
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


An excerpt from an extremely brief Sherlock Holmes mystery (previously unpublished)

Holmes: “And because it appears the murder was committed by someone whose belief in the powers of his own intelligence exceeds that of it’s material heft, I’m forced to conclude –”

Dr. Watson: ” — Wait, allow me. A negro did it. Am I right…?”*

~ finis ~

50 Replies to “An excerpt from an extremely brief Sherlock Holmes mystery (previously unpublished)”

  1. N. O'Brain says:

    Alimentary, my dear Watson.

  2. happyfeet says:

    Dat boy gon git it now.

  3. Techie says:

    How will those Duke boys get out of this one?

  4. RiverC says:

    You can tell by the way his cuff is worn…

  5. McGehee says:

    So, the murder weapon was several tons of mayonnaise and six boxcars full of Krispy Kreme donuts?

  6. Scott Sparks says:

    Nice to see your color blindness coming out Jeff. Good job!

  7. Jeff G. says:

    See that little orange asterisk, Scott? That’s a link.

    You click on it, and it takes you to a post that explains all.

    Or, you can just pretend, without having the benefit of context, that I’m a racist for typing “negro” — your call.

    I can only teach. It’s up to you to learn, my brother.

  8. Rob Crawford says:

    If “negro” is automatically racist, what does that say about the Spanish-speaking world? When will they rename the Rio Negro? Should we boycott Negro Modelo?

  9. Dan Collins says:

    It’s actually Negra Modelo, but . . . I think Bohemia is better.

  10. JD says:

    Scott Sparks is one of Caric’s sycophants, so his idiocy should be pitied.

  11. Aldo says:

    Would you trade a few IQ points for the longer penis?

    If that’s the deal, is Oliver Willis hung like a horse?

  12. Serr8d says:

    “To many in the scientific community, Watson has long been something of a wild man, and his colleagues tend to hold their collective breath whenever he veers from the script.”

    Yes, following The Script is now much more important than seeking or reporting any new science. Dr. Watson (for whom I have great respect) unfortunately veered, again, and like many others before him who strayed, will now suffer the damnation from the Keepers of The Script.

    It’s fascinating that to even consider an approach to the defense of Dr. Watson seems, in itself, as heinous an act as the original ‘offense’.

    We should, I suppose, just shut down the biological sciences. There’s too much chance that opposing ideologies will grasp at partially-understood research and wring out eugenics, or sociobiology, or…racial biobigotry. Paul Feyerabend suggested in 1970 that a world without science “would be more pleasant than the world we live in today.”

    And while we’re at it, let’s shut down the physical sciences as well! Who needs split atoms, or fused ones for that matter?

    Wouldn’t we all be better off without all this technology? Al, you win; shut down everything. We just needs Mother Earth to take care of us.

    Nevermind that 99.9% of all evolutionary paths to date have led directly to extinction. Natural selection isn’t easily trifled with.

    But ‘The Script’ should take care of that….right?

  13. SteveG says:


    To increase your intellectual heft… read the news.
    Learn to associate Watson of ore with Watson of now.
    If that fails, bundle 50 NY Times together and tie them to your dick.
    I think that is how your mentor finds his

  14. ..if you cross the path of the Keepers……

    It seems Dr. James Watson…has effectively shat in a punchbowl. In a room seemingly filled with Diplomats and Kings, extraordinary Gentlemen and Ladies, courtiers and courtesans, he’s dropped trou……

  15. Scott Sparks says:

    Why thanks for all the interesting responses guys, it’s nice to see insecurity at work. Considering you fellas are pretty much intellectually bankrupt you resort to penis jokes. Color blindness and penis envy in the same post. That makes this a conservative smörgÃ¥sbord! Bravo!

  16. datadave says:

    hey, wasn’t this Watson guy given a pie in the face (actually I remember it as water thrown on him by a protester decades ago) once for similar remarks? But he is also an Avid Environmentalist. So he doesn’t fit in your Conservative Pigeon Hole. a lady at the NYTimes opinion page said it better: Watson’s Trolling the whole World and gaining mega bandwidth. Odd, that conservatives would like this. He’s not into pissing on Africans…just getting attention for more serious matters like stopping the madness of conservatives destroying the environment: odd that Jeff would condone something from a secular humanist and atheist. Wiki again… just to piss ’em off: “Watson is also a secular humanist and atheist.[2] [3]”

    nice work, Scott.

