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October 2024


Sunday Thought Experiment [Dan Collins]

Hypothetical superhero, Cultural Diversity Man. Powers. Enemies. Theme song. Quips. Need full profile. Thanks. Over.

44 Replies to “Sunday Thought Experiment [Dan Collins]”

  1. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    His greatest power: illusion, to convince people they are celebrating diversity while embracing the most rigorous, dogmatic conformity…

  2. JD says:

    Somehow, I picture the guy from the Ambiguously Gay Duo. And lots of multi-colored spandex.

  3. Pablo says:

    Enemies? White people.

  4. alppuccino says:

    Theme sonq: What Color is Love?

    – – performed by Lulu

  5. mac says:

    Enemies: NASCAR fans

    Quips: We have just the sort of re-education facility for that sort of thinking.

    Powers: Can never be held accountable by the Media.

  6. Pablo says:

    Is OUTRAGE a power? It could be.

  7. harrison says:

    Powers: The ability to spout miles of touchy-feely, mind-numbing platitudes about the basic goodness of all peoples without saying anything at all. See: 1st chapter of any gov’t employee handbook.
    Enemies: Only one, the Human Race as a single entity. All people must be separated from each other in competition for the other’s rights and possessions. Oh, and white men.

  8. N. O'Brain says:

    Best Kung Fu move:

    Hands on hips.

  9. I imagine he’d be brothers with that kid who had the “power of Heart” on Captain Planet. Mati? Was that his name?

  10. N. O'Brain says:

    “Was that his name?”


  11. JD says:

    Enemies are white Christian heterosexual males from flyover country.

    Weapon – They can blast people with their perpetual outrage machine.

  12. Techie says:

    Theme song: We Can Work It Out – The Beatles (good song, and I’ll assume that CD (Wo/Myn) is a good faith actor, just naive and dense)

  13. Dg says:

    Powers: emmy award, oscar award, nobel peace prize. (not sure how powerful those powers are…)
    Enemies: all white folks, that ain’t poor. Republicans, scientists, anyone that speaks with factual knowledge.
    Theme Song: “we’ve only just begun” — carpenters.
    Quips: “Bread line forms here!”, “your check is in the mail, now leave me alone”, “A zebra does not change its spots.”
    Profile: a narcissistic perfectly coiffed stoic bore, oh, and don’t forget the hypocrasy.

  14. Jeffersonian says:

    Enemies? White people.

    And Jooz. Especially neocons.

    Costume has to have Birkenstocks.

  15. happyfeet says:

    Ability to summon the impenetrable shield of Graeme Frost.

  16. Darleen says:

    theme song: All the Colors of the Wind

  17. Darleen says:

    Enemies — non-leftists
    Power — to turn all non-leftists a paler shade of white

  18. happyfeet says:

    Unhinged Melody?

  19. McGehee says:

    Powers: Impervious to anything contrary to Teh Narrative. Able to summon the Community-Based Reality to overcome all challenges.

    Enemies: Captain Intentionalist

    Theme song: anything by Yoko Ono

    Quips: “RACIST!”

  20. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – Side kick: Class welfare boy

    – Mode of travel: Wind powered mountain bike

    – Favorite appertiff: Pierre’ water

    – Major weakness’: Orb of confusion, hippie chics in Che T shirts
    – Secret power: Signing unemployment checks

  21. serr8d says:

    Here’s a small partial, a diversity man of sorts. Work in progress, while the shootout continues in Dallas. Ideas welcome!

    Seems the theme song would have to be John Lennon doing something Ono…with a feather, of course.

  22. Pablo says:


    “It’s because you’re black. I’ll save you!”

  23. serr8d says:

    Ahhh, didn’t see your Ono, McGehee. What, we’re thinking alike or something?

  24. R30C says:

    How about utilizing that sixties song secret agent man for a theme? I don’t know what you’d do for lyrics though…

  25. Joe Bonforte says:

    Power: Can split himself into multiple copies, each of a different race, and all of which get along so well with each other that they serve as an example to the world. By sending the right copy, Cultural Diversity Man can attend any event, any where, and know he will be accepted and loved.

    Weakness: Each copy has a different weakness. The Asian copy scores too high when exposed to standardized tests, making the other copies unhappy. The white copy experiences debilitating guilt whenever he accomplishes something positive, and constantly defers to all the other copies on any difference of opinion. The black copy wears pants so loose they fall off, and is unable to resist the lure of bling. The American aborigine copy is prone to gambling.

    Enemies: Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Bjorn Lomberg

  26. fahs ibair says:

    Powers: polyglot

    Creed(o): 100% Unitarian, baby

    Enemies : anyone who actually believes something

  27. RTO Trainer says:

    Former member of The Appeasers.

    Orpahaned in a public School, raised by the NEA as one of their own.

    Granted a magic amulet that gives him hieghtened empathy for those not like himself.

    Employed as an advocate for the ACLU.

    Theme Song: The Partrige Family theme.

