
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


He Should Be Considered a Flight Risk [Dan Collins]

is one of the helpful observations I received in this email bulletin:

Lester Eubanks is wanted for escaping from jail. On May 25, 1966, Eubanks was convicted of murdering a teenage girl during an attempted rape in Mansfield, Ohio. Eubanks shot the victim twice. He then returned to the victim’s location and smashed her skull with a brick. At the time of the offense, Eubanks was on bail for another attempted rape.

On December 7, 1973, Eubanks walked away from an honor assignment from the Ohio Correctional Center in Columbus, Ohio. Reportedly, Eubanks was taken to a shopping center in the south end of Columbus and dropped off to go Christmas shopping by prison officials. Eubanks failed to return to his scheduled pick-up point and was reported by prison officials as a “walkaway.” Eubanks had been sentenced to death in the electric chair, and after three unsuccessful appeals, his death sentence was commuted to life in prison. This was due to a 1972 Supreme Court decision that ruled the death penalty unconstitutional.

19 Replies to “He Should Be Considered a Flight Risk [Dan Collins]”

  1. Alec Leamas says:

    Perhaps he self-rehabilitated? That would show initiative.

  2. urthshu says:

    Have they looked for him in Obama’s cabinet?

  3. Techie says:

    If only he had been through the US Legal system, he might have grown to respect and, perhaps, even honor our notions of justice.

  4. Speaking of flight risks:

    ATHENS, Greece (CNN) — A manhunt was under way Sunday for two inmates who escaped a maximum-security prison when a helicopter plucked them from the roof, Greek officials said.

    The escape played out like a Hollywood action film and was the second such flight to freedom by one of the men.

  5. happyfeet says:

    Hey. You saw there was a break in the Haleigh case yesterday, yes?

  6. pledgepolish55 says:

    So when do the Gitmo boys get taken to Abercrombie and Fitch for their shopping spree?

  7. alppuccino says:

    Lester was never the same after they cancelled The Newlywed Game

  8. Joe says:

    He got a little stimulated when shopping at A&F.

    When I think my wife is being over the top locking doors and watching the kids, I have to remind myself scum like this are out there.

  9. Carin says:

    Happy, you’d think that you wouldn’t invite your pedophile cousin for a visit …

  10. Sdferr says:

    He should be considered a flight risk.

    Hmmmm. I’d rather he be considered dead, as having been executed many years ago in fulfillment of his death sentence. That he would then never have to be considered a flight risk was, after all, at least part of the point of the death sentence in the first place. Damned shame people back in 1972 seem to have overlooked the salience of this eventuality.

  11. Curmudgeon says:

    I am surprised he wasn’t invited to speak at the Oscars.

  12. Mikey NTH says:

    Sdferr – what is an escaped criminal, or a few dead, compared to the importance of the feeling a liberal gets when a criminal is taken off death row and turned loose for Christmas shopping?

  13. happyfeet says:

    I think it’s odd we’re just learning about pedophile cousin. His name is Joe it says, but we don’t really know much more than that. Somehow Joe is creepier than just not knowing I think. Cause Joes are so ubiquitous I guess.

  14. Jim in KC says:

    I am surprised he wasn’t invited to speak at the Oscars.

    That would be the cousin from HF’s story. He could give the “Roman Polanski Lifetime Achievement Award” speech, perhaps.

  15. Carin says:

    Yea … you’d think “pedophile cousin” would show up a tad earlier on the radar.

  16. Techie says:

    On December 7, 1973, Eubanks walked away from an honor assignment from the Ohio Correctional Center in Columbus, Ohio. Reportedly, Eubanks was taken to a shopping center in the south end of Columbus and dropped off to go Christmas shopping by prison officials. Eubanks failed to return to his scheduled pick-up point and was reported by prison officials as a “walkaway.”

    So, there are incarcerated felons wandering our malls? (Hopefully, “were” in the past sense now)

  17. MarkD says:

    Maybe Norman Mailer could invite him to lunch. Oh, wait…

    I think judges should be forced to board these people. Why should the innocent suffer for the cowardice of a judge?

  18. Joe says:

    Comment by happyfeet on 2/23 @ 12:05 pm #

    I think it’s odd we’re just learning about pedophile cousin. His name is Joe it says, but we don’t really know much more than that. Somehow Joe is creepier than just not knowing I think. Cause Joes are so ubiquitous I guess.

    Hey, try not to drag anymore Joes into this. It is bad enough I have to share my name with Plugs Biden and Joe the Plumber.

  19. cranky-d says:

    You think it’s bad for you, Joe? I can’t even use my real name cuz every David who comments here is a tool.

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