  17. Pablo says:

    “And you’re a doodyhead!”

    Fabulous argumentation there, Scott. Cuts me to the core, it does. And I’m totally digging the umlaut.

    Can I have your autograph, mah nigga?

  18. Pablo says:

    Odd, that conservatives would like this.

    What, exactly, gave you that impression, datadave? (Preferably in 500 words or less, please.)

  19. datadave says:

    I take the Avid Environmentalist tag back.. ..Excuse me. There is another famous Biologist of a similar name who I thought was the same guy. Wrote a book about ants and is a much nicer person. Anyone know the name? Seems like this Watson also stole ideas from a woman scientist but gave her no credit. Wiki’s very Useful. I don’t care what you conservatives think about that one.

    ha, never said athiests and secular humanists were all nice.

  20. Dan Collins says:

    You all are very funny. Dr. Watson is indeed a sec progg. He is obviously a racist as well. Is he really to be as controversial as an Ahmadinejad, a man who openly preaches genocide?

  21. datadave says:

    Pablo, don’t know why Jeff did this thread either. It seems that conservatism is based upon the Southern White Male vote to keep it afloat. Institutionalized racism is still a problem. But I also am willing to go out on a limb and say African Americans have a problem too (Bill Cosby’s addressing that issue so they don’t need no white boy getting involved). Anytime some “P’c” stuff comes out against some mistatement or just rude statement by some bigwig, conservatives get riled and suddenly become advocates of free speech. Oddly, they didn’t want Cindy Sheehan to have that same right.

    I still have a bit of moving to do so the cleaning lady can at least move around a bit.

  22. I think this could very well be the best post ever.

    I’m fawning, I know. Nothing to add.


  23. Pablo says:

    Fabulous research there, datadave.

    BTW, Wikipedia is very useful. But it’s not authoritative. And it helps to have half a clue what you’re looking for, so that you don’t make the embarrasing mistake of confusing half of the world renowned scientific duo of Watson and Crick with a Humanist Laureate of the International Academy of Humanism. Or, if you were the least bit clever, you might stumble across this and get the freaking joke.

  24. Pablo says:

    It seems that conservatism is based upon the Southern White Male vote to keep it afloat.

    What, exactly, gave you that impression, datadave? And why would you mention it in a discussion with a guy outside of Boston on a post written by a guy from Baltimore writing from Colorado?

    But I also am willing to go out on a limb and say African Americans have a problem too (Bill Cosby’s addressing that issue so they don’t need no white boy getting involved).

    Oh, you’ve done it now, datadave. RACIST!!! You must be shunned!

    Oddly, they didn’t want Cindy Sheehan to have that same right.

    Who advocated denying her right to free speech? Note that wishing she’d shut up is not the same thing. Personally, I like the idea of her being heard as widely as possible. Hell, I hope she wins that seat in Congress.

  25. datadave says:

    I knew that from the outset. A pun, get it?

    Hey, I got a Brainfart: noggin a joggin: HERE’s the guy I confused the above jerk with: E.O. Wilson

    I like this guy even though he got water poured on his head for saying not PC things…and He’s even a Southern White Male and also a secular humanist:

    oh, I didn’t go the Humanist Laureate of the International Academy of Humanism, but thanks for the hint.

  26. datadave says:

    hey, Pablo. I have an half African American niece and she recently fled South Carolina as the blacks were giving her so much grief for being light-skinned. Racism? I think it’s coded in the genes…but still it’s good to overcome it anyway.

    ask Kevin Phillips about the Southern White Male vote and it’s pivotal in making ‘conservatism’ the dominate political belief in the USA for the last 30 years, since Nixon’s landslide.

    back to moving tools outta my living room

  27. Pablo says:

    oh, I didn’t go the Humanist Laureate of the International Academy of Humanism, but thanks for the hint.

    dave, you dumb shit, E.O. Wilson is the Humanist Laureate of the International Academy of Humanism

    I have an half African American niece and she recently fled South Carolina as the blacks were giving her so much grief for being light-skinned.

