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October 2007

Jimmah and the Chickenhawk smear

From Sean at Brea Canyon, here’s the world’s worst ex-CiC using his absolute moral authority (civilian military? Bah! Did the founding fathers build houses for a select few poor, then keep them as indentured servants to property tax increases?) to attack VP Cheney before an international audience: “[Vice President Cheney is] a militant who avoided any service of his own in the military and he has been most forceful in

Ground Chuck [Dan Collins]

HCdl & Spree at Wake up America put some tag-team hurt on His Righteousness.  The Virginian also has thoughts.  Also Sister Toldjah.  Callimachus extracts the most interesting part of the narrative-shaping saga in this post, whereas the lefty blogosphere is all over this bit of trutherism at Think Progress.  So, we get to track this incredibly asinine meme as it spreads, in real time. Speaking of fark, Howard Kurtz argues that the extremely poor

Flinging Their What? [Dan Collins]

Rick Moran at American Thinker gets the SCHIP expansion debate right, but reveals a silly typo on Michelle Malkin’s part. McQ at Q&O gets it right, too. Fausta summarizes what a lot of the commenters here were saying yesterday: Let’s make clear that every issue – be it on entitlements or whatever else – that is debated “for the children” should be debated fully and clearly. The moment anyone presents

Still a bit under the weather, but I'm feeling much better, thanks

Hopefully I can begin regular posting again tomorrow — though I’ll try to throw up some short, fluffy posts in the meantime. Like, for instance, this one — in which I ask your opinion on martial arts. I’ve been thinking about taking up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Aikido with my wife and son — an extension of my p90X training, the first cycle of which I’m about to complete (and

Expanding the Program [Dan Collins]

The Baltimore Sun publishes some hard numbers: The Frosts say the description of their family’s circumstances now circulating is misleading. Halsey, they say, is a self-employed woodworker – he has no employees – while Bonnie works part time for a medical publishing firm. Together, they say, they earn between $45,000 and $50,000 a year. That would make the Frosts eligible for Maryland’s Children’s Health Program, which is open to families

Hot Foreign Affairs Officer [Dan Collins]

makes terrorism, non-proliferation assignment in Saudi curiously bland. Hot but curiously bland Foreign Affairs Officer Tara Foley h/t Randy Rager at Cold Fury Also, racist comment spam Libtard stupidity op: “Yeah, like Laura Bush gives a rat’s ass about foreign people of color.”

I Know I'm Hard-Hearted [Dan Collins]

but I ain’t slaughtering the fatted crow, yet.  The NYT covers the Frostfuffle today, and Malkin’s in the article.  Here’s a telling bit: In a telephone interview, the Frosts said they had recently been rejected by three private insurance companies because of pre-existing medical conditions. “We stood up in the first place because S-chip really helped our family and we wanted to help other families,” Mrs. Frost said. Well, yeah. 

Emit Your Vibes [Dan Collins]

“Day by Day” cartoonist Chris Muir could use your well-wishes and prayers.

Troublemaking Cardinal [Dan Collins]

prods anthill with “stick of reason.” Interfaith dialogue response of burnings, killings expected shortly. Men of the cloth? Vodkapundit prematurely crotchety, very funny, drunkblogging the Republican debate.

Baby, You Are So Good [Dan Collins]

and Chuck Adkins is so dumb: It’s not here anymore. Yeah, I killed it. Why? Because I received an e-mail from a Newspaper Reporter/Blogger telling me that they’re doing a investigative piece on Michelle Malkin. She didn’t want Malkin playing the victim card.  So, it’s gone. If she’d been just a run of the mill Blogger, I would have told her to get bent… But she’s a reporter, She writes