
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

February 2009


February 13, 2009

Congress Approves [Dan Collins]

ginormous assfucking. NTTAWWT. On the plus side, Pelosi can go on her moron holiday. Warren Bonesteel: You people have no idea of the ginormity of this fucking of ass! Do something! Warren Bonesteel: All of you who were within sight of Congress with rocket launchers who did nothing are scum! Parsnip: This ginormous fucking of the collective ass is probably nothing so far compared to what Bush did, if the

Regarding Ric Locke [Dan Collins; UPDATE]

I had promised to send Ric some money. He subsequently asked that I not PayPal it (long story). If one of you whose info I’ve got would allow me to PayPal you some money to send to Ric, and cut him a check, and send it to the address I’ve got, I’d much appreciate it. I can’t, because if I transfer it to my checking account and then send a

Watch Me Pull a Rabbit Out of My Twat [Dan Collins]

Rocky: Again? DEFINITELY NSFW–unless you work for a French company. Then you’re good. [Facebook link] TORTURE ADVISORY (h/t Joe, in comments) Fighting negative perceptions of Muslims, one beheading at a time. Yeah Yeah Yeah Song

Don’t Sit Under the Sophistry [Dan Collins for Jeff]

with anyone else but Warren Bonesteel. If you have a yen to read a very hard bitchslap administered by Jeff, here’s your chance. Related: There’s still time to vote

Moron Spills Beans on Drones [Dan Collins]

Intelligence: A senior U.S. lawmaker said Thursday that unmanned CIA Predator aircraft operating in Pakistan are flown from an airbase inside that country, a revelation likely to embarrass the Pakistani government and complicate its counterterrorism collaboration with the United States. The disclosure by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, marked the first time a U.S. official had publicly commented on where the Predator aircraft patrolling

Oh, What a Night! [Dan Collins]

John Nolte holds forth on the movie, The Reader. Oh, what a night! Oh, what a night. Late December back in ’43. Quite the Nazi death camp time for me, ‘Cause I remember what a night. Oh, what a night. You know, I didn’t even know their names, But they were slated to go up in flames. Dirty semites. What a night. Oh, I. I got a funny feeling when

Begging to Differ [Dan Collins]

a Serr8d joint How about a little community organizing? As I’ve opined before, we ought to all go march in pig masks. Civility NOW!!!

Buffalo Crash [Dan Collins]

Fifty people died when a Continental Connection airplane crashed into a house in Clarence Center shortly after 10:15 p.m. Thursday, setting off a huge fire that could be seen miles away. The dead included 44 passengers, five crew members and a person on the ground. Earlier reports listed only four crew members. A nurse at Erie County Medical Center said the hospital’s second shift had been told to stay late