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October 2024


Grey Lady Robs Jawa Info to Blow Ongoing Investigation of Online Jihadi [Dan Collins]

Disgusting.  How to make your bones at the NYT, I guess.

Abu teh Ghreyb.  Speaking of TNR, they’re lost in this masquerade.

Per Think, Proggtards! a round-up of real reasons that, according to the email they’ve got, Michelle Malkin quit the O’Reilly Factor.  The trooth . . . it’s OUT THERE.

Inside the mind of a Slodeydope.  You have to admire their . . . splodiness.

32 Replies to “Grey Lady Robs Jawa Info to Blow Ongoing Investigation of Online Jihadi [Dan Collins]”

  1. Techie says:

    I question their patriotism.

  2. I'm Just Saying says:

    Yeah, and I question whether this chump represents a threat and why the NYT is supposed to respect the investigation of a bunch of stalkers (here’s a hint, jawas, if you know where he is, the US government probably knew a helluva lot longer!).

    I don’t know, if this is a main front in the “Global War on Terrorism”, it seems we’ve won it, when all we have to fear is 21 year bloggers from North Carolina.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    That’s a pretty asinine comment, right there, when you consider the role of private citizens in blowing up some of this stuff.

    But you know better, so . . . vigilance: fuck it.

    I’m just saying: you’re an ass.

  4. uh, I’ll just say the Fed probably isn’t as on top of things as one might think. ages ago RTO brought a couple people to the attention of the FBI and helped eventually nab them. He could probably tell you who, I’ve forgotten. Course that was also the mid 90’s so maybe they’ve learned something since then.

  5. dicentra says:

    when all we have to fear is 21 year bloggers from North Carolina 19 “religious” fanatics who frequent strip joints and who actually think they can hijack planes and fly them into buildings

    Up until the moment the first plane hit the WTC, there was not a reason on the earth to think such a thing could or would happen. If we’d caught these guys on Sept. 10 and learned what their plans were, the entire nation—conservatives included—would have rolled their eyes and thought “Whatta lotta morons! They can’t do that to us! This is America!”

    It only took one Timothy McVeigh to level that building in OK. If the “chump” has ties to a jihadi network in Somalia, then yeah, there are some bigger fish than he to be caught.

    You want we should investigate these people surreptitiously and capture them or should we just nuke ’em all and let GodAllah sort ’em out?

  6. happyfeet says:

    The stupidity of New Yorkers that continue to support a newspaper that is so nonchalant about an enemy that killed thousands of their friends and neighbors is really striking. They think that they’re all resilient and survivory, but really, it’s just a pitifully ignorant pile of dumbass on that little island. Good food though.

  7. happyfeet says:

    Except for the people who work for my company, especially the ones with the packet analyzers.

  8. Squid says:

    Here’s a hint, IJS: FBI was investigating this guy; that’s why the Jawas didn’t go public earlier. As to whether “a bunch of stalkers” is an apt description of the FBI, well, I suppose I’ll have to take your word for it.

    We really need a better brand of skeptic around here. These store-brand guys just aren’t the same quality.

  9. B Moe says:

    “Massad rejects the contemporary liberal view of homosexuality as an identity, seeing only “sexual practices.” What’s worse, he says, is that the attempt to “universalize” this supposedly provincial Western homosexual identity onto Arabs is used as a tool to distinguish between the “civilized” West and the “barbaric” Middle East.”

    So apparently an Arab can suck just one dick and still be okay. Just like taking out the garbage, you know.

  10. steve says:

    I think that the NYT contacted the party that they should contact: the FBI. If the the FBI asked them to conceal this then I would agree that this is ‘disgusting’.

    But the ‘Jawa Report’? The FBI doesn’t try to stop them, but they should still wait for the Jawa Report to give its OK, or it’s just ‘disgusting’. Right.

  11. happyfeet says:

    The FBI is stupid though.

  12. dicentra says:

    If the the FBI asked them to conceal this then I would agree that this is ‘disgusting’.

    Because it’s so unlike the NYT to disregard a request by a federal agency to keep its yap shut. So we can only conclude that it’s just the Jawa Report that got stiffed this time. It’s the only possible answer.

    Massad rejects the contemporary liberal view of homosexuality as an identity, seeing only “sexual practices.”

    The Muslims are actually following the more ancient method of man-on-man “love.” See here and here. It’s more analogous to prison sex, a matter of power rather than emotions, the way your hunting dogs establish who’s on top by, uh, being on top.

  13. B Moe says:

    “The Muslims are actually following the more ancient method of man-on-man “love.”

    I got it, I just couldn’t resist riffing on an old joke. It seems to me this is more closely related to the type of emotionally detached sexual activity Larry Craig was accused of.

  14. I'm Just Saying says:

    Comment by dicentra on 10/15 @ 10:50 am #

    when all we have to fear is 21 year bloggers from North Carolina 19 “religious” fanatics who frequent strip joints and who actually think they can hijack planes and fly them into buildings

    Up until the moment the first plane hit the WTC, there was not a reason on the earth to think such a thing could or would happen. If we’d caught these guys on Sept. 10 and learned what their plans were, the entire nation—conservatives included—would have rolled their eyes and thought “Whatta lotta morons! They can’t do that to us! This is America!”

    Hey, Condi, that’s just not true. There were multiple people thinking it. For example, an August 1999 FAA Civil Aviation Security intelligence office report that warned on the potential of a “suicide hijacking operation,” and that the North American Aerospace Defense Command had “developed exercises to counter such a threat.”

    UPI documented, on October 24, 2000, that the Pentagon ran a “mass casualty exercise, which simulated crisis response in a scenario where a hijacked aircraft crashed into the Pentagon.”

