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February 2009


February 4, 2009

Al Gore updates Jerry Rubin?

Never trust anyone over 12. Yeah. We’re going to hell.

Confederate Yankee Logs 4 Millionth Visitor!

Yay, me! Jesus saves? Obama SPENDS! Posted by: Dan Collins at February 4, 2009 09:53 PM Thank you! Thank you! I want to thank everyone who made this possible, but most of all Algore and Bob Owens. I couldn’t have done it without you. Probably. Maybe.

Irresponsible choice and the failures of social construct theory: a few follow-on thoughts in response to a certain brand of academic feminist

As a follow up to Darleen’s post, I’d like to offer a few thoughts that struck me immediately upon learning Ms Marcotte’s (predictable) position on the case in question. Writes Amanda: The theory that women have a natural urge to have babies is one that’s got a long and ignoble sexist history, […] None of that is to say that the urge to have children that some (but far from

Stupid Bushitler Fails to Live Up to Press [Dan Collins]

From RedState: Polling Group Censures Iraq Death Toll Researcher A prominent group of polling researchers has accused the lead author of a 2006 study suggesting massive civilian deaths in Iraq of violating the polling profession’s codes and ethics. The Executive Council of the American Association for Public Opinion Research said Dr. Gilbert Burnham, a Johns Hopkins University professor, had repeatedly refused to cooperate with an eight-month investigation into his research

Trouble in Socialist Paradise [Dan Collins]

Anti-Papist advisor to Henry VIII sees treason in Lord Ahmed’s Islamist threats to Parliament: As far as Cranmer is concerned, any person, however ennobled, who threatens to bring a horde of 10,000 Muslims upon Parliament in order to stifle debate and bully it into submission is no ‘moderate’. By threatening this, Lord Ahmed has shown himself to be one of the very extremists he purports to eschew, committed to the

Civility NOW! [Dan Collins]

Responding to the hithertounforeseen senseless rage of conservatives unleashed against The One during the opening days of his administration, a new grassroots movement, Civility NOW! has arisen. Former Clinton adviser Lanny Davis heads up this important new movement, tirelessly jetting from talk show to talk show to undertake the important task of reminding Americans that we are all bound together by common interests and should give our new President the