
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Hot Foreign Affairs Officer [Dan Collins]

makes terrorism, non-proliferation assignment in Saudi curiously bland.

Hot but curiously bland Foreign Affairs Officer Tara Foley

h/t Randy Rager at Cold Fury

Also, racist comment spam

Libtard stupidity op: “Yeah, like Laura Bush gives a rat’s ass about foreign people of color.”

20 Replies to “Hot Foreign Affairs Officer [Dan Collins]”

  1. Moron Pundit says:

    I’m in the wrong business.

  2. Mike C. says:

    Because nothing ever happens at the American Embassy in Saudi Arabia.

  3. happyfeet says:

    She looks very clean and happy.

  4. joey buzz says:

    Nice Girl. I was so glad to read that “the night air was soft and warm” as I was worried about that over there.

  5. thgrant says:

    Her site provides a subtle but revealing example of the diplomatic mind. It is difficult to read, because of the lack of contrast between background and text and the intermitent fading pattern. Likewise, diplomats seem to make their living obfuscating the meaning of words, making meaning of what was said difficult to decipher. It hurts my eyes to read it, but I suspect that I’m not missing much. One of the first comments mentions getting together to compare notes, (I’m paraphrasing here), but nothing more. As she still works at State, I would expect nothing but platitudes and PC non-statements. I do know this, she wore what ever the Saudis told her to.

  6. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    Emcee: “Miss Washington DC….If you win the Miss America crown, tell us what you would do to solve worldwide poverty, and bring an end to all wars and suffering…..”

    Ms Foley: “Erm….Well I think thats what people of the US can do to learn more about geography…and they need more maps so the children of Southern African nations will understand better about other places in the world…and…..erm…..yes, and we don’t have enough maps in our public schools, so we need to feed the hungry people in places where maps are hard to find and bring an end to war, but leaning is the most important thing so we should make sure everyone has maps….and food…anf good schools to learn about places that…?……..”

    Ms Foley:“….Could you pronounce the word map, and use it in a sentence please….”

  7. BJTexs says:

    She could have written “It was a dark and stormy night” but that wouldn’t have worked so well in the desert. Maybe something like “It was a dry, humorless and fatwa free night when I landed in Riyadh.”

    Diplospeak is so hard even for bland, hot Foreign Affairs Officers.


  8. thor says:

    Her lack of carnality truly disturbs me.

  9. slickdpdx says:

    How did Janeanne Garofolo land that assignment?

  10. Ted Nugent's Soul Patch says:

    If I join the CIA and Ms. Foley and I happen to get married, can I send her on a fact-finding mission to Iran to see if they really are developing a nuclear weapons program?

  11. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    Ms Foley:“….because obviously starving people can’t eat maps…that would just be silly you know….but we can educate people better in our schools so they’ll know where all these places are that need maps….and food….and we need maps so we can figure out where the wars are we need to end, and a lot more maps and food, don’t forget the food…. and maps of course.….”

  12. buzz says:

    “How did Janeanne Garofolo land that assignment?”

    Not on her best day. Garofolo WISHES she was a hot Foreign Affairs Officer.

  13. mojo says:


    Luke-warm, maybe.

  14. psychologizer says:

    Not on her best day.

    For about six months in the early ’90s, Garofalo was well on her way to teh secksy.

    The shocking decline in her looks and reason started out as a — frankly, insane — attempt to woo Eddie Vedder.

    (Don’t ask.)

  15. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    Ms Foley:“…and the maps should be the pretty ones like you get from National Geographic, not those dinky litle things you see on the backs of napkins from hotels or anything…and no junk food….just good organic thingies….Um…..and thats sort of what I’d like to do for poverty and stuff…”

    Emcee:“…Um….so then thats what you’d do if you won the Miss America crown….well I want to thank…huh…”

    Ms Foley:“Miss America?….*giggle*…Noooooo….I’m not a contestant…..I’m with Herbies all-girl travling band from Pioria…but I did stay at a Holiday Inn express last night…”

  16. thor says:

    Psycho, so you’re officially ruling out any chance of Janeanne Garofolo actually being Eddie Vedder doing double duty in drag?

    I always held out that possibility.

  17. Merovign says:

    Sometimes creative writing majors don’t make it in creative writing, they have to fall back on those “international affairs” classes.

    If your writing is too bland and content-free to make it in the humanities department, I guess you have no choice but the bureaucracy.

  18. tanstaafl says:

    “Yeah, like Laura Bush gives a rat’s ass about foreign people of color.”

    A walking around extant being (possibly even chewing gum at the same time) actually said that ?

    FPOC to describe the Burmese ?

    The planet is doomed.

  19. narciso says:

    Wait a minute, they have weapons of mass destruction in Saudi Arabia; how’d that happen

  20. Chairman Me says:

    Diplomatic immunity means no need for condoms, right?

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