    Surely, the problem is that the white Southern half of her is racist and everyone else involved was just reacting appropriately to that. Maybe Perfessor Caricature will drop by and explain it for you.

  28. Pablo says:

    ask Kevin Phillips about the Southern White Male vote and it’s pivotal in making ‘conservatism’ the dominate political belief in the USA for the last 30 years, since Nixon’s landslide.

    That piece says absolutely nothing of the sort. The words southern and male do not appear at all and the only instance of white is capitalized and immediately precedes “House”. Are you one of the Gleen(s) or something?

  29. McGehee says:

    ask Kevin Phillips

    Oh, lordy — Keven Phillips. He used to be readable, 25 years ago or so. Then he decided it was credible to suppose that two private citizens — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — could make use of an asset — an SR-71 spy plane — controlled by their campaign opponent — the President of the United States — to try to sabotage that opponent’s re-election chances.

    Yeah, Dave. We’ll ask Kevin Phillips about the eeeeeevil Republican Southern Strategy.

  30. datadave says:

    sorry, Pablo, Just meant to refer to K.P. as he’s well known and mix Buzzflash in there just for fun…didn’t want to overdo Wiki too much. Halley Barber said the same thing. Dems haven’t had the white male vote since the Johnson landslide: odd that Barber was blatently saying the same thing as Phillips on C-span. That is why Dems keep tacking right and Southern all the time.. as the white male vote in the South is so lopsided it skews everywhere else. Barber is very racist while Phillips is a very decent man even if “Republican”. They are a few of those, you know.

    I think that Southern thing’s going to die out as southern white males are getting a little tired of only having chicken deboning and military jobs offered to them. (at least in the rural south).

  31. Pablo says:

    Hey, isn’t Jimmah Carter a southern white male? Billy Jeff? Silky Pony?

  32. McGehee says:

    southern white males are getting a little tired of only having chicken deboning and military jobs offered to them. (at least in the rural south).

    Funny thing about the South’s cities, though. People who move there for the big-paying jobs either stay conservative, or become conservative. As in, even from places like New York and Massachusetts.

    It’s only been because of that influx that Georgia flipped from a one-party Democrat-ruled state to having a Republican governor (first since Reconstruction) after the 2002 election, Republican majorities in both houses of the Legislature (first time ever, if I’m not mistaken) after the 2004 election, and a majority of constitutional officers Republican (also first time ever) after the 2006 election.

    That eeeeeevil Republican Southern Strategy, it’s insidious, I tells ya!

  33. Pablo says:

    Barber is very racist while Phillips is a very decent man even if “Republican”.

    Really? And do you mean Haley Barbour? And does Mike Espy know about this? Xavier Bishop?

  34. datadave says:

    Pablo, dude that’s what i telling you…the Democrats are desperate imo. Jimmy was the Most conservative in the field at the time. Democrats lack a consistant ideology and will bend what little they have to win. I think it sucks myself that the Democrats don’t just come out and say they’re “liberal” and “left-leaning” instead they run from those labels Due to the OMINPRESENT right’wing media loading those words with ‘badness’. Maybe it’s the lack of ‘secular humanist’s’ in america. It’s changing. The majority is waking up to the results of conservative rule for the last 3 decades.

    Jimmy and “Clit”-on are both conservatives imo. SHOCKING!!!

  35. datadave says:

    spelling…who’s got time for that fine art?

  36. McGehee says:

    the OMINPRESENT right’wing media loading those words with ‘badness’.


  37. McGehee says:

    Jimmy and “Clit”-on are both conservatives imo.

    This from a guy who thinks the media are right-wing — indeed, it is shocking.

    Much like the realization that water is wet.

  38. maggie katzen says:

    and they probaby golf a lot too. anyhoo, interesting how someone has an anecdote for every occassion.

