
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

February 2009


February 2009

Background on ACORN’s Foreclosure Victim [Dan Collins]

Not exactly getting the JTP treatment, is she? Don’t they vet these people at all?

He Should Be Considered a Flight Risk [Dan Collins]

is one of the helpful observations I received in this email bulletin: Lester Eubanks is wanted for escaping from jail. On May 25, 1966, Eubanks was convicted of murdering a teenage girl during an attempted rape in Mansfield, Ohio. Eubanks shot the victim twice. He then returned to the victim’s location and smashed her skull with a brick. At the time of the offense, Eubanks was on bail for another

I Knew It [Dan Collins]

The Oscars were once again all about scumbag millionaires. Here’s Jules’s critique of the thing: Here’s what I think: That show last night was like a St. Vitus dance by a plastic surgery addicted dowager who’s misplaced her reading glasses and keeps forgetting which decade she’s in. She was in constant danger of popping out of the front of her elaborate napkin-arrangement designer dress, a prospect that only filled viewers

If I Still Watched TV, This Would Make Me Laugh [Dan Collins]

“This just isn’t fair. Everyone in this country wants to watch American Idol and nobody wants to watch what we write. When did America get so stupid?” More about potato-headed fag hunter Bill Moyers. Via Kevin in comments, BTV is covering the Oscars, too.

Jeff on Tony’s April Chicago Session, at Facebook [Dan Collins] [UPDATED BY JEFF at comment 4]

Where: Chicago, IL, Tony Cecchine’s private gym (a few minutes outside O’Hare) When: April 10-12 2009 (note: if you’d like to come out a day early or stay a day late for some extra training, we’re cool with that; as part of the instructor program, many of us will be staying a few extra days anyway, so you hang with us and workout for no extra cost). What: In addition

Moderately Alcoholic Irish Catholics Victimized [Dan Collins]

by nefarious behavior of radically alcoholic Irish Catholics. I’m recurring to the quote I reproduced here: Meanwhile, Rabbi Brad Hirschfield, a producer and host for Bridges TV who worked alongside the Hassans, said “now is not the time” to debate the cultural and religious context of the murder that appears to be an honor killing inspired by Aasiya Hassan’s desire to divorce her husband. “There will be time for that

Anti-Islamic Activities [Dan Collins]

As a sort of companion piece to yesterday’s post on the Buffalo beheading, Mark Steyn: Among that growing population of Yorkshire Pakistanis is a fellow called Lord Ahmed, a Muslim member of Parliament. He was in the news the other day for threatening (as the columnist Melanie Phillips put it) “to bring a force of 10,000 Muslims to lay siege to the House of Lords” if it went ahead with

Sorry About the Outage [Dan Collins]

Pixy’s got the explanation here: The server blew up. :( Dan reported that the site was down, and I took a look, and the server was reporting 6 bad sectors on the drive. 6 bad sectors isn’t a disaster, but it could well be causing problems, so the first thing I did was start a full backup. At that point, the entire server melted. Currently we’re running on an old

You Know What Would Be Really Terrible? [Dan Collins]

If someone started picking the scabs off of the racial wounds: The head of the NAACP on Saturday urged readers to boycott the New York Post, calling a cartoon that the newspaper published an invitation to assassinate President Barack Obama. Benjamin Todd Jealous, president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, called on the tabloid to remove editor-in-chief Col Allan, as well as longtime cartoonist Sean Delonas.

Fish Sauce [Dan Collins]

There’s no such thing as an open thread here, but happyfeet seems to want to talk about the difference between extra virgin fish sauce and not-as-extra-virgin. And since I don’t really have anything, I thought I’d oblige. In other words, what do you all want to fight about? Related: Event: Washington Tea Party “Because the power of the purse is granted by the people.” What: Rally Host: Washington Tea Party