
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

February 2009


February 27, 2009

Live from Bloggers Row at CPAC (sponsored by Pajamas Media)

Report 1. The College Politico just asked if he could borrow $7 for a sandwich and some Sun chips. I told him to get a job, then popped his little spiral binder. Other than that, not much to report. There’s a consensus here that Obama is very bad, that conservatism needs to battle against his badness, and that the way to do this is to take a few Roger Simon-approved

Weekend in New England Chicago

For any of the pw regulars who’d like to spend some time in Chicago with me (I realize you probably can’t do both the Iowahawk meet and greet and the pw meet and greet, so I’ll understand if you have already been sold on the former), we still have a few remaining spots available at the catch seminar, which will feature instruction in general conditioning, strength training, submission resistance (training

How Many Lumps? [Dan Collins]

Copied to me by Gregory Hill, an email he sent to Insty: To follow up on the message you posted from Robert Mayer: I think there are two dates that need to be focused on for the big protests: April 15th and July 4th. It has been mentioned before that holding massive protests around the country on Tax Day and basically shutting down the main post offices would be quite

Atlas Hurls [Dan Collins]

Read my lips: NO FUCKING WAY! The Obama administration is moving to rescind another controversial Bush administration abortion policy. The regulation, known as the “conscience clause,” took effect on the former president’s final day in office. It allows health care workers to decline to provide or participate in any service that violates their conscience. Next week, according to Obama administration sources, the Department of Health and Human Services will begin

You’re Not Smart Enough, You’re Not Good Enough [Dan Collins]

and goddamnit, you’re an asshole. The Society of St. Pius X has distanced itself from Williamson’s remarks and removed him as the director of its seminary in La Reja, Argentina. Figures.

Penalizing Charity Not Doled Out By The State [Dan Collins]

Patrick Ruffini: There’s a reason people like me argue that elections have consequences, and it’s because of Barack Obama’s tax and spending proposals announced yesterday. Obama’s massive $315 billion tax increase that violates a basic fairness principle in our tax code: that no matter who you are, we don’t count a dollar of income for taxable purposes once deductions for things like charitable donations and mortgage interest are taken into

Economic Hardship Strikes NFL [Dan Collins]

Haynesworth gets 7-year, $100 deal from Redskins After all those trillions in the news, it’s easy to overlook a few place-holders.

The Consequences of the Israelis = Nazis Meme [Dan Collins]

The estimable Melanie Phillips: And that is why so many British Jews now feel under siege in a country that to their horror and astonishment has now turned against them — which they feel every time they switch on the BBC or read the newspapers or go to the office or stand around over drinks with people they once thought were friends but who now force them to make a