    The CIA called Moussaoui “a suicide hijacker” in July.

    Fact is, plenty of people saw that happening and, maybe if Mohammad Atta wrote a bog, the Jawa guys would been able to point him out for the FBI. He was on a terrorist watch list after all.

    Instead of chasing this moronic North Carlina danger to America, maybe you dudes need to be in ATV’s arrayed on the Mexican Border with the Minutemen. After all, you have to be vigilant!

    Oh, and Dan, make sure you check under your bed tonight for Muslim bloggers! They’re everywhere!!!!!

  15. happyfeet says:

    People that think like you should be in positions of power.

  16. Benavente says:

    Comment by I’m Just Saying on 10/15 @ 10:06 am #
    I don’t know, if this is a main front in the “Global War on Terrorism”, it seems we’ve won it, when all we have to fear is 21 year bloggers from North Carolina.

    What is that, some type of cicada?


  17. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – If a Libturd actually read “Conversations with a suicide bomber” it would so destroy one of their prime directive worldviews from the hive, they would no doubt melt in a puddle of yammering jibberish.

    – As for Malkin, its perfect iron clad logic to call her every racist/bigoted name in the book for being a staunch supporter of US soveriegnty, but she should keep her mouth shut when a fellow analyst says he wouldn’t spit on her. Geraldo’s the ass in all of this. His acting as a front man for the open borders crowd is even more insipid then his $250,000 coke bottle fiasco, or his “leaning into the hurrican” stupid attention getting stunts. If its true I don’t blame her one damn bit.

  18. Pablo says:

    I’m Just Saying,

    (here’s a hint, jawas, if you know where he is, the US government probably knew a helluva lot longer!).

    Right, like they knew about Fort Dix guys before Circuit City dude blew the whistle on them. But then, this notion sort of blows your mangled post at 12:54 all to hell, doesn’t it?

  19. Squid says:

    So, IJS is saying that if we’d rounded up a couple dozen Muslims at the beginning of Sept 2001 and charged them with plotting to hijack airliners to smash into NYC and DC, most people would have responded by breathing a deep sigh of relief and congratulating the Feds on a job well done.

    No cries about profiling, or religious persecution, or federal over-reach, or civil rights, or the creeping menace of the coming police state. Nope. Just high fives and a pitcher of beer for all concerned.


  20. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    “….most people would have responded by breathing a deep sigh of relief and congratulating the Feds on a job well done.”

    – Actually thats exactly what would, and does happen everytime another plot is uncovered and stopped. Don’t get confused by the 5% of the populace that are rabid dittoheaded conspiricists. They make a lot of noise at every opportunity, and use the Lefturd MSM to carry their water for them as a force multiplier, but they are still just a smallish gaggle of Socialists and assorted social misfits as usual.

  21. kelly says:

    Beg to differ, BB. You’re looking through the refractory lens of 9/11.

    If we had managed to discover the plot and arrest the 19 hijackers, coming mere months after the most fractious Presidential election ever, half of the country simply would not have believed it. Hell, six years on, just about that percentage still believes it was an inside job.

  22. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – kelly – don’t believe everything you read in the newspapers. In fact for the current political atmosphere don’t believe anything you read in the newspapers.

    – Lets just put it this way. There is no way in hell any of the loud mouths on the Left would EVER agree to a national reforendum on ANY of the big ticket issues they continue to misrepresent, and poll float. When you hear Kennedrunk use the American people in one of his Socialistic tirates, he knows that really means that 5% gaggle. If it were otherwise they would win elections. Think “Lamont” to get a rough idea of how out of step their crazy ideas are with the true voting majority.

  23. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – And by the way. Contrary to the common meme the Leftscontinues to push, trying hard to hide their monority status, there are two major reasons that votes are close, when they in fact are, which they were not in 2004, (Bush won by over 3.5 million, which is not close as national elections go, the phony PEW exit poll not withstanding). Any pollster will tell you that of the some 50+ million eligible voters that tend to not vote, most are Conservatives, and the remainder young Dems, mostly students and such. The second reason they have seemed to be close in recent years is the Dem ploy of always automatically throwing up every barrier possible to an orderly final count. The irony is that in almost every case when they do that they end up losing by an even greater margin, just as they did in Florida in 2004, when it turnrd out that there were 435,000 uncounted Bush votes. But they have no choice really, so they do it. Like dogs barking.

  24. andy says:

    What was it that the NYT “robbed” them of? Stuff jawa posted on their blog? Or stuff jawa thought they “owned”?

  25. Dan Collins says:

    Credit for making the ID and the FBI referral. Credit for doing the digging that was the basis of their story.

  26. andy says:

    Jawa didn’t give the ID to the NYT, so I dont see why he was robbed of it. Its unclear how much of Jawa’s digging was turned over to the NYT. In fact it seems like Jawa’s complaint is that the NYT published info Jawa was not -sharing. Ie, he got scooped.

  27. Dan Collins says:

    Really? Then how come he knew that they were working on the story? Why did he feel that keeping it under wraps was more important than getting a scoop?


  28. Dan Collins says:

    Yeah. And the problem with that is?

    Let’s take it a step further: someone that Jawa talked to talked to Moss and then relayed it to Jawa. Jawa & co. made the ID and the referral. They’re internet vigilantes. NYT guy “scoops” them. He’s the public servant.


  29. andy says:

    So whats been “robbed”?

  30. andy says:

    But jawa didn’t give the NYT anything. At most the NYT could have identified jawa as one of the people that shut down the previous websites.

  31. Semanticleo says:


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