  28. narciso says:

    Are we talking undercover brother or MANTIS; specially after the pilot.

  29. B Moe says:

    He can travel through time, I think I have found him:

  30. He can travel through time,

    and yet seems to stay stuck in the past.

  31. psychologizer says:

    Cultural Diversity Man is a white woman with the power to take the place of black men.

    His enemy is black men.

    His theme song is the Scissor Sisters covering “Niggers are Scared of Revolution.”

    Oh, you said hypothetical. Never mind.

  32. Powers: Able to bend college professors to his will, supply an endless sticky web of fuzzy thinking and government “intervention” in the most trivial of circumstances.
    Enemies: successful minorities from stable families who have never received a government handout, also, Condi Rice, Bill Cosby and Clarence Thomas
    Theme Song: Somewhere, (bend) Over the Rainbow
    Quip: Don’t let The Man keep you down. Let me!

  33. Bill D. Cat says:

    Quip : Yes it does smell kinda’ funny ,but man does it taste good .
    Theme Song : You’re Too Good To Be True

  34. Bill D. Cat says:

    HQ : The Halls of Anti-Americanism …. or the U.N. whichever …..

  35. Russ says:

    Power: can order anything off any menu in the world, sight unseen… unless it contains transfats.

    Battle cry: “E Unus Pluribum!”

  36. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    Lifetime acheivement: Halting global warming, armed only with Nancy Pelosi’s personality, and ice cubes from Jefferson’s freezer.

  37. TmjUtah says:

    The Perrier comes out of the stylish, yet subtle, man purse. Every episode will have to have that sweet moment of victory; i.e., the dictator laughing at the Marines getting back in their boats, the Catholic chick dumped at the abortion clinic, or maybe even the socialized healthcare program being signed into law. The man purse will have to be something in taupe. PLUS it must be roomy enough for at least a middle-school’s worth of condoms. That means we have to have an endearing, eccentric man Friday to flit… okay, hover… in the background. It will be his job to press tights, pay the light bill for the Fortress of Angst, and create a brand line of coordinated accessories that are free of space/time limitations.

    I keep on seeing Edwards as Commissioner Gordon. And a WB station I.D..

  38. JD says:

    TMJ – They are not called man purses, they are called murses.

  39. Alec Leamas says:


    Three Dog Night: Black and White

    “The ink is black
    The page is white . . .”

    It is the only song sufficiently simultaneously hokey and pretensious enough for such a libtard Superhero.

    It has all the Left policy erotics – race, chilluns, the world, education, being nice . . .

  40. Pat in Colorado says:

    Powers: Absolute Moral Authority

  41. Sean M. says:

    Here’s your theme song, which is based on this, of course:

    Cultural Diversity Man, Cultural Diversity Man
    Does whatever cultural diversity can.
    Sets a quota every time
    Those Asian students’ test scores cross the line.
    Look out, here comes Cultural Diversity Man!

    Is he sensitive? Listen bud—
    He’s got multi-culti blood.
    Can he get endowment bread?
    Take a look at what the faculty said.
    Hey there! There goes Cultural Diversity Man.

    At the rally to Take Back the Night,
    At the scene of the hate crime,
    Ready to exploit the guilt of liberal whites,
    He arrives thirty minutes early on Hugo Chavez time!

    Cultural Diversity Man, Cultural Diversity Man,
    Fighting against “gentrified” neighborhoods Cultural Diversity Man.
    Minority graduation rates at elite colleges, he’s ignored—
    Book deals and tenure are his reward.
    To him (or her, or a trans-gendered individual),
    Life is a fight against whitey—
    Wherever there’s a campus that invites a righty,
    You’ll find Cultural Diversity Man!

    You might also want to check this out. Similar concept.

  42. Slartibartfast says:

    Particle man, particle man
    Doing the things a particle can
    What’s he like? It’s not important
    Particle man

    Is he a dot, or is he a speck?
    When he’s underwater does he get wet?
    Or does the water get him instead?
    Nobody knows, Particle man

    Triangle man, Triangle man
    Triangle man hates particle man
    They have a fight, Triangle wins
    Triangle man

    Universe man, Universe man
    Size of the entire universe man
    Usually kind to smaller man
    Universe man

    He’s got a watch with a minute hand,
    Millenium hand and an eon hand
    When they meet it’s a happy land
    Powerful man, universe man

    Person man, person man
    Hit on the head with a frying pan
    Lives his life in a garbage can
    Person man

    Is he depressed or is he a mess?
    Does he feel totally worthless?
    Who came up with person man?
    Degraded man, person man

    Triangle man, triangle man
    Triangle man hates person man
    They have a fight, triangle wins
    Triangle man

  43. mojo says:

    See, before I give you all the super-boffo ideas I have floating around in my brain, it’s time to talk about me gettin’ paid

  44. SEK says:

    For the love of … every poet ever, Sean M., abbreviate it to “Cult ‘versity Man.” Not that I agree with you, but please, I beg you, when the rhythm it’s gonna get you? Let it.

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