  39. Jeff G. says:

    He’s not into pissing on Africans…just getting attention for more serious matters like stopping the madness of conservatives destroying the environment: odd that Jeff would condone something from a secular humanist and atheist. Wiki again… just to piss ‘em off: “Watson is also a secular humanist and atheist.[2] [3]”

    nice work, Scott.

    Yeah. Nothing says “stop and listen to how much I care” like, “sorry, but the darkies is just plain ol’ jungle dumb!”

    Here’s the thing, datadave — I don’t check someone’s political affiliation before pointing out their boners. And why wouldn’t I condone something from either a secular humanist or an atheist if it happens to be something I agree with? Do you have me confused with Bill O’Reilly or some such?

    Or is it that you’re just generally confused?

  40. Techie says:

    And now I’M lost in this conversation. The “southern strategy” always amuses me, as apparently our votes are only “clean” when they go to Democrats. Sonny Perdue is GA’s first -R- Governor since Reconstruction, and a significant number of Southern states went for Clinton in 1996. We only became despicable and untouchable since “W” won in 2000, and the MSM started that Blue States lost to Red States nonsense of a meme.

  41. Dan Collins says:

    That’s a pretty big boner for a white guy, don’t you think, Scott?

  42. Jeff G. says:

    Why thanks for all the interesting responses guys, it’s nice to see insecurity at work. Considering you fellas are pretty much intellectually bankrupt you resort to penis jokes. Color blindness and penis envy in the same post. That makes this a conservative smörgåsbord! Bravo!

    Oh yes. It’s the “they reacted to my charge of racism, so I’ve shown them to be insecure and defensive — proving their racism!” bit. Q.E.D.!

    You belong at Caric’s dojo. You don’t have the chops for this place, Scooter. Now get along, before I debone you like a trout what looked at me funny.

  43. Patrick Chester says:

    I suppose Jeff could have used the word “Watson” to contain the link, just to make his subcomment obvious. Of course, the usual suspects would have deliberately ignored it so what would be the point?

  44. The Ouroboros says:

    I’m constantly amazed and depressed that there are actually subjects that can’t even be discussed or examined in this country, even at an academic level, without being labeled racist, sexist, homophobic or perverted.. The very act of questioning the narrative, even by the most gifted minds of our times, constitutes a sacrilege. It’s this attitude more than anything else that keeps me from supporting the left in anything.

    Consider the poor guy at Harvard that observed that there are fewer women in the sciences than men; or the medical researcher who’s study indicated HIV/AIDS transmission is much more of a risk to homosexuals than heterosexuals; or The Bell Curve authors that related low intelligence to poverty (and by extension, minorities) ; or the psychologist that studied consensual sexual relationships between underage teens and older adults and found the teens weren’t emotionally scarred by the experience.

    Make the wrong observations in this society no matter how strong the empirical evidence you have to support your conclusions is and a whole section of our society just clasp their hands over their ears and screams “La La La.. I can’t hear you..” or worse goes nuts with hateful ad hom attacks .. And apostate academics are the most hated.

  45. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    “empirical evidence”, you would think that would mean something to a guy with a name such as datadave. You’d think anyhow. As for scotty? A laughable little guy to be pitied, not scorned, I would imagine.

  46. […] to do with the essentialism of sex trumping the construct of race — though I suspect Dr Watson, were he queried, might try to poke such supposition with a set of rudimentary utensils and a […]

  47. Cowboy says:


    I’m constantly amazed and depressed that there are actually subjects that can’t even be discussed or examined in this country, especially at an academic level, without being labeled racist, sexist, homophobic or perverted..

    Fixed that for you, my friend.

  48. The Ouroboros says:

    Thank you.. You are correct, of course..

  49. The Ouroboros says:

    “It’s actually Negra Modelo, but . . . I think Bohemia is better.”

    As for me I find Negra Modelo to be overrated least to my palate.. I prefer San Miguel from the Philippines.. I’m not sure where exactly Filipinos fall in the big racial intelligence bell-curve debate but if mad beer making skilz are evidence of intelligence then they must be freakin brilliant…

  50. SteveG says:

    I’d like to read a full transcript of his talk before crucifying the guy

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