
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

February 2009


February 5, 2009

Porkulus Package Heads Obamitarian Faith-Based Initiatives [Dan Collins]

Warner Todd Huston: The Associated Press is reporting that Barack Obama has today announced that he is “expanding” the faith based initiatives program that George W. Bush started during his tenure. Obama now intends to offer cash support to organizations “no matter their religious or political beliefs.” In other words, now faith based funding will go to groups like ACORN (the Association of Community Activists for Reform Now), the group

Blogger Reads Mincing, Porcine Spending Bill [Dan Collins]

that Congresspeople won’t. Sometimes, I wish I could believe in AGW.

Alert Glenn Reynolds [Dan Collins]

Medical science is progressing at such a rapid rate that observers predict that someday within many of our lifetimes a baby may be delivered through a woman’s vagina. It would probably amount to rape, but there you are. Dennis the Peasant weighs in.

Village Voice Employees Gaming Digg to Increase Traffic? [Dan Collins]

You may recall that a few days ago Roy Subrosa was mocking Jeff for complaining about the termination of “wingnut welfare” in the form of PJM ad network revenues, Roger having supplied them with this peculiar characterization of the business relation between the network and its contractees. I wrote about it at the time, here. On the same day, the Voice terminated its contracts with several writers, including Nat Hentoff.

I’m Certainly Not Posting This [Dan Collins]

if we lot can’t be kind, but Justice Ginsberg is undergoing surgery for pancreatic cancer, which, to speak in the vernacular of the peasantry, is a bitch. So, best wishes to Justice Ginsberg. And if anybody thinks that’s in any way satisfying, a) fuck off and b) consider the likely replacements. Of course, cancer is even more tragic when it strikes the young. I know what you’re thinking. “Did he

The Vanity Fairy [Dan Collins]

As one of Jeff’s legion of worshipful chipmunks, I thought I’d throw caution to the wind and respond to tinkerbellicose James Wolcott’s withered critique of the PJM dustup. Does he dare to eat a peach? It is a strange but not unusual assertion of leftist American self-fashioning when a writer manages to style himself into a gouty English peer with a predilection for bum-boys. Wolly does, in his creepy manifestation