less than one week from the scheduled Congressional vote to override President Bush’s veto of the massive 121% expansion in SCHIP spending, and we want to provide you with a key figure on what will happen in five years in terms of spending, according to the Democrats’ bill. Under their plan for SCHIP, spending will drop from $13.9 billion