
Jeff's Wish List

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February 2009


February 15, 2009

Wingnuts + Churchill + Obama = Moonbat Idiocy [Dan Collins]

Because it’s clear how much he cares by the way he takes care of his half-brother even as he rallies for Raila Odinga, yes?

Why I Won’t Take Ecstasy Anymore [Dan Collins]

Because this seems profound.

Obvious punchlines to topical jokes, #6: Alex Rodriguez goes to McDonalds

“…and you may as well go ahead and Supersize that for me, too, honey…”

Patronage, squared: Obamaco to roll-back the clock on “Clinton” Welfare Reform

The “reasonable” explanations from Marc Ambinder notwithstanding, the fact of the matter is, welfare reform is being intentionally rolled back under Obama. From NRO: Prior to reform, the federal government simply gave the states more money for every family they added to the welfare rolls. The predictable result was that the states worked hard to maximize their welfare caseloads in order to maximize the amount of federal funding they could

Just in case you haven’t yet seen it, and in thematic concert with the previous post —

“Smoking gun: caller explains Stimulus as Obama plan to fund permanent Democratic patronage system.” Time to watch Brazil again, I guess. (h/t Geoff B)

I didn’t spend six years in evil bureaucrat school to be called “mister,” thank you very much [Dan Collins]

Via Mike Hendrix, Ann Coulter: HHS bureaucrats will soon be empowered to overrule your doctor. Doctors who don’t comply with the government’s treatment protocols will be fined. That’s right: Instead of your treatment being determined by your doctor, it will be settled on by some narcoleptic half-wit in Washington who couldn’t get a job in the private sector. And a brand-new set of bureaucrats in the newly created office of

Take Back the Life! [Dan Collins]

Marc Sheppard at American Thinker: Let’s never forget “domestic violence” victim Aqsa Parvez, the 16-year-old Canadian girl whose father strangled her for refusing to wear the traditional Muslim head scarf in 2007. Or Amina and Sarah Said of Dallas, both murdered by their father in 2008 for dating non-Muslim boys. Or Sandeela Kanwal of Georgia, who was strangled to death by her Muslim father, Chaudhry Rashid, last July. Rashid’s actions

How About a Bronze of Chamberlain? [Dan Collins]

I sure hope this isn’t his finest hour: A bust of the former prime minister once voted the greatest Briton in history, which was loaned to George W Bush from the Government’s art collection after the September 11 attacks, has now been formally handed back. The bronze by Sir Jacob Epstein, worth hundreds of thousands of pounds if it were ever sold on the open market, enjoyed pride of place