
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2007

"Ward Churchill to teach unsanctioned course on CU campus"

Dangerous. Anti-establishment. Edgy: Fired University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill will return to the Boulder campus next week to begin teaching an unsanctioned course that’s being organized by his student supporters. University officials have distanced themselves from the planned lecture series — slated to begin Tuesday night — and say that Churchill remains terminated. The students organizing Churchill’s teachings say the series is intended for those who “missed out” on

Crossing the Line [Dan Collins]

Christy Hardin Smith of FDL deplores the evil stalker (otherwise known as reporter) Michelle Malkin for looking into the Frost family’s situation: The difference between the far right wing and the far left wing: the far right will do anything — anything — so long as the ends justifies the means. The far left folks have ethical boundaries that they try very hard not to cross: things like attacking other

Had they only worn extra sweaters…

Jimmy Carter, fresh off of sniffing wood glue, takes to legal parsing in defending the Sudanese government against charges of genocide: “If you read the law textbooks … you’ll see very clearly that it’s not genocide and to call it genocide falsely just to exaggerate a horrible situation I don’t think it helps.” Mr Carter, if outcome is any indications, didn’t think a nuclear-free North Korea helped much either —

Paging Congressman Rangel [Dan Collins]

Military sees big decline in black enlistees Must be time to reinstate the draft, right Charlie? (Authentic, fresh Goldstein posts below) My boy Preston’s fagblogging Monday Night Football over at Six Meat Buffet. Go, Faggots! Jane Smiley at the Huffpo: Who’s Sorry, Now? Is this a trick question, Jane? Cuz I’m thinking you’re still sorry.

Fall of the House of Rather: The Miniseries [Dan Collins]

Excerpt from Kurtz’s book, on sale tomorrow: The night before the story was tentatively scheduled to air, Rather was sitting at the anchor desk, with less than half an hour before the start of the Evening News. He called Josh Howard, who had recently been named as executive producer of 60 Minutes Wednesday, and asked what they were doing to promote his story. “We’re not,” Howard said. “We haven’t gotten

Pushback on the Graeme Frost Story [Dan Collins]

Malkin has the most to lose for having had the temerity to look into it (i.e., “stalk the family,” according to the left). What’s the true financial status of the Frosts? Probably somewhere in between what I reported last night and Faiz at Think Progress reports today. If I was wrong, I’ll send a personal apology to the family, as well as eat crow here.

Researchers: Bad Relationships Bad [Dan Collins]

“People continually replay negative experiences.” “People continually replay negative experiences.” “People continually replay negative experiences.” h/t Hot Air

Scenes from my driveway, continued x 63

Deadbeat neighbor: “Is that an Indian? — over there, pouring that Bickels’ new patio?” Me: “Nope. Just a Mexican day laborer with a sunburn.” Deadbeat neighbor: “Are you sure? Because the feathers –” Me: “– Fine, a Mexican day laborer with a sunburn and a fetish, then. But not an Indian.” Me: “And seriously, man. Must you always stereotype like that? Because it’s racist, and it makes me feel really

a CITIZEN JOURNALIST celebrates Columbus Day in the only way he knows how

…By pulling for the Bronx Bombers tonight against the Tribe — Erie heathens, the lot of them, with their flying bug minions blaspheming all that is holy in October. Not that I have any kind of special feelings for the Yankees, understand. It’s just that, well, all things considered, I like Drakkar and thin crust pepperoni pizza a whole lot better than, like, owls and corn. Bless you, Columbus. And

And Now a Word from the Shade of Marcel Marceau [Dan Collins]

These are not happy days for the worldwide al Qaeda brand. Having focused most of its energies on fighting in Iraq, the movement has all but disappeared from the scene in other parts of the global jihad, notably the Caucasus, southern Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Kashmir and the Arabian Peninsula.