
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

February 2009


February 28, 2009

DOJ Nominee Tases Self [Dan Collins]

Andrew McCarthy at NRO: Indiana law professor Dawn Johnsen, Pres. Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Justice Department’s all-important Office of Legal Counsel, had her Senate confirmation hearing Wednesday. During questioning by Sen. Arlen Specter, the professor professed to be “shocked” by my contention that she had once analogized pregnancy to involuntary servitude, a violation of the Thirteenth Amendment’s prohibition of slavery. I made this contention in a profile of

Live from Bloggers Row at CPAC (sponsored by Pajamas Media)

Report 2: Again, nothing much happening here today — one of the bright lights of the mainstream conservative movement went on air and gushed that everyone who matters to conservatism is here at CPAC (thank God I decided to crash this bitch; I don’t think my psyche could have withstood further marginalization) before going on to interview an Obama bolster with whom he had a good chuckle over how dumb

Hire the Vet [Dan Collins]

But first vet the hire. Yet another installment in The Neverending Story, Instapundit via Riehl: White House general counsel Gregory Craig has seized control of Obama’s vetting process after a series of nominees with unpaid taxes. But his wife’s business may also have avoided taxes. Who vets the vetter? And a source within the D.C. government has told Culligan that authorities have begun a full-fledged investigation into Noyes Graphics. (The

Stacy McCain’s Rule 5 [Dan Collins]

Ed Morrissey blows it. Hotness!

Tea Time for Congress [Dan Collins]

Jawa has up some good video from the Chicago Tea Party. You will have seen most of this already, but Flopping Aces has a video that should be shown over and over and over. I’m going to keep on mentioning how absurd it was for Time to list 25 people to blame for the mortgage meltdown without naming a single Congresscritter. Here’s Frontline’s program on the issue. Who’s missing from

Obama Keeps Campaign Promise [Dan Collins]

Next question: to where should they be redeployed? Three and a half years after Hurricane Katrina, the National Guard is pulling the last of its troops out of New Orleans this weekend, leaving behind a city still desperate and dangerous. Residents long distrustful of the city’s police force are worried they will have to fend for themselves. “I don’t know if crime will go up after these guys leave. But