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October 2007

Sanchez Rips War Press Redundant New Asshole* [Dan Collins]

From Power Line: If the Bush administration gets attacked, the press will report it. But what if someone attacks the press? If the attack goes unreported, did it ever really happen? Today General Ricardo Sanchez gave a speech to the Military Reporters and Editors’ annual conference, in which he criticized just about everyone associated with our effort in Iraq. The Washington Post’s headline was typical: “Former Iraq Commander Faults Bush.”

Liberation Theology Comes to Detroit [Dan Collins]

Good Catholics support government-run health care, or at least the expansion of SCHIP, say some activists in Detroit—and it sure sounds like the archdiocese office is egging them on: Some Catholics in Metro Detroit are organizing a media and Internet blitz against three local members of Congress, saying the representatives’ stand against a Democratic proposal to finance the State Children’s Health Insurance Program — known as MIChild in Michigan —

So, "To Recap" [Dan Collins]

The Washington Times provides a concise synopsis of The Great Frosted Flake-Out. Credit where due: Why Andrew still matters. Another Irish-American puts a foot into Ezra. Is Fenianism anti-Semitism? A Ric Lockean thought experiment: Hypothetical situation, guys. You do know what that means, I take it. Suppose Republicans had decided to use the Frosts as an example. The grandfather has a little money. Picture young Graeme, surrounded by Republican leaders

Bad Irish [Dan Collins]

Keep your powder dry, because Jeff needs to pay off his credit cards. But if you’ve got the scratch, here’s Ace’s situation: I’m leaving Boston because as may guessed, in my none too subtle apartment bleg, I’ve broken up with my gf here, and as she was pretty much the only person I knew here (apart from Boston Irish, but he’s hard to get a hold of), I’m pretty much

a CITIZEN JOURNALIST, still suffering from flu-like delirium, has a brief encounter with former child star Danny Pintauro, who happened to be in Walgreen's buying Halloween candy

me: “Loved you in Cujo. Pintauro: “Pardon me?” me: “I say, I loved you in Cujo. Fine bit of acting, especially for a six-year-old.” Pintauro: “I’m sorry, but I think you have me confused with –” me: “Not a big fan of ‘Who’s the Boss,’ though. Between you and me, Judith Light creeps me out. I think it’s the hair. And Tony Danza? Well, let’s just say he peaked during

A Tale Of Two Oslos [Karl]

The first Oslo is where Al Gore and the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts on the issue of global warming.  What does global warming theory have to do with peace?  Funny you should ask: The Norwegian Nobel Committee said global warming “may induce large-scale migration and lead to greater competition for the Earth’s resources. Such changes will place particularly heavy burdens

Pile of Krug [Dan Collins]

As usual, Krugman comes in later and dumber than anyone else chiming in on the Frostfuffle, an economist who doesn’t see how subsidizing improvidence creates a disincentive toward planning, and shows as much curiosity toward the actual facts of the case (Eg., why didn’t auto insurance cover them?  If they’re already covered by SCHIP, then why the need for expansion?  Why is this program aimed at children covering so many adults?)

Faustian Bargain [Dan Collins]

History is being made at Harvard as the Ivy League university officially installs its first female president.  Drew Gilpin Faust has actually been on the job for several months after being elected earlier this year by the Harvard Corporation, the school’s governing body.Faust is a historian who previously served as dean of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. She succeeds Lawrence Summers, who was pressured out after five contentious years

Barney Frank: Not Ghey Enough! [Karl]

That’s right — Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) is under siege by gay rights groups for leaving transsexuals and transgender individuals vulnerable (in a bill that stands no chance of becoming law while Pres. Bush is in office): “This is a moment of truth for responsible liberals in the Democratic Party,” Frank said in an hourlong news conference on Thursday. Good luck with that, Rep. Frank. It’s the peg for an

EXCLUSIVE: Post Proves That Proggtard Propagated Smear Against McConnell Staffer [Dan Collins]

The proof is here. Other post proves that conservatard propagated smear of Glenn Greenwald Hahaha! I recall how outraged liberals were about Gleen(s)’ sockpuppetry and his lame lying about it after he was nabbed. C’mon guys, just admit it. SCHIP expansion is subsidized mortgage payments for the middle class. Where’s Jeff? I don’t know, so you can stop bugging me about it. I imagine he’s off to Phoenix to watch