
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

February 2009


February 2, 2009

Conservatism 2.0 at CPAC

No, I’m not invited, but I’ve been thinking it might be a hoot to hold our own classical liberal symposium on those same days, in which we lay out a plan to disseminate (sorry, Amanda! If it helps, we can later move on to fertilization) our ideas, and come up with a strategy for taking back both liberalism and conservatism from the statists on either end who have supplied themselves

Happy Groundhog’s Day [Dan Collins]

Algore went outside, saw his own (hulking) shadow, got frightened and cold and went back inside to turn up the thermostat. So, six more weeks of winter, bitches! And on this slide, you can see . . .

More Wingnut Welfare [Dan Collins]

Via Jammie Wearing Fool: Poor little Puffy. He’s really sorry for cheating on his taxes and now claims to be embarrassed. OK, so if you’re embarrassed, reject the cabinet nomination and go away. You and your fat-cat lobbyist wife don’t have to worry about finances like the little people. Thomas A. Daschle, picked by President Barack Obama to be Health and Human Services secretary, said he was “deeply embarrassed” about

Pam’s House Blend, Village Voice, Others Can’t Get the Story Right [Dan Collins; UPDATED 3x]

Pam Spaulding and (Roy Edroso at) the (troubled*) Village Voice, among others, can’t distinguish between my post on the PJM meltdown and Jeff’s update, addressed to Roger. Moreover, they’ve grabbed the “wingnut welfare” meme so helpfully handed to them by The Fedora and run with it. I’ve got other things to attend to today. Lots, in fact. But I may have to spend some time responding to these twerps. I’d