
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Paging Congressman Rangel [Dan Collins]

Military sees big decline in black enlistees

Must be time to reinstate the draft, right Charlie?

(Authentic, fresh Goldstein posts below)

My boy Preston’s fagblogging Monday Night Football over at Six Meat Buffet. Go, Faggots!

Jane Smiley at the Huffpo: Who’s Sorry, Now? Is this a trick question, Jane? Cuz I’m thinking you’re still sorry.

25 Replies to “Paging Congressman Rangel [Dan Collins]”

  1. Enoch_Root says:

    Dan – we don’t have no black folks in our military! seriously, we just don’t have that phenom here.

  2. Dan Collins says:

    I think the policy is “Don’t ask, don’t tell,” Enoch.

  3. Enoch_Root says:

    I wonder what the ratio of catholics to prods is. and if it ain’t the proper ratio, well then… time to bring in the bean-counters.

  4. SDN says:

    Historically, since the end of the draft, black volunteers have tended to steer towards non-combat arms.

    The fact is that blacks disproportionately serve in Army combat-service support units, not combat units. When Ricks wrote his piece, such units had become “majority minority,” with more black soldiers than white. By contrast, he observed, the infantry, which generally suffers the most casualties in wartime, had become “whiter than America.” African Americans constituted nine percent of the infantry, compared to 11.8 percent of the age eligible civilian population. In 1995, 79 percent of the new troopers were white, compared with 74.3 percent of civilians. There is little evidence to suggest that these figures have changed much over the last five years.

    Of course, one of the things about the Iraq War is that there is no front line, combat support units shoot and be shot at, and when you throw in the constant Democratic propaganda, it’s not really a surprising trend.

  5. Scrapiron says:

    There should be a drop in enlistments for all races. You would have to be crazy to sign up with a discharge date after Jan 09. If Shrillary or any democrat wins you are dead meat and no one will give a hoot. I advise all young folks to sit it out until after the election in 08. Retired military.

  6. psychologizer says:

    The Museum of American Jewish Military History is a folder with two stills from Biloxi Blues in it. Fire up the trains!

    My uncle’s Navy career was a shameful family secret, whispered like “cancer.” While my family is sadly typical, I’ve never seen that kind of shitty attitude among black parents of vets I’ve known. But they wouldn’t ever be quoted in a news story, either.

    The stat is probably noise. People don’t decide whether to join the military in demographic blocs. Or the black guys who would otherwise join are increasingly imprisoned for piddly shit that in the past would only have got them sent into the army. (Hm.)

    Meanwhile, in the article:

    Meanwhile, during the Civil War,

    Meanwhile, reporters are idiots.

    Meanwhile, Red Auerbach’s dead, and no one else in Boston can be trusted to talk about — let alone speak for — black people. That “” logo might as well be an animated bouncing Klan head on the story.

  7. guinsPen says:

    Jane Smiley at the Huffpo: Who’s Sorry, Now?

    MY EYES !!!

    The citizenry, suckers that we were, bought it because it appealed to their worst selves.

    ’nuff said.

  8. dicentra says:

    I couldn’t get through the first paragraph of Smiley’s piece.

    Kills me though: she basically observes that War Is Hell On Those Who Wage It, as if the Good Wars did no damage to combatants and the Bad Wars manifest their badness by wreaking karmic revenge on its supporters.

    Reminds me of that scene in Brothers Karamazov where the dead priest begins to stink, and they take it as a sign that he wasn’t a good man.

  9. thor says:

    That Smiley piece is magic. The way she reads the minds of everyone at BushCoMcChimpy Inc. is eerie.

    In 2000, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Kristol, and others decided that the US was the boss of the world, and was to be the boss of the world for at least a hundred years. Cheney made himself vice president and grafted his ambitions onto whatever Bush thought he was doing. Already in “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,” the PNACkers were planning to get rid of Saddam Hussein, but then after the Republicans cheated and bullied their way into the presidency (thank you, Jeb Bush), they disdained everything Clinton had learned about Al Qaeda and the Middle East and a potential terrorist attack on American soil.

