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February 2009


February 3, 2009

Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Him [Dan Collins]

A companion to this morning’s post, from RedState: In both the House and Senate version of the stimulus there is a provision that is tailor made for the ACLU to shut down more boy scout troops, divinity schools, etc. As Jeff Poor notes Both versions of the bill, the House version (H.R. 1) that passed on Jan. 28 by a 244-188 margin, without a single Republican vote, and the Senate

Blind Old Cracker Lady Rescued by National Guard [Dan Collins]

As Sgt. Michael Franks pulled up to a shack resting among the ice-coated limbs of a forest in northeast Arkansas, he said he couldn’t believe that anyone was living on the property located miles from any major road — let alone a 92-year-old woman waiting for something to eat. But there was Jewel Kitrel, sitting on a tattered couch, warming herself by a wood-burning stove. Kitrel has lost almost all

Christmas in Darfur [Dan Collins]

BRD’s Christmas in Darfur is available. Please go watch it. Call 1-800-GENOCIDE Ghaddafi behind Janjaweed? Christian Bale goes ballistic, and you can dance to it.

NPR Brings teh Funny [Dan Collins]

Old Politics Crash Into Obama’s New Standards Well, it may not be Camelot, but it’s Waiver-ley. Osama Sam-Lufti threatens Britney.

Liz and what’s-his-face meet Jeff

…At 2 MT. From what I understand from Dan, you can IM or email directly. You can watch here — but to grab the higher quality feed live, you’ll need to download the viewer software. I’m told it takes about 3 minutes to download. Or you can watch the delayed feed here plug-in free.* Don’t be afraid to IM or email questions. Because frankly, I don’t have all that much

Opinion: Obama and the Augean Stables [Dan Collins]

I would like personally to thank the demi-God Obama for undertaking the hard task of exposing political corruption in Washington, DC, one nominee at a time. And to answer Drew M’s question, Mrs. Edwards promises John’s book will tell all.

Still More Why Does Obama Hate Flyover Country? [Dan Collins, UPDATED]

New Orleans based Entergy still hasn’t resumed power for 200k customers after the ice storms of January 27-28. Clearly, this is Bush’s fault. Orchids. I think we need a Tolerance Czar. Don’t you? UPDATE: Malkin has an SOS from hard-hit Paducah

Al-Qaeda Cutting Jobs [Dan Collins]

Economy, Predator Drones to blame: “In the past, you could take out the No. 3 al-Qaida leader, and No. 4 just moved up to take his place,” says one official. “Well, if you take out No. 3, No. 4 and then 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, it suddenly becomes a lot more difficult to revive the leadership cadre.” Yeah, I stole the formulation from AoSHQ. Great day for

Performance Czar Deposed; Daschle Done [Dan Collins; UPDATED]

For non-performance of happy, patriotic duty of every American to remit all owed taxes forthwith. (h/t Techie) Were it not Obama in the White House, I’d say that there was a disturbing trend emerging here. More, with lotsa links, from Gateway Related: How did Obama get to be such a big Dodgers fan? From the comments, it appears that Daschle has withdrawn. I’m concerned about the message this sends to

Judea Pearl Remembers His Son [Dan Collins]

From the WSJ: This week marks the seventh anniversary of the murder of our son, former Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. My wife Ruth and I wonder: Would Danny have believed that today’s world emerged after his tragedy? The answer does not come easily. Danny was an optimist, a true believer in the goodness of mankind. Yet he was also a realist, and would not let idealism bend the