    Damned disdainers of all that Clinton knew!

  10. B Moe says:

    “…Nothing like the nightmares of the prisoners of Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo or the Black Sites…”

    There is a point where stupidity crosses over into plain evil. Jane is way the fuck over that line.

  11. The Lost Dog (El Pero Perdido) says:

    Anything short of a chateau briand dinner with Cristal is considered torture by the left.

    Nancy Pelosi is going to LOVE it when the IslamoNuts take the opportnity that she and her cohorts are offering, and arrive on our shores with scimitars flashing.

    Nothing better than eighth grade bufoons in control of the government.

  12. Rob B says:

    My favorite thing about Smiley is the unasked question. The same one that plagues millions of Jeopardy fans: If you’re so damn smart and you know the answers, doesn’t it piss you of that you can’t actually get in the game and win because of all the rubes that block your place in line and bury your genius?

    Of course, if they have a “college mascots” week on the show, we could replace SMU’s mustang with her. With that face, no one would notice the switch.

  13. Sean M. says:

    I couldn’t get halfway through that Smiley piece. Turned my stomach.

    Twatwaffle indeed.

  14. J. Peden says:

    Of course, if they have a “college mascots” week on the show, we could replace SMU’s mustang with her. With that face, no one would notice the switch.

    Apparently she’s finally managed to translate bad looks into prose.

  15. Esteban says:

    Smiley should stick to ripping off Shakespeare.

  16. Shawn says:

    The citizenry, suckers that we were, bought it because it appealed to their worst selves.


  17. Slartibartfast says:

    PNACkers? Where’d the lower case “k” come from?

    Oh. Same place the rest of the piece came from. I thought I smelled something awful.

  18. alppuccino says:

    I put my head down and busted through the first paragraph, but then all the words in the next paragraph gang-tackled me and threw me for a loss. I had to punt. (Hey…..nice football analogy. I bet that’s never been done before. Maybe I’m a gifted writer…..fuckinayeeeee)

    I find this Smiley character to be a very accurate depiction of a generation that scuttled has common sense for a little attention. This may sting a bit, but:

    “Okay miss, now the police officer on the phone is telling me that you need to take all your clothes off so that I can check your bum crack for the missing wallet. Believe me, I don’t like it any more than you do. Alright, according to Officer Jablowmee, I need to subdue you by inserting my thumb into your, er uh, puckered rosebud. His words not mine…….Oh and he’ll be sending over a detective Phil McCrackin to do a follow up.”

  19. alppuccino says:

    or has scuttled. Still bad writing either way. It’s kinda my thing.

  20. Farmer Joe says:

    It’s a shame about Jane. I really enjoyed Moo. It was a very effective skewering of academia.

  21. R. Sherman says:

    In the article regarding African American enlistment, I noted that the “face” placed in the story, a Mr. Daley, is 28 years old. He committed to the military in high school but backed out, because he got a better job in the private sector. I also note, that he would have been 18 in 1997, which means his choice to do something other than enlist was not predicated upon the current occupant of the White House.

    Marvelous stuff.

  22. Squid says:

    Moo was a great read, and a scarily recognizable picture of life in the Big Ten. Thousand Acres was a big letdown.

    Reading the linked piece (as much of it as I could handle) makes me realize that her book editors work far harder than most people in publishing.

  23. MarkD says:

    All this to bury the story that the Army again exceeded its recruiting quota? In spite of a mistaken war, no draft, soldiers dying, and the worst presidential approval ratings ever?

    My kids’ generation is looking pretty good to me.

  24. JD says:

    I should never go unsaid that the only people that propose or advocate for a draft are the Leftists.

  25. McGehee says:

    I should never go unsaid that the only people that propose or advocate for a draft are the Leftists.

    And that will never change until they finally let go of Vietnam as their Golden Age.

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